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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး

// STARTFILE: main.js // ********************************************************************** // ** ** // ** changes to this file affect many users. ** // ** please discuss on the talk page before editing ** // ** ** // ********************************************************************** // ** ** // ** if you do edit this file, be sure that your editor recognizes it ** // ** as utf8, or the weird and wonderful characters in the namespaces ** // ** below will be completely broken. You can check with the show ** // ** changes button before submitting the edit. ** // ** test: مدیا מיוחד Мэдыя ** // ** ** // ********************************************************************** /* eslint-env browser */ /* global $, jQuery, mw, window */

// Fix later /* global log, errlog, popupStrings, wikEdUseWikEd, WikEdUpdateFrame */ /* eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 0, no-empty: 0 */ $(function() {

   // Globals
   // Trying to shove as many of these as possible into the pg (popup globals) object
   var pg = {
       api: {}, // MediaWiki API requests
       re: {}, // regexps
       ns: {}, // namespaces
       string: {}, // translatable strings
       wiki: {}, // local site info
       user: {}, // current user info
       misc: {}, // YUCK PHOOEY
       option: {}, // options, see newOption etc
       optionDefault: {}, // default option values
       flag: {}, // misc flags
       cache: {}, // page and image cache
       structures: {}, // navlink structures
       timer: {}, // all sorts of timers (too damn many)
       counter: {}, // .. and all sorts of counters
       current: {}, // state info
       fn: {}, // functions
       endoflist: null
   /* Bail if the gadget/script is being loaded twice */
   /* An element with id "pg" would add a window.pg property, ignore such property */
   if (window.pg && !(window.pg instanceof HTMLElement)) {
   /* Export to global context */
   window.pg = pg;
   /// Local Variables: ///
   /// mode:c ///
   /// End: ///
   // ENDFILE: main.js
   // STARTFILE: actions.js
   function setupTooltips(container, remove, force, popData) {
       log('setupTooltips, container=' + container + ', remove=' + remove);
       if (!container) {
           // the main initial call
           if (getValueOf('popupOnEditSelection') && document && document.editform && document.editform.wpTextbox1) {
               document.editform.wpTextbox1.onmouseup = doSelectionPopup;
           // article/content is a structure-dependent thing
           container = defaultPopupsContainer();
       if (!remove && !force && container.ranSetupTooltipsAlready) {
       container.ranSetupTooltipsAlready = !remove;
       var anchors;
       anchors = container.getElementsByTagName('A');
       setupTooltipsLoop(anchors, 0, 250, 100, remove, popData);
   function defaultPopupsContainer() {
       if (getValueOf('popupOnlyArticleLinks')) {
           return document.getElementById('mw_content') ||
               document.getElementById('content') ||
               document.getElementById('article') || document;
       return document;
   function setupTooltipsLoop(anchors, begin, howmany, sleep, remove, popData) {
       log(simplePrintf('setupTooltipsLoop(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', arguments));
       var finish = begin + howmany;
       var loopend = Math.min(finish, anchors.length);
       var j = loopend - begin;
       log('setupTooltips: anchors.length=' + anchors.length + ', begin=' + begin +
           ', howmany=' + howmany + ', loopend=' + loopend + ', remove=' + remove);
       var doTooltip = remove ? removeTooltip : addTooltip;
       // try a faster (?) loop construct
       if (j > 0) {
           do {
               var a = anchors[loopend - j];
               if (typeof a === 'undefined' || !a || !a.href) {
                   log('got null anchor at index ' + loopend - j);
               doTooltip(a, popData);
           } while (--j);
       if (finish < anchors.length) {
           setTimeout(function() {
                   setupTooltipsLoop(anchors, finish, howmany, sleep, remove, popData);
       } else {
           if (!remove && !getValueOf('popupTocLinks')) {
           pg.flag.finishedLoading = true;
   // eliminate popups from the TOC
   // This also kills any onclick stuff that used to be going on in the toc
   function rmTocTooltips() {
       var toc = document.getElementById('toc');
       if (toc) {
           var tocLinks = toc.getElementsByTagName('A');
           var tocLen = tocLinks.length;
           for (var j = 0; j < tocLen; ++j) {
               removeTooltip(tocLinks[j], true);
   function addTooltip(a, popData) {
       if (!isPopupLink(a)) {
       a.onmouseover = mouseOverWikiLink;
       a.onmouseout = mouseOutWikiLink;
       a.onmousedown = killPopup;
       a.hasPopup = true;
       a.popData = popData;
   function removeTooltip(a) {
       if (!a.hasPopup) {
       a.onmouseover = null;
       a.onmouseout = null;
       if (a.originalTitle) {
           a.title = a.originalTitle;
       a.hasPopup = false;
   function removeTitle(a) {
       if (!a.originalTitle) {
           a.originalTitle = a.title;
       a.title = ;
   function restoreTitle(a) {
       if (a.title || !a.originalTitle) {
       a.title = a.originalTitle;
   function registerHooks(np) {
       var popupMaxWidth = getValueOf('popupMaxWidth');
       if (typeof popupMaxWidth === 'number') {
           var setMaxWidth = function() {
               np.mainDiv.style.maxWidth = popupMaxWidth + 'px';
               np.maxWidth = popupMaxWidth;
           np.addHook(setMaxWidth, 'unhide', 'before');
       np.addHook(addPopupShortcuts, 'unhide', 'after');
       np.addHook(rmPopupShortcuts, 'hide', 'before');
   function removeModifierKeyHandler(a) {
       //remove listeners for modifier key if any that were added in mouseOverWikiLink
       document.removeEventListener('keydown', a.modifierKeyHandler, false);
       document.removeEventListener('keyup', a.modifierKeyHandler, false);
   function mouseOverWikiLink(evt) {
       if (!evt && window.event) {
           evt = window.event;
       // if the modifier is needed, listen for it, 
       // we will remove the listener when we mouseout of this link or kill popup.
       if (getValueOf('popupModifier')) {
           // if popupModifierAction = enable, we should popup when the modifier is pressed
           // if popupModifierAction = disable, we should popup unless the modifier is pressed 
           var action = getValueOf('popupModifierAction');
           var key = action == 'disable' ? 'keyup' : 'keydown';
           var a = this;
           a.modifierKeyHandler = function(evt) {
               mouseOverWikiLink2(a, evt);
           document.addEventListener(key, a.modifierKeyHandler, false);
       return mouseOverWikiLink2(this, evt);
    * Gets the references list item that the provided footnote link targets. This
    * is typically a li element within the ol.references element inside the reflist.
    * @param {Element} a - A footnote link.
    * @returns {Element|boolean} The targeted element, or false if one can't be found. 
   function footnoteTarget(a) {
       var aTitle = Title.fromAnchor(a);
       // We want ".3A" rather than "%3A" or "?" here, so use the anchor property directly
       var anch = aTitle.anchor;
       if (!/^(cite_note-|_note-|endnote)/.test(anch)) {
           return false;
       var lTitle = Title.fromURL(location.href);
       if (lTitle.toString(true) !== aTitle.toString(true)) {
           return false;
       var el = document.getElementById(anch);
       while (el && typeof el.nodeName === 'string') {
           var nt = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
           if (nt === 'li') {
               return el;
           } else if (nt === 'body') {
               return false;
           } else if (el.parentNode) {
               el = el.parentNode;
           } else {
               return false;
       return false;
   function footnotePreview(x, navpop) {


' + x.innerHTML, 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber);

   function modifierPressed(evt) {
       var mod = getValueOf('popupModifier');
       if (!mod) {
           return false;
       if (!evt && window.event) {
           evt = window.event;
       return (evt && mod && evt[mod.toLowerCase() + 'Key']);
   // Checks if the correct modifier pressed/unpressed if needed
   function isCorrectModifier(a, evt) {
       if (!getValueOf('popupModifier')) {
           return true;
       // if popupModifierAction = enable, we should popup when the modifier is pressed
       // if popupModifierAction = disable, we should popup unless the modifier is pressed 
       var action = getValueOf('popupModifierAction');
       return (action == 'enable' && modifierPressed(evt) ||
           action == 'disable' && !modifierPressed(evt));
   function mouseOverWikiLink2(a, evt) {
       if (!isCorrectModifier(a, evt)) {
       if (getValueOf('removeTitles')) {
       if (a == pg.current.link && a.navpopup && a.navpopup.isVisible()) {
       pg.current.link = a;
       if (getValueOf('simplePopups') && !pg.option.popupStructure) {
           // reset *default value* of popupStructure
           setDefault('popupStructure', 'original');
       var article = (new Title()).fromAnchor(a);
       // set global variable (ugh) to hold article (wikipage)
       pg.current.article = article;
       if (!a.navpopup) {
           a.navpopup = newNavpopup(a, article);
           pg.current.linksHash[a.href] = a.navpopup;
       if (a.navpopup.pending === null || a.navpopup.pending !== 0) {
           // either fresh popups or those with unfinshed business are redone from scratch
           simplePopupContent(a, article);
       pg.timer.checkPopupPosition = setInterval(checkPopupPosition, 600);
       if (getValueOf('simplePopups')) {
           if (getValueOf('popupPreviewButton') && !a.simpleNoMore) {
               var d = document.createElement('div');
               d.className = 'popupPreviewButtonDiv';
               var s = document.createElement('span');
               s.className = 'popupPreviewButton';
               s['on' + getValueOf('popupPreviewButtonEvent')] = function() {
                   a.simpleNoMore = true;
                   d.style.display = "none";
                   nonsimplePopupContent(a, article);
               s.innerHTML = popupString('show preview');
               setPopupHTML(d, 'popupPreview', a.navpopup.idNumber);
       if (a.navpopup.pending !== 0) {
           nonsimplePopupContent(a, article);
   // simplePopupContent: the content that do not require additional download
   // (it is shown even when simplePopups is true)
   function simplePopupContent(a, article) {
       /* FIXME hack */
       a.navpopup.hasPopupMenu = false;
           navpopup: a.navpopup
       if (getValueOf('popupDraggable')) {
           var dragHandle = getValueOf('popupDragHandle') || null;
           if (dragHandle && dragHandle != 'all') {
               dragHandle += a.navpopup.idNumber;
           setTimeout(function() {
           }, 150);
       if (getValueOf('popupRedlinkRemoval') && a.className == 'new') {
' + popupRedlinkHTML(article), 'popupRedlink', a.navpopup.idNumber); } //</NOLITE> }
   function debugData(navpopup) {
       if (getValueOf('popupDebugging') && navpopup.idNumber) {
           setPopupHTML('idNumber=' + navpopup.idNumber + ', pending=' + navpopup.pending,
               'popupError', navpopup.idNumber);
   function newNavpopup(a, article) {
       var navpopup = new Navpopup();
       navpopup.fuzz = 5;
       navpopup.delay = getValueOf('popupDelay') * 1000;
       // increment global counter now
       navpopup.idNumber = ++pg.idNumber;
       navpopup.parentAnchor = a;
       navpopup.parentPopup = (a.popData && a.popData.owner);
       navpopup.article = article;
       return navpopup;
   // Should we show nonsimple context?
   // If simplePopups is set to true, then we do not show nonsimple context,
   // but if a bottom "show preview" was clicked we do show nonsimple context
   function shouldShowNonSimple(a) {
       return !getValueOf('simplePopups') || a.simpleNoMore;
   // Should we show nonsimple context govern by the option (e.g. popupUserInfo)?
   // If the user explicitly asked for nonsimple context by setting the option to true,
   // then we show it even in nonsimple mode.
   function shouldShow(a, option) {
       if (shouldShowNonSimple(a)) {
           return getValueOf(option);
       } else {
           return (typeof window[option] != 'undefined') && window[option];
   function nonsimplePopupContent(a, article) {
       var diff = null,
           history = null;
       var params = parseParams(a.href);
       var oldid = (typeof params.oldid == 'undefined' ? null : params.oldid);
       if (shouldShow(a, 'popupPreviewDiffs')) {
           diff = params.diff;
       if (shouldShow(a, 'popupPreviewHistory')) {
           history = (params.action == 'history');
       a.navpopup.pending = 0;
       var referenceElement = footnoteTarget(a);
       if (referenceElement) {
           footnotePreview(referenceElement, a.navpopup);
       } else if (diff || diff === 0) {
           loadDiff(article, oldid, diff, a.navpopup);
       } else if (history) {
           loadAPIPreview('history', article, a.navpopup);
       } else if (shouldShowNonSimple(a) && pg.re.contribs.test(a.href)) {
           loadAPIPreview('contribs', article, a.navpopup);
       } else if (shouldShowNonSimple(a) && pg.re.backlinks.test(a.href)) {
           loadAPIPreview('backlinks', article, a.navpopup);
       } else if ( // FIXME should be able to get all preview combinations with options
           article.namespaceId() == pg.nsImageId &&
           (shouldShow(a, 'imagePopupsForImages') || !anchorContainsImage(a))
       ) {
           loadAPIPreview('imagepagepreview', article, a.navpopup);
           loadImage(article, a.navpopup);
       } else {
           if (article.namespaceId() == pg.nsCategoryId &&
               shouldShow(a, 'popupCategoryMembers')) {
               loadAPIPreview('category', article, a.navpopup);
           } else if ((article.namespaceId() == pg.nsUserId || article.namespaceId() == pg.nsUsertalkId) &&
               shouldShow(a, 'popupUserInfo')) {
               loadAPIPreview('userinfo', article, a.navpopup);
           if (shouldShowNonSimple(a)) startArticlePreview(article, oldid, a.navpopup);
   function pendingNavpopTask(navpop) {
       if (navpop && navpop.pending === null) {
           navpop.pending = 0;
   function completedNavpopTask(navpop) {
       if (navpop && navpop.pending) {
   function startArticlePreview(article, oldid, navpop) {
       navpop.redir = 0;
       loadPreview(article, oldid, navpop);
   function loadPreview(article, oldid, navpop) {
       if (!navpop.redir) {
           navpop.originalArticle = article;
       article.oldid = oldid;
       loadAPIPreview('revision', article, navpop);
   function loadPreviewFromRedir(redirMatch, navpop) {
       // redirMatch is a regex match
       var target = new Title().fromWikiText(redirMatch[2]);
       // overwrite (or add) anchor from original target
       // mediawiki does overwrite; eg User:Lupin/foo3#Done
       if (navpop.article.anchor) {
           target.anchor = navpop.article.anchor;
       navpop.redirTarget = target;
       var warnRedir = redirLink(target, navpop.article);
       setPopupHTML(warnRedir, 'popupWarnRedir', navpop.idNumber);
       navpop.article = target;
           redir: true,
           redirTarget: target,
           navpopup: navpop
       return loadPreview(target, null, navpop);
   function insertPreview(download) {
       if (!download.owner) {
       var redirMatch = pg.re.redirect.exec(download.data);
       if (download.owner.redir === 0 && redirMatch) {
           loadPreviewFromRedir(redirMatch, download.owner);
       if (download.owner.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyPreviews')) {
       } else {
           var id = (download.owner.redir) ? 'PREVIEW_REDIR_HOOK' : 'PREVIEW_HOOK';
           download.owner.addHook(function() {
                   return true;
               'unhide', 'after', id);
   function insertPreviewNow(download) {
       if (!download.owner) {
       var wikiText = download.data;
       var navpop = download.owner;
       var art = navpop.redirTarget || navpop.originalArticle;
       makeFixDabs(wikiText, navpop);
       if (getValueOf('popupSummaryData')) {
           getPageInfo(wikiText, download);
           setPopupTrailer(getPageInfo(wikiText, download), navpop.idNumber);
       var imagePage = ;
       if (art.namespaceId() == pg.nsImageId) {
           imagePage = art.toString();
       } else {
           imagePage = getValidImageFromWikiText(wikiText);
       if (imagePage) {
           loadImage(Title.fromWikiText(imagePage), navpop);
       if (getValueOf('popupPreviews')) {
           insertArticlePreview(download, art, navpop);
   function insertArticlePreview(download, art, navpop) {
       if (download && typeof download.data == typeof ) {
           if (art.namespaceId() == pg.nsTemplateId && getValueOf('popupPreviewRawTemplates')) {
               // FIXME compare/consolidate with diff escaping code for wikitext

var h = '

' + download.data.entify().split('\\n').join('
\\n') + '

               setPopupHTML(h, 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber);
           } else {
               var p = prepPreviewmaker(download.data, art, navpop);
   function prepPreviewmaker(data, article, navpop) {
       // deal with tricksy anchors
       var d = anchorize(data, article.anchorString());
       var urlBase = joinPath([pg.wiki.articlebase, article.urlString()]);
       var p = new Previewmaker(d, urlBase, navpop);
       return p;

   // Try to imitate the way mediawiki generates HTML anchors from section titles
   function anchorize(d, anch) {
       if (!anch) {
           return d;
       var anchRe = RegExp('(?:=+\\s*' + literalizeRegex(anch).replace(/[_ ]/g, '[_ ]') + '\\s*=+|\\{\\{\\s*' + getValueOf('popupAnchorRegexp') + '\\s*(?:\\|[^|}]*)*?\\s*' + literalizeRegex(anch) + '\\s*(?:\\|[^}]*)?}})');
       var match = d.match(anchRe);
       if (match && match.length > 0 && match[0]) {
           return d.substring(d.indexOf(match[0]));
       // now try to deal with == foo baz boom == -> #foo_baz_boom
       var lines = d.split('\n');
       for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
           lines[i] = lines[i].replace(RegExp('[[]{2}([^|\\]]*?[|])?(.*?)[\\]]{2}', 'g'), '$2')
               .replace(/'([^'])/g, '$1').replace(RegExp("([^'])", 'g'), '$1');
           if (lines[i].match(anchRe)) {
               return d.split('\n').slice(i).join('\n').replace(RegExp('^[^=]*'), );
       return d;
   function killPopup() {
       if (getValueOf('popupShortcutKeys')) {
       if (!pg) {
       if (pg.current.link && pg.current.link.navpopup) {
       pg.current.link = null;
       if (pg.timer.checkPopupPosition) {
           pg.timer.checkPopupPosition = null;
       return true; // preserve default action
   // ENDFILE: actions.js
   // STARTFILE: domdrag.js
      The {@link Drag} object, which enables objects to be dragged around.
       10.28.2001 - fixed minor bug where events
       sometimes fired off the handle, not the root.
       Pared down, some hooks added by [[User:Lupin]]

       Copyright Aaron Boodman.
       Saying stupid things daily since March 2001.
      Creates a new Drag object. This is used to make various DOM elements draggable.
   function Drag() {
          Condition to determine whether or not to drag. This function should take one parameter, an Event.
          To disable this, set it to null.
          @type Function
       this.startCondition = null;
          Hook to be run when the drag finishes. This is passed the final coordinates of
          the dragged object (two integers, x and y). To disables this, set it to null.
          @type Function
       this.endHook = null;
      Gets an event in a cross-browser manner.
      @param {Event} e
   Drag.prototype.fixE = function(e) {
       if (typeof e == 'undefined') {
           e = window.event;
       if (typeof e.layerX == 'undefined') {
           e.layerX = e.offsetX;
       if (typeof e.layerY == 'undefined') {
           e.layerY = e.offsetY;
       return e;
      Initialises the Drag instance by telling it which object you want to be draggable, and what you want to drag it by.
      @param {DOMElement} o The "handle" by which oRoot is dragged.
      @param {DOMElement} oRoot The object which moves when o is dragged, or o if omitted.
   Drag.prototype.init = function(o, oRoot) {
       var dragObj = this;
       this.obj = o;
       o.onmousedown = function(e) {
           dragObj.start.apply(dragObj, [e]);
       o.dragging = false;
       o.popups_draggable = true;
       o.hmode = true;
       o.vmode = true;
       o.root = oRoot ? oRoot : o;
       if (isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.left, 10))) {
           o.root.style.left = "0px";
       if (isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.top, 10))) {
           o.root.style.top = "0px";
       o.root.onthisStart = function() {};
       o.root.onthisEnd = function() {};
       o.root.onthis = function() {};
      Starts the drag.
      @param {Event} e
   Drag.prototype.start = function(e) {
       var o = this.obj; // = this;
       e = this.fixE(e);
       if (this.startCondition && !this.startCondition(e)) {
       var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom, 10);
       var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right, 10);
       o.root.onthisStart(x, y);
       o.lastMouseX = e.clientX;
       o.lastMouseY = e.clientY;
       var dragObj = this;
       o.onmousemoveDefault = document.onmousemove;
       o.dragging = true;
       document.onmousemove = function(e) {
           dragObj.drag.apply(dragObj, [e]);
       document.onmouseup = function(e) {
           dragObj.end.apply(dragObj, [e]);
       return false;
      Does the drag.
      @param {Event} e
   Drag.prototype.drag = function(e) {
       e = this.fixE(e);
       var o = this.obj;
       var ey = e.clientY;
       var ex = e.clientX;
       var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom, 10);
       var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right, 10);
       var nx, ny;
       nx = x + ((ex - o.lastMouseX) * (o.hmode ? 1 : -1));
       ny = y + ((ey - o.lastMouseY) * (o.vmode ? 1 : -1));
       this.obj.root.style[o.hmode ? "left" : "right"] = nx + "px";
       this.obj.root.style[o.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"] = ny + "px";
       this.obj.lastMouseX = ex;
       this.obj.lastMouseY = ey;
       this.obj.root.onthis(nx, ny);
       return false;
      Ends the drag.
   Drag.prototype.end = function() {
       document.onmousemove = this.obj.onmousemoveDefault;
       document.onmouseup = null;
       this.obj.dragging = false;
       if (this.endHook) {
           this.endHook(parseInt(this.obj.root.style[this.obj.hmode ? "left" : "right"], 10),
               parseInt(this.obj.root.style[this.obj.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"], 10));
   // ENDFILE: domdrag.js
   // STARTFILE: structures.js
   pg.structures.original = {};
   pg.structures.original.popupLayout = function() {
       return ['popupError', 'popupImage', 'popupTopLinks', 'popupTitle',
           'popupUserData', 'popupData', 'popupOtherLinks',
           'popupRedir', ['popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks',
               'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'
           'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'],
           'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab'
   pg.structures.original.popupRedirSpans = function() {
       return ['popupRedir', 'popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks',
           'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'
   pg.structures.original.popupTitle = function(x) {
       if (!getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) {
           return navlinkStringToHTML('<<mainlink>>', x.article, x.params);
       return ;
   pg.structures.original.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
       if (getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) {
           return navLinksHTML(x.article, x.hint, x.params);
       return ;
   pg.structures.original.popupImage = function(x) {
       log('original.popupImage, x.article=' + x.article + ', x.navpop.idNumber=' + x.navpop.idNumber);
       return imageHTML(x.article, x.navpop.idNumber);
   pg.structures.original.popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.original.popupTitle;
   pg.structures.original.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.original.popupTopLinks;

   function copyStructure(oldStructure, newStructure) {
       pg.structures[newStructure] = {};
       for (var prop in pg.structures[oldStructure]) {
           pg.structures[newStructure][prop] = pg.structures[oldStructure][prop];
   copyStructure('original', 'nostalgia');
   pg.structures.nostalgia.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
       var str = ;
       str += '<<mainlink|shortcut= >>';
       // user links
       // contribs - log - count - email - block
       // count only if applicable; block only if popupAdminLinks
       str += 'if(user){
<<contribs|shortcut=c>>'; str += 'if(wikimedia){*<<count|shortcut=#>>}'; str += 'if(ipuser){}else{*<<email|shortcut=E>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>}}';
       // editing links
       // talkpage   -> edit|new - history - un|watch - article|edit
       // other page -> edit - history - un|watch - talk|edit|new
       var editstr = '<<edit|shortcut=e>>';
       var editOldidStr = 'if(oldid){<<editOld|shortcut=e>>|<<revert|shortcut=v|rv>>|<<edit|cur>>}else{' +
           editstr + '}';
       var historystr = '<<history|shortcut=h>>';
       var watchstr = '<<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>>';
       str += '
if(talk){' + editOldidStr + '|<<new|shortcut=+>>' + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<<article|shortcut=a>>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '}else{' + // not a talk page editOldidStr + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<<talk|shortcut=t>>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>}';
       // misc links
       str += '
<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r>>'; str += 'if(admin){
       // admin links
       str += 'if(admin){*<<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>*' +
       return navlinkStringToHTML(str, x.article, x.params);
   pg.structures.nostalgia.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.nostalgia.popupTopLinks;
   /** -- fancy -- **/
   copyStructure('original', 'fancy');
   pg.structures.fancy.popupTitle = function(x) {
       return navlinkStringToHTML('<<mainlink>>', x.article, x.params);
   pg.structures.fancy.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
       var hist = '<<history|shortcut=h|hist>>|<<lastEdit|shortcut=/|last>>|<<editors|shortcut=E|eds>>';
       var watch = '<<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>>';
       var move = '<<move|shortcut=m|move>>';
       return navlinkStringToHTML('if(talk){' +
           '<<edit|shortcut=e>>|<<new|shortcut=+|+>>*' + hist + '*' +
           '<<article|shortcut=a>>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '*' + watch + '*' + move +
           '}else{<<edit|shortcut=e>>*' + hist +
           '*<<talk|shortcut=t|>>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>' +
           '*' + watch + '*' + move + '}
', x.article, x.params); }; pg.structures.fancy.popupOtherLinks = function(x) { var admin = '<<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>*<<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d|del>>'; var user = '<<contribs|shortcut=c>>if(wikimedia){|<<count|shortcut=#|#>>}'; user += 'if(ipuser){|<<arin>>}else{*<<email|shortcut=E|' + popupString('email') + '>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>}';
       var normal = '<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l|links here>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r|related>>';
       return navlinkStringToHTML('
if(user){' + user + '*}if(admin){' + admin + 'if(user){
}else{*}}' + normal, x.article, x.params); }; pg.structures.fancy.popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.fancy.popupTitle; pg.structures.fancy.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.fancy.popupTopLinks; pg.structures.fancy.popupRedirOtherLinks = pg.structures.fancy.popupOtherLinks;

   /** -- fancy2 -- **/
   // hack for User:MacGyverMagic
   copyStructure('fancy', 'fancy2');
   pg.structures.fancy2.popupTopLinks = function(x) { // hack out the 
at the end and put one at the beginning return '
' + pg.structures.fancy.popupTopLinks(x).replace(RegExp('
$', 'i'), ); }; pg.structures.fancy2.popupLayout = function() { // move toplinks to after the title return ['popupError', 'popupImage', 'popupTitle', 'popupUserData', 'popupData', 'popupTopLinks', 'popupOtherLinks', 'popupRedir', ['popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks', 'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'], 'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'], 'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab' ]; };
   /** -- menus -- **/
   copyStructure('original', 'menus');
   pg.structures.menus.popupLayout = function() {
       return ['popupError', 'popupImage', 'popupTopLinks', 'popupTitle', 'popupOtherLinks',
           'popupRedir', ['popupWarnRedir', 'popupRedirTopLinks', 'popupRedirTitle', 'popupRedirData', 'popupRedirOtherLinks'],
           'popupUserData', 'popupData', 'popupMiscTools', ['popupRedlink'],
           'popupPrePreviewSep', 'popupPreview', 'popupSecondPreview', 'popupPreviewMore', 'popupPostPreview', 'popupFixDab'
   pg.structures.menus.popupTopLinks = function(x, shorter) {
       // FIXME maybe this stuff should be cached
       var s = [];

var dropdiv = '


       var hist = '<<history|shortcut=h>>';
       if (!shorter) {
           hist = '<menurow>' + hist +
       var lastedit = '<<lastEdit|shortcut=/|show last edit>>';
       var thank = 'if(diff){<<thank|send thanks>>}';
       var jsHistory = '<<lastContrib|last set of edits>><<sinceMe|changes since mine>>';
       var linkshere = '<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l|what links here>>';
       var related = '<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r|related changes>>';
       var search = '<menurow><<search|shortcut=s>>if(wikimedia){|<<globalsearch|shortcut=g|global>>}' +
       var watch = '<menurow><<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>></menurow>';
       var protect = '<menurow><<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|' +
       var del = '<menurow><<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d>>|' +
       var move = '<<move|shortcut=m|move page>>';
       var nullPurge = '<menurow><<nullEdit|shortcut=n|null edit>>|<<purge|shortcut=P>></menurow>';
       var viewOptions = '<menurow><<view|shortcut=v>>|<<render|shortcut=S>>|<<raw>></menurow>';
       var editRow = 'if(oldid){' +
           '<menurow><<edit|shortcut=e>>|<<editOld|shortcut=e|this revision>></menurow>' +
           '<menurow><<revert|shortcut=v>>|<<undo>></menurow>' + '}else{<<edit|shortcut=e>>}';
       var markPatrolled = 'if(rcid){<<markpatrolled|mark patrolled>>}';
       var newTopic = 'if(talk){<<new|shortcut=+|new topic>>}';
       var protectDelete = 'if(admin){' + protect + del + '}';
       if (getValueOf('popupActionsMenu')) {
           s.push('<<mainlink>>*' + dropdiv + menuTitle('actions'));
       } else {
           s.push(dropdiv + '<<mainlink>>');
       s.push(editRow + markPatrolled + newTopic + hist + lastedit + thank);
       if (!shorter) {
       s.push(move + linkshere + related);
       if (!shorter) {
           s.push(nullPurge + search);
       if (!shorter) {


' + watch + protectDelete); s.push('

' +

           'if(talk){<<article|shortcut=a|view article>><<editArticle|edit article>>}' +
           'else{<<talk|shortcut=t|talk page>><<editTalk|edit talk>>' +
           '<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new topic>>}</menu>' + enddiv);
       // user menu starts here
       var email = '<<email|shortcut=E|email user>>';
       var contribs = 'if(wikimedia){<menurow>}<<contribs|shortcut=c|contributions>>if(wikimedia){</menurow>}' +

       s.push('if(user){*' + dropdiv + menuTitle('user'));
       s.push('<menurow><<userPage|shortcut=u|user page>>|<<userSpace|space>></menurow>');
       s.push('<<userTalk|shortcut=t|user talk>><<editUserTalk|edit user talk>>' +
           '<<newUserTalk|shortcut=+|leave comment>>');
       if (!shorter) {
           s.push('if(ipuser){<<arin>>}else{' + email + '}');
       } else {
           s.push('if(ipuser){}else{' + email + '}');


' + contribs + '<<userlog|shortcut=L|user log>>');

       s.push('if(wikimedia){<<count|shortcut=#|edit counter>>}');
       s.push('if(admin){<menurow><<unblock|unblockShort>>|<<block|shortcut=b|block user>></menurow>}');
       s.push('<<blocklog|shortcut=B|block log>>');
       s.push('</menu>' + enddiv + '}');
       // popups menu starts here
       if (getValueOf('popupSetupMenu') && !x.navpop.hasPopupMenu /* FIXME: hack */ ) {
           x.navpop.hasPopupMenu = true;
           s.push('*' + dropdiv + menuTitle('popupsMenu') + '<menu>');
           s.push('<<togglePreviews|toggle previews>>');
           s.push('</menu>' + enddiv);
       return navlinkStringToHTML(s.join(), x.article, x.params);
   function menuTitle(s) {
       return '<a href="#" noPopup=1>' + popupString(s) + '</a>';
   pg.structures.menus.popupRedirTitle = pg.structures.menus.popupTitle;
   pg.structures.menus.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.menus.popupTopLinks;
   copyStructure('menus', 'shortmenus');
   pg.structures.shortmenus.popupTopLinks = function(x) {
       return pg.structures.menus.popupTopLinks(x, true);
   pg.structures.shortmenus.popupRedirTopLinks = pg.structures.shortmenus.popupTopLinks;
   pg.structures.lite = {};
   pg.structures.lite.popupLayout = function() {
       return ['popupTitle', 'popupPreview'];
   pg.structures.lite.popupTitle = function(x) {
       log(x.article + ': structures.lite.popupTitle');
       //return navlinkStringToHTML('<<mainlink>>',x.article,x.params);

return '

' + x.article.toString() + '


   // ENDFILE: structures.js
   // STARTFILE: autoedit.js
   function substitute(data, cmdBody) {
       // alert('sub\nfrom: '+cmdBody.from+'\nto: '+cmdBody.to+'\nflags: '+cmdBody.flags);
       var fromRe = RegExp(cmdBody.from, cmdBody.flags);
       return data.replace(fromRe, cmdBody.to);
   function execCmds(data, cmdList) {
       for (var i = 0; i < cmdList.length; ++i) {
           data = cmdList[i].action(data, cmdList[i]);
       return data;
   function parseCmd(str) {
       // returns a list of commands
       if (!str.length) {
           return [];
       var p = false;
       switch (str.charAt(0)) {
           case 's':
               p = parseSubstitute(str);
               return false;
       if (p) {
           return [p].concat(parseCmd(p.remainder));
       return false;
   // FIXME: Only used once here, confusing with native (and more widely-used) unescape, should probably be replaced
   // Then again, unescape is semi-soft-deprecated, so we should look into replacing that too
   function unEscape(str, sep) {
       return str.split('\\\\').join('\\').split('\\' + sep).join(sep).split('\\n').join('\n');

   function parseSubstitute(str) {
       // takes a string like s/a/b/flags;othercmds and parses it
       var from, to, flags, tmp;
       if (str.length < 4) {
           return false;
       var sep = str.charAt(1);
       str = str.substring(2);
       tmp = skipOver(str, sep);
       if (tmp) {
           from = tmp.segment;
           str = tmp.remainder;
       } else {
           return false;
       tmp = skipOver(str, sep);
       if (tmp) {
           to = tmp.segment;
           str = tmp.remainder;
       } else {
           return false;
       flags = ;
       if (str.length) {
           tmp = skipOver(str, ';') || skipToEnd(str, ';');
           if (tmp) {
               flags = tmp.segment;
               str = tmp.remainder;
       return {
           action: substitute,
           from: from,
           to: to,
           flags: flags,
           remainder: str
   function skipOver(str, sep) {
       var endSegment = findNext(str, sep);
       if (endSegment < 0) {
           return false;
       var segment = unEscape(str.substring(0, endSegment), sep);
       return {
           segment: segment,
           remainder: str.substring(endSegment + 1)
   function skipToEnd(str, sep) {
       return {
           segment: str,
   /*eslint-enable */
   function findNext(str, ch) {
       for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
           if (str.charAt(i) == '\\') {
               i += 2;
           if (str.charAt(i) == ch) {
               return i;
       return -1;
   function setCheckbox(param, box) {
       var val = mw.util.getParamValue(param);
       if (val) {
           switch (val) {
               case '1':
               case 'yes':
               case 'true':
                   box.checked = true;
               case '0':
               case 'no':
               case 'false':
                   box.checked = false;
   function autoEdit() {
       setupPopups(function() {
           if (mw.util.getParamValue('autoimpl') !== popupString('autoedit_version')) {
               return false;
           if (mw.util.getParamValue('autowatchlist') && mw.util.getParamValue('actoken') === autoClickToken()) {
               pg.fn.modifyWatchlist(mw.util.getParamValue('title'), mw.util.getParamValue('action'));
           if (!document.editform) {
               return false;
           if (autoEdit.alreadyRan) {
               return false;
           autoEdit.alreadyRan = true;
           var cmdString = mw.util.getParamValue('autoedit');
           if (cmdString) {
               try {
                   var editbox = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
                   var cmdList = parseCmd(cmdString);
                   var input = editbox.value;
                   var output = execCmds(input, cmdList);
                   editbox.value = output;
               } catch (dang) {
               // wikEd user script compatibility
               if (typeof(wikEdUseWikEd) != 'undefined') {
                   if (wikEdUseWikEd === true) {
           setCheckbox('autominor', document.editform.wpMinoredit);
           setCheckbox('autowatch', document.editform.wpWatchthis);
           var rvid = mw.util.getParamValue('autorv');
           if (rvid) {
               var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?action=query&format=json&formatversion=2&prop=revisions&revids=' + rvid;
               startDownload(url, null, autoEdit2);
           } else {
   function autoEdit2(d) {
       var summary = mw.util.getParamValue('autosummary');
       var summaryprompt = mw.util.getParamValue('autosummaryprompt');
       var summarynotice = ;
       if (d && d.data && mw.util.getParamValue('autorv')) {
           var s = getRvSummary(summary, d.data);
           if (s === false) {
               summaryprompt = true;
               summarynotice = popupString('Failed to get revision information, please edit manually.\n\n');
               summary = simplePrintf(summary, [mw.util.getParamValue('autorv'), '(unknown)', '(unknown)']);
           } else {
               summary = s;
       if (summaryprompt) {
           var txt = summarynotice +
               popupString('Enter a non-empty edit summary or press cancel to abort');
           var response = prompt(txt, summary);
           if (response) {
               summary = response;
           } else {
       if (summary) {
           document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary;
       // Attempt to avoid possible premature clicking of the save button
       // (maybe delays in updates to the DOM are to blame?? or a red herring)
       setTimeout(autoEdit3, 100);
   function autoClickToken() {
       return mw.user.sessionId();
   function autoEdit3() {
       if (mw.util.getParamValue('actoken') != autoClickToken()) {
       var btn = mw.util.getParamValue('autoclick');
       if (btn) {
           if (document.editform && document.editform[btn]) {
               var button = document.editform[btn];
               var msg = tprintf('The %s button has been automatically clicked. Please wait for the next page to load.',
               document.title = '(' + document.title + ')';
           } else {
               alert(tprintf('Could not find button %s. Please check the settings in your javascript file.',
   function bannerMessage(s) {
       var headings = document.getElementsByTagName('h1');
       if (headings) {
           var div = document.createElement('div');
           div.innerHTML = '' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(s) + '';
           headings[0].parentNode.insertBefore(div, headings[0]);
   function getRvSummary(template, json) {
       try {
           var o = getJsObj(json);
           var edit = anyChild(o.query.pages).revisions[0];
           var timestamp = edit.timestamp.split(/[A-Z]/g).join(' ').replace(/^ *| *$/g, );
           return simplePrintf(template, [edit.revid, timestamp, edit.userhidden ? '(hidden)' : edit.user]);
       } catch (badness) {
           return false;
   // ENDFILE: autoedit.js
   // STARTFILE: downloader.js
      {@link Downloader}, a xmlhttprequest wrapper, and helper functions.
      Creates a new Downloader
      @class The Downloader class. Create a new instance of this class to download stuff.
      @param {String} url The url to download. This can be omitted and supplied later.
   function Downloader(url) {
       if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
           this.http = new XMLHttpRequest();
       	The url to download
       	@type String
       this.url = url;
       	A universally unique ID number
       	@type integer
       this.id = null;
       	Modification date, to be culled from the incoming headers
       	@type Date
       this.lastModified = null;
       	What to do when the download completes successfully
       	@type Function
       this.callbackFunction = null;
       	What to do on failure
       	@type Function
       this.onFailure = null;
       	Flag set on abort
       	@type boolean
       this.aborted = false;
          HTTP method. See https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec9.html for possibilities.
          @type String
       this.method = 'GET';
       	Async flag.
       	@type boolean
       this.async = true;
   new Downloader();
   /** Submits the http request. */
   Downloader.prototype.send = function(x) {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       return this.http.send(x);
   /** Aborts the download, setting the aborted field to true.  */
   Downloader.prototype.abort = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       this.aborted = true;
       return this.http.abort();
   /** Returns the downloaded data. */
   Downloader.prototype.getData = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       return this.http.responseText;
   /** Prepares the download. */
   Downloader.prototype.setTarget = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       this.http.open(this.method, this.url, this.async);
       this.http.setRequestHeader('Api-User-Agent', pg.api.userAgent);
   /** Gets the state of the download. */
   Downloader.prototype.getReadyState = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       return this.http.readyState;
   pg.misc.downloadsInProgress = {};
   /** Starts the download.
   	Note that setTarget {@link Downloader#setTarget} must be run first
   Downloader.prototype.start = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
       pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[this.id] = this;
   /** Gets the 'Last-Modified' date from the download headers.
   	Should be run after the download completes.
   	Returns null on failure.
   	@return {Date}
   Downloader.prototype.getLastModifiedDate = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       var lastmod = null;
       try {
           lastmod = this.http.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
       } catch (err) {}
       if (lastmod) {
           return new Date(lastmod);
       return null;
   /** Sets the callback function.
   	@param {Function} f callback function, called as f(this) on success
   Downloader.prototype.setCallback = function(f) {
       if (!this.http) {
       this.http.onreadystatechange = f;
   Downloader.prototype.getStatus = function() {
       if (!this.http) {
           return null;
       return this.http.status;
   // helper functions
   /** Creates a new {@link Downloader} and prepares it for action.
   	@param {String} url The url to download
   	@param {integer} id The ID of the {@link Downloader} object
   	@param {Function} callback The callback function invoked on success
   	@return {String/Downloader} the {@link Downloader} object created, or 'ohdear' if an unsupported browser
   function newDownload(url, id, callback, onfailure) {
       var d = new Downloader(url);
       if (!d.http) {
           return 'ohdear';
       d.id = id;
       if (!onfailure) {
           onfailure = 2;
       var f = function() {
           if (d.getReadyState() == 4) {
               delete pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[this.id];
               try {
                   if (d.getStatus() == 200) {
                       d.data = d.getData();
                       d.lastModified = d.getLastModifiedDate();
                   } else if (typeof onfailure == typeof 1) {
                       if (onfailure > 0) {
                           // retry
                           newDownload(url, id, callback, onfailure - 1);
                   } else if (typeof onfailure === "function") {
                       onfailure(d, url, id, callback);
               } catch (somerr) {
                   /* ignore it */ }
       return d;
   /** Simulates a download from cached data.
   	The supplied data is put into a {@link Downloader} as if it had downloaded it.
   	@param {String} url The url.
   	@param {integer} id The ID.
   	@param {Function} callback The callback, which is invoked immediately as callback(d),
   	where d is the new {@link Downloader}.
   	@param {String} data The (cached) data.
   	@param {Date} lastModified The (cached) last modified date.
   function fakeDownload(url, id, callback, data, lastModified, owner) {
       var d = newDownload(url, callback);
       d.owner = owner;
       d.id = id;
       d.data = data;
       d.lastModified = lastModified;
       return callback(d);
      Starts a download.
      @param {String} url The url to download
      @param {integer} id The ID of the {@link Downloader} object
      @param {Function} callback The callback function invoked on success
      @return {String/Downloader} the {@link Downloader} object created, or 'ohdear' if an unsupported browser
   function startDownload(url, id, callback) {
       var d = newDownload(url, id, callback);
       if (typeof d == typeof ) {
           return d;
       return d;
      Aborts all downloads which have been started.
   function abortAllDownloads() {
       for (var x in pg.misc.downloadsInProgress) {
           try {
               pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[x].aborted = true;
               delete pg.misc.downloadsInProgress[x];
           } catch (e) {}
   // ENDFILE: downloader.js
   // STARTFILE: livepreview.js
   // TODO: location is often not correct (eg relative links in previews)
   // NOTE: removed md5 and image and math parsing. was broken, lots of bytes.
    * InstaView - a Mediawiki to HTML converter in JavaScript
    * Version 0.6.1
    * Copyright (C) Pedro Fayolle 2005-2006
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Pilaf
    * Distributed under the BSD license
    * Changelog:
    * 0.6.1
    * - Fixed problem caused by \r characters
    * - Improved inline formatting parser
    * 0.6
    * - Changed name to InstaView
    * - Some major code reorganizations and factored out some common functions
    * - Handled conversion of relative links (i.e. /foo)
    * - Fixed misrendering of adjacent definition list items
    * - Fixed bug in table headings handling
    * - Changed date format in signatures to reflect Mediawiki's
    * - Fixed handling of Image:...
    * - Updated MD5 function (hopefully it will work with UTF-8)
    * - Fixed bug in handling of links inside images
    * To do:
    * - Better support for math tags
    * - Full support for 
     * - Parser-based (as opposed to RegExp-based) inline wikicode handling (make it one-pass and bullet-proof)
     * - Support for templates (through AJAX)
     * - Support for coloured links (AJAX)

    var Insta = {};

    function setupLivePreview() {

        // options
        Insta.conf = {
            baseUrl: '',

            user: {},

            wiki: {
                lang: pg.wiki.lang,
                interwiki: pg.wiki.interwiki,
                default_thumb_width: 180

            paths: {
                articles: pg.wiki.articlePath + '/',
                // Only used for Insta previews with images. (not in popups)
                math: '/math/',
                images: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/', // FIXME getImageUrlStart(pg.wiki.hostname),
                images_fallback: '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/',

            locale: {
                user: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId],
                image: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsImageId],
                category: mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsCategoryId],
                // shouldn't be used in popup previews, i think
                months: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']

        // options with default values or backreferences
        Insta.conf.user.name = Insta.conf.user.name || 'Wikipedian';
        Insta.conf.user.signature = '[[' + Insta.conf.locale.user + ':' + Insta.conf.user.name + '|' + Insta.conf.user.name + ']]';
        //Insta.conf.paths.images = '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/' + Insta.conf.wiki.lang + '/';

        // define constants
        Insta.BLOCK_IMAGE = new RegExp('^\\[\\[(?:File|Image|' + Insta.conf.locale.image +
            '):.*?\\|.*?(?:frame|thumbnail|thumb|none|right|left|center)', 'i');


    Insta.dump = function(from, to) {
        if (typeof from == 'string') {
            from = document.getElementById(from);
        if (typeof to == 'string') {
            to = document.getElementById(to);
        to.innerHTML = this.convert(from.value);

    Insta.convert = function(wiki) {
        var ll = (typeof wiki == 'string') ? wiki.replace(/\r/g, '').split(/\n/) : wiki, // lines of wikicode
            o = '', // output
            p = 0, // para flag
            r; // result of passing a regexp to compareLineStringOrReg()

        // some shorthands
        function remain() {
            return ll.length;

        function sh() {
            return ll.shift();
        } // shift
        function ps(s) {
            o += s;
        } // push

        // similar to C's printf, uses ? as placeholders, ?? to escape question marks
        function f() {
            var i = 1,
                a = arguments,
                f = a[0],
                o = '',
                c, p;
            for (; i < a.length; i++) {
                if ((p = f.indexOf('?')) + 1) {
                    // allow character escaping
                    i -= c = f.charAt(p + 1) == '?' ? 1 : 0;
                    o += f.substring(0, p) + (c ? '?' : a[i]);
                    f = f.substr(p + 1 + c);
                } else {
            return o + f;

        function html_entities(s) {
            return s.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");

        // Wiki text parsing to html is a nightmare.
        // The below functions deliberately don't escape the ampersand since this would make it more difficult,
        // and we don't absolutely need to for how we need it.
        // This means that any unescaped ampersands in wikitext will remain unescaped and can cause invalid HTML.
        // Browsers should all be able to handle it though.
        // We also escape significant wikimarkup characters to prevent further matching on the processed text
        function htmlescape_text(s) {
            return s.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/:/g, ":").replace(/\[/g, "[").replace(/]/g, "]");

        function htmlescape_attr(s) {
            return htmlescape_text(s).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/"/g, """);

        // return the first non matching character position between two strings
        function str_imatch(a, b) {
            for (var i = 0, l = Math.min(a.length, b.length); i < l; i++) {
                if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) {
            return i;

        // compare current line against a string or regexp
        // if passed a string it will compare only the first string.length characters
        // if passed a regexp the result is stored in r
        function compareLineStringOrReg(c) {
            return (typeof c == 'string') ? (ll[0] && ll[0].substr(0, c.length) == c) : (r = ll[0] && ll[0].match(c));

        function compareLineString(c) {
            return ll[0] == c;
        } // compare current line against a string
        function charAtPoint(p) {
            return ll[0].charAt(p);
        } // return char at pos p

        function endl(s) {

        function parse_list() {
            var prev = '';

            while (remain() && compareLineStringOrReg(/^([*#:;]+)(.*)$/)) {

                var l_match = r;


                var ipos = str_imatch(prev, l_match[1]);

                // close uncontinued lists
                for (var prevPos = prev.length - 1; prevPos >= ipos; prevPos--) {

                    var pi = prev.charAt(prevPos);

                    if (pi == '*') {
                    } else if (pi == '#') {
                    // close a dl only if the new item is not a dl item (:, ; or empty)
                    else if ($.inArray(l_match[1].charAt(prevPos), ['', '*', '#'])) {

                // open new lists
                for (var matchPos = ipos; matchPos < l_match[1].length; matchPos++) {

                    var li = l_match[1].charAt(matchPos);

                    if (li == '*') {
                    } else if (li == '#') {
                    // open a new dl only if the prev item is not a dl item (:, ; or empty)
                    else if ($.inArray(prev.charAt(matchPos), ['', '*', '#'])) {

                switch (l_match[1].charAt(l_match[1].length - 1)) {

                    case '*':
                    case '#':
                        ps('<li>' + parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));

                    case ';':

                        var dt_match = l_match[2].match(/(.*?)(:.*?)$/);

                        // handle ;dt :dd format
                        if (dt_match) {

                        } else ps(parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));

                    case ':':
                        ps('<dd>' + parse_inline_nowiki(l_match[2]));

                prev = l_match[1];

            // close remaining lists
            for (var i = prev.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ps(f('</?>', (prev.charAt(i) == '*') ? 'ul' : ((prev.charAt(i) == '#') ? 'ol' : 'dl')));

        function parse_table() {
            endl(f('<table>', compareLineStringOrReg(/^\{\|( .*)$/) ? r[1] : ''));

            for (; remain();)
                if (compareLineStringOrReg('|')) switch (charAtPoint(1)) {
                    case '}':
                    case '-':
                        endl(f('<tr>', compareLineStringOrReg(/\|-*(.*)/)[1]));
            else if (compareLineStringOrReg('!')) {
            } else {

        function parse_table_data() {
            var td_line, match_i;

            // 1: "|+", '|' or '+'
            // 2: ??
            // 3: attributes ??
            // TODO: finish commenting this regexp
            var td_match = sh().match(/^(\|\+|\||!)((?:([^[|]*?)\|(?!\|))?(.*))$/);

            if (td_match[1] == '|+') ps('<caption');
            else ps('<t' + ((td_match[1] == '|') ? 'd' : 'h'));

            if (typeof td_match[3] != 'undefined') {

                //ps(' ' + td_match[3])
                match_i = 4;

            } else match_i = 2;


            if (td_match[1] != '|+') {

                // use || or !! as a cell separator depending on context
                // NOTE: when split() is passed a regexp make sure to use non-capturing brackets
                td_line = td_match[match_i].split((td_match[1] == '|') ? '||' : /(?:\|\||!!)/);


                while (td_line.length) ll.unshift(td_match[1] + td_line.pop());

            } else {

            var tc = 0,
                td = [];

            while (remain()) {
                if (compareLineStringOrReg('|')) {
                    if (!tc) break; // we're at the outer-most level (no nested tables), skip to td parse
                    else if (charAtPoint(1) == '}') tc--;
                } else if (!tc && compareLineStringOrReg('!')) break;
                else if (compareLineStringOrReg('{|')) tc++;

            if (td.length) ps(Insta.convert(td));

        function parse_pre() {
            do {
                endl(parse_inline_nowiki(ll[0].substring(1)) + "\n");
            } while (remain() && compareLineStringOrReg(' '));

        function parse_block_image() {

        function parse_image(str) {
            // get what's in between "[[Image:" and "]]"
            var tag = str.substring(str.indexOf(':') + 1, str.length - 2);
            /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
            var width;
            var attr = [],
                filename, caption = '';
            var thumb = 0,
                frame = 0,
                center = 0;
            var align = '';
            /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

            if (tag.match(/\|/)) {
                // manage nested links
                var nesting = 0;
                var last_attr;
                for (var i = tag.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                    if (tag.charAt(i) == '|' && !nesting) {
                        last_attr = tag.substr(i + 1);
                        tag = tag.substring(0, i);
                    } else switch (tag.substr(i - 1, 2)) {
                        case ']]':
                        case '[[':

                attr = tag.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
                filename = attr.shift();

                var w_match;

                for (; attr.length; attr.shift()) {
                    w_match = attr[0].match(/^(\d*)(?:[px]*\d*)?px$/);
                    if (w_match) width = w_match[1];
                    else switch (attr[0]) {
                        case 'thumb':
                        case 'thumbnail':
                            thumb = true;
                            frame = true;
                        case 'frame':
                            frame = true;
                        case 'none':
                        case 'right':
                        case 'left':
                            center = false;
                            align = attr[0];
                        case 'center':
                            center = true;
                            align = 'none';
                            if (attr.length == 1) caption = attr[0];

            } else filename = tag;

            return '';

        function parse_inline_nowiki(str) {
            var start, lastend = 0;
            var substart = 0,
                nestlev = 0,
                open, close, subloop;
            var html = '';

            while (-1 != (start = str.indexOf('<nowiki>', substart))) {
                html += parse_inline_wiki(str.substring(lastend, start));
                start += 8;
                substart = start;
                subloop = true;
                do {
                    open = str.indexOf('<nowiki>', substart);
                    close = str.indexOf('', substart);
                   if (close <= open || open == -1) {
                       if (close == -1) {
                           return html + html_entities(str.substr(start));
                       substart = close + 9;
                       if (nestlev) {
                       } else {
                           lastend = substart;
                           html += html_entities(str.substring(start, lastend - 9));
                           subloop = false;
                   } else {
                       substart = open + 8;
               } while (subloop);
           return html + parse_inline_wiki(str.substr(lastend));
       function parse_inline_images(str) {
           var start, substart = 0,
               nestlev = 0;
           var loop, close, open, wiki, html;
           while (-1 != (start = str.indexOf('[[', substart))) {
               if (str.substr(start + 2).match(RegExp('^(Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '):', 'i'))) {
                   loop = true;
                   substart = start;
                   do {
                       substart += 2;
                       close = str.indexOf(']]', substart);
                       open = str.indexOf('[[', substart);
                       if (close <= open || open == -1) {
                           if (close == -1) return str;
                           substart = close;
                           if (nestlev) {
                           } else {
                               wiki = str.substring(start, close + 2);
                               html = parse_image(wiki);
                               str = str.replace(wiki, html);
                               substart = start + html.length;
                               loop = false;
                       } else {
                           substart = open;
                   } while (loop);
               } else break;
           return str;
       // the output of this function doesn't respect the FILO structure of HTML
       // but since most browsers can handle it I'll save myself the hassle
       function parse_inline_formatting(str) {
           var em, st, i, li, o = ;
           while ((i = str.indexOf("", li)) + 1) {
               o += str.substring(li, i);
               li = i + 2;
               if (str.charAt(i + 2) == "'") {
                   st = !st;
                   o += st ? '' : '';
               } else {
                   em = !em;
                   o += em ? '' : '';
           return o + str.substr(li);
       function parse_inline_wiki(str) {
           str = parse_inline_images(str);
           str = parse_inline_formatting(str);
           // math
           str = str.replace(/<(?:)math>(.*?)<\/math>/ig, );
           // Build a Mediawiki-formatted date string
           var date = new Date();
           var minutes = date.getUTCMinutes();
           if (minutes < 10) minutes = '0' + minutes;
           date = f("?:?, ? ? ? (UTC)", date.getUTCHours(), minutes, date.getUTCDate(), Insta.conf.locale.months[date.getUTCMonth()], date.getUTCFullYear());
           // text formatting
           return str.
           // signatures
           replace(/~{5}(?!~)/g, date).
           replace(/~{4}(?!~)/g, Insta.conf.user.name + ' ' + date).
           replace(/~{3}(?!~)/g, Insta.conf.user.name).
           // Category:..., Image:..., etc...
           replace(RegExp('\\[\\[:((?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):[^|]*?)\\]\\](\\w*)', 'gi'), function($0, $1, $2) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1) + htmlescape_text($2));
           // remove straight category and interwiki tags
           replace(RegExp('\\[\\[(?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):.*?\\]\\]', 'gi'), ).
           // Links, Links, etc...
           replace(RegExp('\\[\\[:((?:' + Insta.conf.locale.category + '|Image|File|' + Insta.conf.locale.image + '|' + Insta.conf.wiki.interwiki + '):.*?)\\|([^\\]]+?)\\]\\](\\w*)', 'gi'), function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
           // /Relative links
           replace(/\[\[(\/[^|]*?)\]\]/g, function($0, $1) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.baseUrl + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1));
           // Relative links
           replace(/\[\[(\/.*?)\|(.+?)\]\]/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.baseUrl + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($2));
           // Common links
           replace(/\[\[([^[|]*?)\]\](\w*)/g, function($0, $1, $2) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($1) + htmlescape_text($2));
           // Links
           replace(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^\]]+?)\]\](\w*)/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
           // Namespace
           replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?:)?(.*?)( *\(.*?\))?\|\]\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
               return f("<a href='?'>?</a>", Insta.conf.paths.articles + htmlescape_attr($1) + htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($2));
           // External links
           replace(/\[(https?|news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)([^\]]*?) (.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
               return f("<a class='external' href='?:?'>?</a>", htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($4));
           replace(/\[http:\/\/(.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1) {
               return f("<a class='external' href='http://?'>[#]</a>", htmlescape_attr($1));
           replace(/\[(news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)(.*?)\]/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3) {
               return f("<a class='external' href='?:?'>?:?</a>", htmlescape_attr($1), htmlescape_attr($2) + htmlescape_attr($3), htmlescape_text($1), htmlescape_text($2) + htmlescape_text($3));
           replace(/(^| )(https?|news|ftp|mailto|gopher|irc):(\/*)([^ $]*[^.,!?;: $])/g, function($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
               return f("?<a class='external' href='?:?'>?:?</a>", htmlescape_text($1), htmlescape_attr($2), htmlescape_attr($3) + htmlescape_attr($4), htmlescape_text($2), htmlescape_text($3) + htmlescape_text($4));
           replace(, ).
           replace(, ).
           replace(, ).
           replace(, );
       // begin parsing
       for (; remain();)
           if (compareLineStringOrReg(/^(={1,6})(.*)\1(.*)$/)) {
               p = 0;
               endl(f('<h?>?</h?>?', r[1].length, parse_inline_nowiki(r[2]), r[1].length, r[3]));
           } else if (compareLineStringOrReg(/^[*#:;]/)) {
           p = 0;
       } else if (compareLineStringOrReg(' ')) {
           p = 0;
       } else if (compareLineStringOrReg('{|')) {
           p = 0;
       } else if (compareLineStringOrReg(/^----+$/)) {
           p = 0;



       } else if (compareLineStringOrReg(Insta.BLOCK_IMAGE)) {
           p = 0;
       } else {
           // handle paragraphs
           if (compareLineString()) {
               p = (remain() > 1 && ll[1] === ());

if (p) endl('

'); } else { if (!p) { ps('

'); p = 1; } ps(parse_inline_nowiki(ll[0]) + ' '); } sh(); } return o; }; function wiki2html(txt, baseurl) { Insta.conf.baseUrl = baseurl; return Insta.convert(txt); } // ENDFILE: livepreview.js // STARTFILE: pageinfo.js //<NOLITE> function popupFilterPageSize(data) { return formatBytes(data.length); } function popupFilterCountLinks(data) { var num = countLinks(data); return String(num) + ' ' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('wikiLinks') : popupString('wikiLink')); } function popupFilterCountImages(data) { var num = countImages(data); return String(num) + ' ' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('images') : popupString('image')); } function popupFilterCountCategories(data) { var num = countCategories(data); return String(num) + ' ' + ((num != 1) ? popupString('categories') : popupString('category')); } function popupFilterLastModified(data, download) { var lastmod = download.lastModified; var now = new Date(); var age = now - lastmod; if (lastmod && getValueOf('popupLastModified')) { return (tprintf('%s old', [formatAge(age)])).replace(RegExp(' ', 'g'), ' '); } return ; } function formatAge(age) { // coerce into a number var a = 0 + age, aa = a; var seclen = 1000; var minlen = 60 * seclen; var hourlen = 60 * minlen; var daylen = 24 * hourlen; var weeklen = 7 * daylen; var numweeks = (a - a % weeklen) / weeklen; a = a - numweeks * weeklen; var sweeks = addunit(numweeks, 'week'); var numdays = (a - a % daylen) / daylen; a = a - numdays * daylen; var sdays = addunit(numdays, 'day'); var numhours = (a - a % hourlen) / hourlen; a = a - numhours * hourlen; var shours = addunit(numhours, 'hour'); var nummins = (a - a % minlen) / minlen; a = a - nummins * minlen; var smins = addunit(nummins, 'minute'); var numsecs = (a - a % seclen) / seclen; a = a - numsecs * seclen; var ssecs = addunit(numsecs, 'second'); if (aa > 4 * weeklen) { return sweeks; } if (aa > weeklen) { return sweeks + ' ' + sdays; } if (aa > daylen) { return sdays + ' ' + shours; } if (aa > 6 * hourlen) { return shours; } if (aa > hourlen) { return shours + ' ' + smins; } if (aa > 10 * minlen) { return smins; } if (aa > minlen) { return smins + ' ' + ssecs; } return ssecs; } function addunit(num, str) { return + num + ' ' + ((num != 1) ? popupString(str + 's') : popupString(str)); } function runPopupFilters(list, data, download) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (list[i] && typeof list[i] == 'function') { var s = list[i](data, download, download.owner.article); if (s) { ret.push(s); } } } return ret; } function getPageInfo(data, download) { if (!data || data.length === 0) { return popupString('Empty page'); } var popupFilters = getValueOf('popupFilters') || []; var extraPopupFilters = getValueOf('extraPopupFilters') || []; var pageInfoArray = runPopupFilters(popupFilters.concat(extraPopupFilters), data, download); var pageInfo = pageInfoArray.join(', '); if (pageInfo !== ) { pageInfo = upcaseFirst(pageInfo); } return pageInfo; } // this could be improved! function countLinks(wikiText) { return wikiText.split('[[').length - 1; } // if N = # matches, n = # brackets, then // String.parenSplit(regex) intersperses the N+1 split elements // with Nn other elements. So total length is // L= N+1 + Nn = N(n+1)+1. So N=(L-1)/(n+1). function countImages(wikiText) { return (wikiText.parenSplit(pg.re.image).length - 1) / (pg.re.imageBracketCount + 1); } function countCategories(wikiText) { return (wikiText.parenSplit(pg.re.category).length - 1) / (pg.re.categoryBracketCount + 1); } function popupFilterStubDetect(data, download, article) { var counts = stubCount(data, article); if (counts.real) { return popupString('stub'); } if (counts.sect) { return popupString('section stub'); } return ; } function popupFilterDisambigDetect(data, download, article) { if (!getValueOf('popupAllDabsStubs') && article.namespace()) { return ; } return (isDisambig(data, article)) ? popupString('disambig') : ; } function formatBytes(num) { return (num > 949) ? (Math.round(num / 100) / 10 + popupString('kB')) : (num + ' ' + popupString('bytes')); } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: pageinfo.js // STARTFILE: titles.js /** @fileoverview Defines the {@link Title} class, and associated crufty functions. Title deals with article titles and their various forms. {@link Stringwrapper} is the parent class of Title, which exists simply to make things a little neater. */ /** Creates a new Stringwrapper. @constructor @class the Stringwrapper class. This base class is not really useful on its own; it just wraps various common string operations. */ function Stringwrapper() { /** Wrapper for this.toString().indexOf() @param {String} x @type integer */ this.indexOf = function(x) { return this.toString().indexOf(x); }; /** Returns this.value. @type String */ this.toString = function() { return this.value; }; /** Wrapper for {@link String#parenSplit} applied to this.toString() @param {RegExp} x @type Array */ this.parenSplit = function(x) { return this.toString().parenSplit(x); }; /** Wrapper for this.toString().substring() @param {String} x @param {String} y (optional) @type String */ this.substring = function(x, y) { if (typeof y == 'undefined') { return this.toString().substring(x); } return this.toString().substring(x, y); }; /** Wrapper for this.toString().split() @param {String} x @type Array */ this.split = function(x) { return this.toString().split(x); }; /** Wrapper for this.toString().replace() @param {String} x @param {String} y @type String */ this.replace = function(x, y) { return this.toString().replace(x, y); }; } /** Creates a new Title. @constructor @class The Title class. Holds article titles and converts them into various forms. Also deals with anchors, by which we mean the bits of the article URL after a # character, representing locations within an article. @param {String} value The initial value to assign to the article. This must be the canonical title (see {@link Title#value}. Omit this in the constructor and use another function to set the title if this is unavailable. */ function Title(val) { /** The canonical article title. This must be in UTF-8 with no entities, escaping or nasties. Also, underscores should be replaced with spaces. @type String @private */ this.value = null; /** The canonical form of the anchor. This should be exactly as it appears in the URL, i.e. with the .C3.0A bits in. @type String */ this.anchor = ; this.setUtf(val); } Title.prototype = new Stringwrapper(); /** Returns the canonical representation of the article title, optionally without anchor. @param {boolean} omitAnchor @fixme Decide specs for anchor @return String The article title and the anchor. */ Title.prototype.toString = function(omitAnchor) { return this.value + ((!omitAnchor && this.anchor) ? '#' + this.anchorString() : ); }; Title.prototype.anchorString = function() { if (!this.anchor) { return ; } var split = this.anchor.parenSplit(/((?:[.][0-9A-F]{2})+)/); var len = split.length; var value; for (var j = 1; j < len; j += 2) { // FIXME s/decodeURI/decodeURIComponent/g ? value = split[j].split('.').join('%') try { value = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { // cannot decode } split[j] = value.split('_').join(' '); } return split.join(); }; Title.prototype.urlAnchor = function() { var split = this.anchor.parenSplit('/((?:[%][0-9A-F]{2})+)/'); var len = split.length; for (var j = 1; j < len; j += 2) { split[j] = split[j].split('%').join('.'); } return split.join(); }; Title.prototype.anchorFromUtf = function(str) { this.anchor = encodeURIComponent(str.split(' ').join('_')) .split('%3A').join(':').split("'").join('%27').split('%').join('.'); }; Title.fromURL = function(h) { return new Title().fromURL(h); }; Title.prototype.fromURL = function(h) { if (typeof h != 'string') { this.value = null; return this; } // NOTE : playing with decodeURI, encodeURI, escape, unescape, // we seem to be able to replicate the IE borked encoding // IE doesn't do this new-fangled utf-8 thing. // and it's worse than that. // IE seems to treat the query string differently to the rest of the url // the query is treated as bona-fide utf8, but the first bit of the url is pissed around with // we fix up & for all browsers, just in case. var splitted = h.split('?'); splitted[0] = splitted[0].split('&').join('%26'); h = splitted.join('?'); var contribs = pg.re.contribs.exec(h); if (contribs) { if (contribs[1] == 'title=') { contribs[3] = contribs[3].split('+').join(' '); } var u = new Title(contribs[3]); this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + u.stripNamespace())); return this; } var email = pg.re.email.exec(h); if (email) { this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + new Title(email[3]).stripNamespace())); return this; } var backlinks = pg.re.backlinks.exec(h); if (backlinks) { this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(new Title(backlinks[3]))); return this; } //A dummy title object for a Special:Diff link. var specialdiff = pg.re.specialdiff.exec(h); if (specialdiff) { this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(new Title(mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':Diff'))); return this; } // no more special cases to check -- // hopefully it's not a disguised user-related or specially treated special page // Includes references var m = pg.re.main.exec(h); if (m === null) { this.value = null; } else { var fromBotInterface = /[?](.+[&])?title=/.test(h); if (fromBotInterface) { m[2] = m[2].split('+').join('_'); } var extracted = m[2] + (m[3] ? '#' + m[3] : ); if (pg.flag.isSafari && /%25[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/.test(extracted)) { // Fix Safari issue // Safari sometimes encodes % as %25 in UTF-8 encoded strings like %E5%A3 -> %25E5%25A3. this.setUtf(decodeURIComponent(unescape(extracted))); } else { this.setUtf(this.decodeNasties(extracted)); } } return this; }; Title.prototype.decodeNasties = function(txt) { // myDecodeURI uses decodeExtras, which removes _, // thus ruining citations previews, which are formated as "cite_note-1" try { var ret = decodeURI(this.decodeEscapes(txt)); ret = ret.replace(/[_ ]*$/, ); return ret; } catch (e) { return txt; // cannot decode } }; // Decode valid %-encodings, otherwise escape them Title.prototype.decodeEscapes = function(txt) { var split = txt.parenSplit(/((?:[%][0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+)/); var len = split.length; // No %-encoded items found, so replace the literal % if (len === 1) { return split[0].replace(/%(?![0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/g, "%25"); } for (var i = 1; i < len; i = i + 2) { split[i] = decodeURIComponent(split[i]); } return split.join(); }; Title.fromAnchor = function(a) { return new Title().fromAnchor(a); }; Title.prototype.fromAnchor = function(a) { if (!a) { this.value = null; return this; } return this.fromURL(a.href); }; Title.fromWikiText = function(txt) { return new Title().fromWikiText(txt); }; Title.prototype.fromWikiText = function(txt) { // FIXME - testing needed txt = myDecodeURI(txt); this.setUtf(txt); return this; }; Title.prototype.hintValue = function() { if (!this.value) { return ; } return safeDecodeURI(this.value); }; //<NOLITE> Title.prototype.toUserName = function(withNs) { if (this.namespaceId() != pg.nsUserId && this.namespaceId() != pg.nsUsertalkId) { this.value = null; return; } this.value = (withNs ? mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' : ) + this.stripNamespace().split('/')[0]; }; Title.prototype.userName = function(withNs) { var t = (new Title(this.value)); t.toUserName(withNs); if (t.value) { return t; } return null; }; Title.prototype.toTalkPage = function() { // convert article to a talk page, or if we can't, return null // In other words: return null if this ALREADY IS a talk page // and return the corresponding talk page otherwise // // Per https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Namespace#Subject_and_talk_namespaces // * All discussion namespaces have odd-integer indices // * The discussion namespace index for a specific namespace with index n is n + 1 if (this.value === null) { return null; } var namespaceId = this.namespaceId(); if (namespaceId >= 0 && namespaceId % 2 === 0) //non-special and subject namespace { var localizedNamespace = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[namespaceId + 1]; if (typeof localizedNamespace !== 'undefined') { if (localizedNamespace === ) { this.value = this.stripNamespace(); } else { this.value = localizedNamespace.split(' ').join('_') + ':' + this.stripNamespace(); } return this.value; } } this.value = null; return null; }; //</NOLITE> // Return canonical, localized namespace Title.prototype.namespace = function() { return mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[this.namespaceId()]; }; Title.prototype.namespaceId = function() { var n = this.value.indexOf(':'); if (n < 0) { return 0; } //mainspace var namespaceId = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds')[this.value.substring(0, n).split(' ').join('_').toLowerCase()]; if (typeof namespaceId == 'undefined') return 0; //mainspace return namespaceId; }; //<NOLITE> Title.prototype.talkPage = function() { var t = new Title(this.value); t.toTalkPage(); if (t.value) { return t; } return null; }; Title.prototype.isTalkPage = function() { if (this.talkPage() === null) { return true; } return false; }; Title.prototype.toArticleFromTalkPage = function() { //largely copy/paste from toTalkPage above. if (this.value === null) { return null; } var namespaceId = this.namespaceId(); if (namespaceId >= 0 && namespaceId % 2 == 1) //non-special and talk namespace { var localizedNamespace = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[namespaceId - 1]; if (typeof localizedNamespace !== 'undefined') { if (localizedNamespace === ) { this.value = this.stripNamespace(); } else { this.value = localizedNamespace.split(' ').join('_') + ':' + this.stripNamespace(); } return this.value; } } this.value = null; return null; }; Title.prototype.articleFromTalkPage = function() { var t = new Title(this.value); t.toArticleFromTalkPage(); if (t.value) { return t; } return null; }; Title.prototype.articleFromTalkOrArticle = function() { var t = new Title(this.value); if (t.toArticleFromTalkPage()) { return t; } return this; }; Title.prototype.isIpUser = function() { return pg.re.ipUser.test(this.userName()); }; //</NOLITE> Title.prototype.stripNamespace = function() { // returns a string, not a Title var n = this.value.indexOf(':'); if (n < 0) { return this.value; } var namespaceId = this.namespaceId(); if (namespaceId === pg.nsMainspaceId) return this.value; return this.value.substring(n + 1); }; Title.prototype.setUtf = function(value) { if (!value) { this.value = ; return; } var anch = value.indexOf('#'); if (anch < 0) { this.value = value.split('_').join(' '); this.anchor = ; return; } this.value = value.substring(0, anch).split('_').join(' '); this.anchor = value.substring(anch + 1); this.ns = null; // wait until namespace() is called }; Title.prototype.setUrl = function(urlfrag) { var anch = urlfrag.indexOf('#'); this.value = safeDecodeURI(urlfrag.substring(0, anch)); this.anchor = this.value.substring(anch + 1); }; Title.prototype.append = function(x) { this.setUtf(this.value + x); }; Title.prototype.urlString = function(x) { if (!x) { x = {}; } var v = this.toString(true); if (!x.omitAnchor && this.anchor) { v += '#' + this.urlAnchor(); } if (!x.keepSpaces) { v = v.split(' ').join('_'); } return encodeURI(v).split('&').join('%26').split('?').join('%3F').split('+').join('%2B'); }; Title.prototype.removeAnchor = function() { return new Title(this.toString(true)); }; Title.prototype.toUrl = function() { return pg.wiki.titlebase + this.urlString(); }; function parseParams(url) { var specialDiff = pg.re.specialdiff.exec(url); if (specialDiff) { var split = specialDiff[1].split('/'); if (split.length == 1) return { oldid: split[0], diff: 'prev' }; else if (split.length == 2) return { oldid: split[0], diff: split[1] }; } var ret = {}; if (url.indexOf('?') == -1) { return ret; } url = url.split('#')[0]; var s = url.split('?').slice(1).join(); var t = s.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) { var z = t[i].split('='); z.push(null); ret[z[0]] = z[1]; } //Diff revision with no oldid is interpreted as a diff to the previous revision by MediaWiki if (ret.diff && typeof(ret.oldid) === 'undefined') { ret.oldid = "prev"; } //Documentation seems to say something different, but oldid can also accept prev/next, and Echo is emitting such URLs. Simple fixup during parameter decoding: if (ret.oldid && (ret.oldid === 'prev' || ret.oldid === 'next' || ret.oldid === 'cur')) { var helper = ret.diff; ret.diff = ret.oldid; ret.oldid = helper; } return ret; } // (a) myDecodeURI (first standard decodeURI, then pg.re.urlNoPopup) // (b) change spaces to underscores // (c) encodeURI (just the straight one, no pg.re.urlNoPopup) function myDecodeURI(str) { var ret; // FIXME decodeURIComponent?? try { ret = decodeURI(str.toString()); } catch (summat) { return str; } for (var i = 0; i < pg.misc.decodeExtras.length; ++i) { var from = pg.misc.decodeExtras[i].from; var to = pg.misc.decodeExtras[i].to; ret = ret.split(from).join(to); } return ret; } function safeDecodeURI(str) { var ret = myDecodeURI(str); return ret || str; } /////////// // TESTS // /////////// //<NOLITE> function isDisambig(data, article) { if (!getValueOf('popupAllDabsStubs') && article.namespace()) { return false; } return !article.isTalkPage() && pg.re.disambig.test(data); } function stubCount(data, article) { if (!getValueOf('popupAllDabsStubs') && article.namespace()) { return false; } var sectStub = 0; var realStub = 0; if (pg.re.stub.test(data)) { var s = data.parenSplit(pg.re.stub); for (var i = 1; i < s.length; i = i + 2) { if (s[i]) { ++sectStub; } else { ++realStub; } } } return { real: realStub, sect: sectStub }; } function isValidImageName(str) { // extend as needed... return (str.indexOf('{') == -1); } function isInStrippableNamespace(article) { // Does the namespace allow subpages // Note, would be better if we had access to wgNamespacesWithSubpages return (article.namespaceId() !== 0); } function isInMainNamespace(article) { return article.namespaceId() === 0; } function anchorContainsImage(a) { // iterate over children of anchor a // see if any are images if (a === null) { return false; } var kids = a.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; ++i) { if (kids[i].nodeName == 'IMG') { return true; } } return false; } //</NOLITE> function isPopupLink(a) { // NB for performance reasons, TOC links generally return true // they should be stripped out later if (!markNopopupSpanLinks.done) { markNopopupSpanLinks(); } if (a.inNopopupSpan) { return false; } // FIXME is this faster inline? if (a.onmousedown || a.getAttribute('nopopup')) { return false; } var h = a.href; if (h === document.location.href + '#') { return false; } if (!pg.re.basenames.test(h)) { return false; } if (!pg.re.urlNoPopup.test(h)) { return true; } return ( (pg.re.email.test(h) || pg.re.contribs.test(h) || pg.re.backlinks.test(h) || pg.re.specialdiff.test(h)) && h.indexOf('&limit=') == -1); } function markNopopupSpanLinks() { if (!getValueOf('popupOnlyArticleLinks')) fixVectorMenuPopups(); var s = $('.nopopups').toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { var as = s[i].getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var j = 0; j < as.length; ++j) { as[j].inNopopupSpan = true; } } markNopopupSpanLinks.done = true; } function fixVectorMenuPopups() { $('nav.vector-menu h3:first a:first').prop('inNopopupSpan', true); } // ENDFILE: titles.js // STARTFILE: getpage.js ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wiki-specific downloading // // Schematic for a getWiki call // // getPageWithCaching // | // false | true // getPage<-[findPictureInCache]->-onComplete(a fake download) // \. // (async)->addPageToCache(download)->-onComplete(download) // check cache to see if page exists function getPageWithCaching(url, onComplete, owner) { log('getPageWithCaching, url=' + url); var i = findInPageCache(url); var d; if (i > -1) { d = fakeDownload(url, owner.idNumber, onComplete, pg.cache.pages[i].data, pg.cache.pages[i].lastModified, owner); } else { d = getPage(url, onComplete, owner); if (d && owner && owner.addDownload) { owner.addDownload(d); d.owner = owner; } } } function getPage(url, onComplete, owner) { log('getPage'); var callback = function(d) { if (!d.aborted) { addPageToCache(d); onComplete(d); } }; return startDownload(url, owner.idNumber, callback); } function findInPageCache(url) { for (var i = 0; i < pg.cache.pages.length; ++i) { if (url == pg.cache.pages[i].url) { return i; } } return -1; } function addPageToCache(download) { log('addPageToCache ' + download.url); var page = { url: download.url, data: download.data, lastModified: download.lastModified }; return pg.cache.pages.push(page); } // ENDFILE: getpage.js // STARTFILE: parensplit.js ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parenSplit // String.prototype.parenSplit should do what ECMAscript says String.prototype.split does, // interspersing paren matches (regex capturing groups) between the split elements. // i.e. 'abc'.split(/(b)/)) should return ['a','b','c'], not ['a','c'] if (String('abc'.split(/(b)/)) != 'a,b,c') { // broken String.split, e.g. konq, IE < 10 String.prototype.parenSplit = function(re) { re = nonGlobalRegex(re); var s = this; var m = re.exec(s); var ret = []; while (m && s) { // without the following loop, we have // 'ab'.parenSplit(/a|(b)/) != 'ab'.split(/a|(b)/) for (var i = 0; i < m.length; ++i) { if (typeof m[i] == 'undefined') m[i] = ; } ret.push(s.substring(0, m.index)); ret = ret.concat(m.slice(1)); s = s.substring(m.index + m[0].length); m = re.exec(s); } ret.push(s); return ret; }; } else { String.prototype.parenSplit = function(re) { return this.split(re); }; String.prototype.parenSplit.isNative = true; } function nonGlobalRegex(re) { var s = re.toString(); var flags = ; for (var j = s.length; s.charAt(j) != '/'; --j) { if (s.charAt(j) != 'g') { flags += s.charAt(j); } } var t = s.substring(1, j); return RegExp(t, flags); } // ENDFILE: parensplit.js // STARTFILE: tools.js // IE madness with encoding // ======================== // // suppose throughout that the page is in utf8, like wikipedia // // if a is an anchor DOM element and a.href should consist of // // http://host.name.here/wiki/foo?bar=baz // // then IE gives foo as "latin1-encoded" utf8; we have foo = decode_utf8(decodeURI(foo_ie)) // but IE gives bar=baz correctly as plain utf8 // // --------------------------------- // // IE's xmlhttp doesn't understand utf8 urls. Have to use encodeURI here. // // --------------------------------- // // summat else // Source: http://aktuell.de.selfhtml.org/artikel/javascript/utf8b64/utf8.htm //<NOLITE> function getJsObj(json) { try { var json_ret = JSON.parse(json); if (json_ret.warnings) { for (var w = 0; w < json_ret.warnings.length; w++) { if (json_ret.warnings[w]['*']) { log(json_ret.warnings[w]['*']); } else { log(json_ret.warnings[w].warnings); } } } else if (json_ret.error) { errlog(json_ret.error.code + ': ' + json_ret.error.info); } return json_ret; } catch (someError) { errlog('Something went wrong with getJsObj, json=' + json); return 1; } } function anyChild(obj) { for (var p in obj) { return obj[p]; } return null; } //</NOLITE> function upcaseFirst(str) { if (typeof str != typeof || str === ) return ; return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); } function findInArray(arr, foo) { if (!arr || !arr.length) { return -1; } var len = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (arr[i] == foo) { return i; } } return -1; } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ function nextOne(array, value) { // NB if the array has two consecutive entries equal // then this will loop on successive calls var i = findInArray(array, value); if (i < 0) { return null; } return array[i + 1]; } /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ function literalizeRegex(str) { return mw.util.escapeRegExp(str); } String.prototype.entify = function() { //var shy='­'; return this.split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('>').join('>' /*+shy*/ ).split('"').join('"'); }; // Array filter function function removeNulls(val) { return val !== null; } function joinPath(list) { return list.filter(removeNulls).join('/'); } function simplePrintf(str, subs) { if (!str || !subs) { return str; } var ret = []; var s = str.parenSplit(/(%s|\$[0-9]+)/); var i = 0; do { ret.push(s.shift()); if (!s.length) { break; } var cmd = s.shift(); if (cmd == '%s') { if (i < subs.length) { ret.push(subs[i]); } else { ret.push(cmd); } ++i; } else { var j = parseInt(cmd.replace('$', ), 10) - 1; if (j > -1 && j < subs.length) { ret.push(subs[j]); } else { ret.push(cmd); } } } while (s.length > 0); return ret.join(); } /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ function isString(x) { return (typeof x === 'string' || x instanceof String); } function isNumber(x) { return (typeof x === 'number' || x instanceof Number); } function isRegExp(x) { return x instanceof RegExp; } function isArray(x) { return x instanceof Array; } function isObject(x) { return x instanceof Object; } function isFunction(x) { return !isRegExp(x) && (typeof x === "function" || x instanceof Function); } /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */ function repeatString(s, mult) { var ret = ; for (var i = 0; i < mult; ++i) { ret += s; } return ret; } function zeroFill(s, min) { min = min || 2; var t = s.toString(); return repeatString('0', min - t.length) + t; } function map(f, o) { if (isArray(o)) { return map_array(f, o); } return map_object(f, o); } function map_array(f, o) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { ret.push(f(o[i])); } return ret; } function map_object(f, o) { var ret = {}; for (var i in o) { ret[o] = f(o[i]); } return ret; } pg.escapeQuotesHTML = function(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">"); }; pg.unescapeQuotesHTML = function(html) { // From https://stackoverflow.com/a/7394787 // This seems to be implemented correctly on all major browsers now, so we // don't have to make our own function. var txt = document.createElement("textarea"); txt.innerHTML = html; return txt.value; }; // ENDFILE: tools.js // STARTFILE: dab.js //<NOLITE> ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dab-fixing code // function retargetDab(newTarget, oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit) { log('retargetDab: newTarget=' + newTarget + ' oldTarget=' + oldTarget); return changeLinkTargetLink({ newTarget: newTarget, text: newTarget.split(' ').join(' '), hint: tprintf('disambigHint', [newTarget]), summary: simplePrintf( getValueOf('popupFixDabsSummary'), [friendlyCurrentArticleName, newTarget]), clickButton: getValueOf('popupDabsAutoClick'), minor: true, oldTarget: oldTarget, watch: getValueOf('popupWatchDisambiggedPages'), title: titleToEdit }); } function listLinks(wikitext, oldTarget, titleToEdit) { // mediawiki strips trailing spaces, so we do the same // testcase: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Radial&oldid=97365633 var reg = RegExp('\\[\\[([^|]*?) *(\\||\\]\\])', 'gi'); var ret = []; var splitted = wikitext.parenSplit(reg); // ^[a-z]+ should match interwiki links, hopefully (case-insensitive) // and ^[a-z]* should match those and Category... style links too var omitRegex = RegExp('^[a-z]*:|^[Ss]pecial:|^[Ii]mage|^[Cc]ategory'); var friendlyCurrentArticleName = oldTarget.toString(); var wikPos = getValueOf('popupDabWiktionary'); for (var i = 1; i < splitted.length; i = i + 3) { if (typeof splitted[i] == typeof 'string' && splitted[i].length > 0 && !omitRegex.test(splitted[i])) { ret.push(retargetDab(splitted[i], oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit)); } /* if */ } /* for loop */ ret = rmDupesFromSortedList(ret.sort()); if (wikPos) { var wikTarget = 'wiktionary:' + friendlyCurrentArticleName.replace(RegExp('^(.+)\\s+[(][^)]+[)]\\s*$'), '$1'); var meth; if (wikPos.toLowerCase() == 'first') { meth = 'unshift'; } else { meth = 'push'; } ret[meth](retargetDab(wikTarget, oldTarget, friendlyCurrentArticleName, titleToEdit)); } ret.push(changeLinkTargetLink({ newTarget: null, text: popupString('remove this link').split(' ').join(' '), hint: popupString("remove all links to this disambig page from this article"), clickButton: getValueOf('popupDabsAutoClick'), oldTarget: oldTarget, summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupRmDabLinkSummary'), [friendlyCurrentArticleName]), watch: getValueOf('popupWatchDisambiggedPages'), title: titleToEdit })); return ret; } function rmDupesFromSortedList(list) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (ret.length === 0 || list[i] != ret[ret.length - 1]) { ret.push(list[i]); } } return ret; } function makeFixDab(data, navpop) { // grab title from parent popup if there is one; default exists in changeLinkTargetLink var titleToEdit = (navpop.parentPopup && navpop.parentPopup.article.toString()); var list = listLinks(data, navpop.originalArticle, titleToEdit); if (list.length === 0) { log('listLinks returned empty list'); return null; } var html = '

' + popupString('Click to disambiguate this link to:') + '

       html += list.join(', ');
       return html;

   function makeFixDabs(wikiText, navpop) {
       if (getValueOf('popupFixDabs') && isDisambig(wikiText, navpop.article) &&
           Title.fromURL(location.href).namespaceId() != pg.nsSpecialId &&
           navpop.article.talkPage()) {
           setPopupHTML(makeFixDab(wikiText, navpop), 'popupFixDab', navpop.idNumber);
   function popupRedlinkHTML(article) {
       return changeLinkTargetLink({
           newTarget: null,
           text: popupString('remove this link').split(' ').join(' '),
           hint: popupString("remove all links to this page from this article"),
           clickButton: getValueOf('popupRedlinkAutoClick'),
           oldTarget: article.toString(),
           summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupRedlinkSummary'), [article.toString()])
   // ENDFILE: dab.js
   // STARTFILE: htmloutput.js
   // this has to use a timer loop as we don't know if the DOM element exists when we want to set the text
   function setPopupHTML(str, elementId, popupId, onSuccess, append) {
       if (typeof popupId === 'undefined') {
           //console.error('popupId is not defined in setPopupHTML, html='+str.substring(0,100));
           popupId = pg.idNumber;
       var popupElement = document.getElementById(elementId + popupId);
       if (popupElement) {
           if (!append) {
               popupElement.innerHTML = ;
           if (isString(str)) {
               popupElement.innerHTML += str;
           } else {
           if (onSuccess) {
           setTimeout(checkPopupPosition, 100);
           return true;
       } else {
           // call this function again in a little while...
           setTimeout(function() {
               setPopupHTML(str, elementId, popupId, onSuccess);
           }, 600);
       return null;
   function setPopupTrailer(str, id) {
       return setPopupHTML(str, 'popupData', id);
   // args.navpopup is mandatory
   // optional: args.redir, args.redirTarget
   // FIXME: ye gods, this is ugly stuff
   function fillEmptySpans(args) {
       // if redir is present and true then redirTarget is mandatory
       var redir = true;
       var rcid;
       if (typeof args != 'object' || typeof args.redir == 'undefined' || !args.redir) {
           redir = false;
       var a = args.navpopup.parentAnchor;
       var article, hint = null,
           oldid = null,
           params = {};
       if (redir && typeof args.redirTarget == typeof {}) {
           article = args.redirTarget;
       } else {
           article = (new Title()).fromAnchor(a);
           hint = a.originalTitle || article.hintValue();
           params = parseParams(a.href);
           oldid = (getValueOf('popupHistoricalLinks')) ? params.oldid : null;
           rcid = params.rcid;
       var x = {
           article: article,
           hint: hint,
           oldid: oldid,
           rcid: rcid,
           navpop: args.navpopup,
           params: params
       var structure = pg.structures[getValueOf('popupStructure')];
       if (typeof structure != 'object') {
           setPopupHTML('popupError', 'Unknown structure (this should never happen): ' +
               pg.option.popupStructure, args.navpopup.idNumber);
       var spans = flatten(pg.misc.layout);
       var numspans = spans.length;
       var redirs = pg.misc.redirSpans;
       for (var i = 0; i < numspans; ++i) {
           var found = redirs && (redirs.indexOf(spans[i]) !== -1);
           //log('redir='+redir+', found='+found+', spans[i]='+spans[i]);
           if ((found && !redir) || (!found && redir)) {
               //log('skipping this set of the loop');
           var structurefn = structure[spans[i]];
           if (structurefn === undefined) {
               // nothing to do for this structure part
           var setfn = setPopupHTML;
           if (getValueOf('popupActiveNavlinks') &&
               (spans[i].indexOf('popupTopLinks') === 0 || spans[i].indexOf('popupRedirTopLinks') === 0)
           ) {
               setfn = setPopupTipsAndHTML;
           switch (typeof structurefn) {
               case 'function':
                   log('running ' + spans[i] + '({article:' + x.article + ', hint:' + x.hint + ', oldid: ' + x.oldid + '})');
                   setfn(structurefn(x), spans[i], args.navpopup.idNumber);
               case 'string':
                   setfn(structurefn, spans[i], args.navpopup.idNumber);
                   errlog('unknown thing with label ' + spans[i] + ' (span index was ' + i + ')');
   // flatten an array
   function flatten(list, start) {
       var ret = [];
       if (typeof start == 'undefined') {
           start = 0;
       for (var i = start; i < list.length; ++i) {
           if (typeof list[i] == typeof []) {
               return ret.concat(flatten(list[i])).concat(flatten(list, i + 1));
           } else {
       return ret;
   // Generate html for whole popup
   function popupHTML(a) {
       var structure = pg.structures[pg.option.popupStructure];
       if (typeof structure != 'object') {
           //return 'Unknown structure: '+pg.option.popupStructure;
           // override user choice
           pg.option.popupStructure = pg.optionDefault.popupStructure;
           return popupHTML(a);
       if (typeof structure.popupLayout != 'function') {
           return 'Bad layout';
       pg.misc.layout = structure.popupLayout();
       if (typeof structure.popupRedirSpans === "function") {
           pg.misc.redirSpans = structure.popupRedirSpans();
       } else {
           pg.misc.redirSpans = [];
       return makeEmptySpans(pg.misc.layout, a.navpopup);
   function makeEmptySpans(list, navpop) {
       var ret = ;
       for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
           if (typeof list[i] == typeof ) {
               ret += emptySpanHTML(list[i], navpop.idNumber, 'div');
           } else if (typeof list[i] == typeof [] && list[i].length > 0) {
               ret = ret.parenSplit(RegExp('(</[^>]*?>$)')).join(makeEmptySpans(list[i], navpop));
           } else if (typeof list[i] == typeof {} && list[i].nodeType) {
               ret += emptySpanHTML(list[i].name, navpop.idNumber, list[i].nodeType);
       return ret;
   function emptySpanHTML(name, id, tag, classname) {
       tag = tag || 'span';
       if (!classname) {
           classname = emptySpanHTML.classAliases[name];
       classname = classname || name;
       if (name == getValueOf('popupDragHandle')) {
           classname += ' popupDragHandle';
       return simplePrintf('<%s id="%s" class="%s"></%s>', [tag, name + id, classname, tag]);
   emptySpanHTML.classAliases = {
       'popupSecondPreview': 'popupPreview'
   // generate html for popup image
   // <a id="popupImageLinkn"><img id="popupImagen">
   // where n=idNumber
   function imageHTML(article, idNumber) {
       return simplePrintf('<a id="popupImageLink$1">' +
           '<img align="right" valign="top" id="popupImg$1" style="display: none;"></img>' +
           '</a>', [idNumber]);
   function popTipsSoonFn(id, when, popData) {
       if (!when) {
           when = 250;
       var popTips = function() {
           setupTooltips(document.getElementById(id), false, true, popData);
       return function() {
           setTimeout(popTips, when, popData);
   function setPopupTipsAndHTML(html, divname, idnumber, popData) {
       setPopupHTML(html, divname, idnumber,
           getValueOf('popupSubpopups') ?
           popTipsSoonFn(divname + idnumber, null, popData) :
   // ENDFILE: htmloutput.js
   // STARTFILE: mouseout.js
   // fuzzy checks
   function fuzzyCursorOffMenus(x, y, fuzz, parent) {
       if (!parent) {
           return null;
       var uls = parent.getElementsByTagName('ul');
       for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; ++i) {
           if (uls[i].className == 'popup_menu') {
               if (uls[i].offsetWidth > 0) return false;
           } // else {document.title+='.';}
       return true;
   function checkPopupPosition() { // stop the popup running off the right of the screen
       // FIXME avoid pg.current.link
       if (pg.current.link && pg.current.link.navpopup)
   function mouseOutWikiLink() {
       //console ('mouseOutWikiLink');
       var a = this;
       if (a.navpopup === null || typeof a.navpopup === 'undefined') return;
       if (!a.navpopup.isVisible()) {
   function posCheckerHook(navpop) {
       return function() {
           if (!navpop.isVisible()) {
               return true; /* remove this hook */
           if (Navpopup.tracker.dirty) {
               return false;
           var x = Navpopup.tracker.x,
               y = Navpopup.tracker.y;
           var mouseOverNavpop = navpop.isWithin(x, y, navpop.fuzz, navpop.mainDiv) ||
               !fuzzyCursorOffMenus(x, y, navpop.fuzz, navpop.mainDiv);
           // FIXME it'd be prettier to do this internal to the Navpopup objects
           var t = getValueOf('popupHideDelay');
           if (t) {
               t = t * 1000;
           if (!t) {
               if (!mouseOverNavpop) {
                   if (navpop.parentAnchor) {
                   return true; /* remove this hook */
               return false;
           // we have a hide delay set
           var d = +(new Date());
           if (!navpop.mouseLeavingTime) {
               navpop.mouseLeavingTime = d;
               return false;
           if (mouseOverNavpop) {
               navpop.mouseLeavingTime = null;
               return false;
           if (d - navpop.mouseLeavingTime > t) {
               navpop.mouseLeavingTime = null;
               return true; /* remove this hook */
           return false;
   function runStopPopupTimer(navpop) {
       // at this point, we should have left the link but remain within the popup
       // so we call this function again until we leave the popup.
       if (!navpop.stopPopupTimer) {
           navpop.stopPopupTimer = setInterval(posCheckerHook(navpop), 500);
           navpop.addHook(function() {
               'hide', 'before');
   // ENDFILE: mouseout.js
   // STARTFILE: previewmaker.js
      Defines the {@link Previewmaker} object, which generates short previews from wiki markup.
      Creates a new Previewmaker
      @class The Previewmaker class. Use an instance of this to generate short previews from Wikitext.
      @param {String} wikiText The Wikitext source of the page we wish to preview.
      @param {String} baseUrl The url we should prepend when creating relative urls.
      @param {Navpopup} owner The navpop associated to this preview generator
   function Previewmaker(wikiText, baseUrl, owner) {
       /** The wikitext which is manipulated to generate the preview. */
       this.originalData = wikiText;
       this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
       this.owner = owner;
       this.maxCharacters = getValueOf('popupMaxPreviewCharacters');
       this.maxSentences = getValueOf('popupMaxPreviewSentences');
   Previewmaker.prototype.setData = function() {
       var maxSize = Math.max(10000, 2 * this.maxCharacters);
       this.data = this.originalData.substring(0, maxSize);
   /** Remove HTML comments
   Previewmaker.prototype.killComments = function() {
       // this also kills one trailing newline, eg diamyo
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^\\n|\\n(?=\\n)|', 'g'), );
   Previewmaker.prototype.killDivs = function() {
       // say goodbye, divs (can be nested, so use * not *?)
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('< *div[^>]* *>[\\s\\S]*?< */ *div *>',
           'gi'), );
   Previewmaker.prototype.killGalleries = function() {
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('< *gallery[^>]* *>[\\s\\S]*?< */ *gallery *>',
           'gi'), );
   Previewmaker.prototype.kill = function(opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl) {
       var oldk = this.data;
       var k = this.killStuff(this.data, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl);
       while (k.length < oldk.length) {
           oldk = k;
           k = this.killStuff(k, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl);
       this.data = k;
   Previewmaker.prototype.killStuff = function(txt, opening, closing, subopening, subclosing, repl) {
       var op = this.makeRegexp(opening);
       var cl = this.makeRegexp(closing, '^');
       var sb = subopening ? this.makeRegexp(subopening, '^') : null;
       var sc = subclosing ? this.makeRegexp(subclosing, '^') : cl;
       if (!op || !cl) {
           alert('Navigation Popups error: op or cl is null! something is wrong.');
       if (!op.test(txt)) {
           return txt;
       var ret = ;
       var opResult = op.exec(txt);
       ret = txt.substring(0, opResult.index);
       txt = txt.substring(opResult.index + opResult[0].length);
       var depth = 1;
       while (txt.length > 0) {
           var removal = 0;
           if (depth == 1 && cl.test(txt)) {
               removal = cl.exec(txt)[0].length;
           } else if (depth > 1 && sc.test(txt)) {
               removal = sc.exec(txt)[0].length;
           } else if (sb && sb.test(txt)) {
               removal = sb.exec(txt)[0].length;
           if (!removal) {
               removal = 1;
           txt = txt.substring(removal);
           if (depth === 0) {
       return ret + (repl || ) + txt;
   Previewmaker.prototype.makeRegexp = function(x, prefix, suffix) {
       prefix = prefix || ;
       suffix = suffix || ;
       var reStr = ;
       var flags = ;
       if (isString(x)) {
           reStr = prefix + literalizeRegex(x) + suffix;
       } else if (isRegExp(x)) {
           var s = x.toString().substring(1);
           var sp = s.split('/');
           flags = sp[sp.length - 1];
           sp[sp.length - 1] = ;
           s = sp.join('/');
           s = s.substring(0, s.length - 1);
           reStr = prefix + s + suffix;
       } else {
           log('makeRegexp failed');
       log('makeRegexp: got reStr=' + reStr + ', flags=' + flags);
       return RegExp(reStr, flags);
   Previewmaker.prototype.killBoxTemplates = function() {
       // taxobox removal... in fact, there's a saudiprincebox_begin, so let's be more general
       // also, have float_begin, ... float_end
       this.kill(RegExp('[{][{][^{}\\s|]*?(float|box)[_ ](begin|start)', 'i'), /[}][}]\s*/, '{{');
       // infoboxes etc
       // from User:Zyxw/popups.js: kill frames too
       this.kill(RegExp('[{][{][^{}\\s|]*?(infobox|elementbox|frame)[_ ]', 'i'), /[}][}]\s*/, '{{');
   Previewmaker.prototype.killTemplates = function() {
       this.kill(, '{', '}', ' ');
   Previewmaker.prototype.killTables = function() {
       // tables are bad, too
       // this can be slow, but it's an inprovement over a browser hang
       // torture test: Comparison_of_Intel_Central_Processing_Units
       this.kill('{|', /[|]}\s*/, '{|');
       this.kill(/<table.*?>/i, /<\/table.*?>/i, /<table.*?>/i);
       // remove lines starting with a pipe for the hell of it (?)
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^[|].*$', 'mg'), );
   Previewmaker.prototype.killImages = function() {
       var forbiddenNamespaceAliases = [];
       jQuery.each(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceIds'), function(_localizedNamespaceLc, _namespaceId) {
           if (_namespaceId != pg.nsImageId && _namespaceId != pg.nsCategoryId) return;
           forbiddenNamespaceAliases.push(_localizedNamespaceLc.split(' ').join('[ _]')); //todo: escape regexp fragments!
       // images and categories are a nono
       this.kill(RegExp('[[][[]\\s*(' + forbiddenNamespaceAliases.join('|') + ')\\s*:', 'i'),
           /\]\]\s*/, '[', ']');
   Previewmaker.prototype.killHTML = function() {
       // kill [1]
       this.kill(/<ref\b[^/>]*?>/i, /<\/ref>/i);
       // let's also delete entire lines starting with <. it's worth a try.
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('(^|\\n) *<.*', 'g'), '\n');
       // and those pesky html tags, but not  or <blockquote>
        var splitted = this.data.parenSplit(/(<[\w\W]*?(?:>|$|(?=<)))/);
        var len = splitted.length;
        for (var i = 1; i < len; i = i + 2) {
            switch (splitted[i]) {
                case '<nowiki>':
                case '':

case '

': case '


                   splitted[i] = ;
       this.data = splitted.join();
   Previewmaker.prototype.killChunks = function() { // heuristics alert
       // chunks of italic text? you crazy, man?
       var italicChunkRegex = new RegExp("((^|\\n)\\s*:*\\s*[^']([^']||'[^']){20}(.|\\n[^\\n])*[.!?\\s]*\\n)+", 'g');
       // keep stuff separated, though, so stick in \n (fixes Union Jack?
       this.data = this.data.replace(italicChunkRegex, '\n');
   Previewmaker.prototype.mopup = function() {
       // we simply *can't* be doing with horizontal rules right now
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^-{4,}', 'mg'), );
       // no indented lines
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('(^|\\n) *:[^\\n]*', 'g'), );

// replace

, and whatever else there is

       // this'll probably do
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^__[A-Z_]*__ *$', 'gmi'), );
   Previewmaker.prototype.firstBit = function() {
       // dont't be givin' me no subsequent paragraphs, you hear me?
       /// first we "normalize" section headings, removing whitespace after, adding before
       var d = this.data;
       if (getValueOf('popupPreviewCutHeadings')) {
           this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('\\s*(==+[^=]*==+)\\s*', 'g'), '\n\n$1 ');
           /// then we want to get rid of paragraph breaks whose text ends badly
           this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('([:;]) *\\n{2,}', 'g'), '$1\n');
           this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^[\\s\\n]*'), );
           var stuff = (RegExp('^([^\\n]|\\n[^\\n\\s])*')).exec(this.data);
           if (stuff) {
               d = stuff[0];
           if (!getValueOf('popupPreviewFirstParOnly')) {
               d = this.data;
           /// now put \n\n after sections so that bullets and numbered lists work
           d = d.replace(RegExp('(==+[^=]*==+)\\s*', 'g'), '$1\n\n');

       // Split sentences. Superfluous sentences are RIGHT OUT.
       // note: exactly 1 set of parens here needed to make the slice work
       d = d.parenSplit(RegExp('([!?.]+["' + "'" + ']*\\s)', 'g'));
       // leading space is bad, mmkay?
       d[0] = d[0].replace(RegExp('^\\s*'), );
       var notSentenceEnds = RegExp('([^.][a-z][.] *[a-z]|etc|sic|Dr|Mr|Mrs|Ms|St|no|op|cit|\\^\\*|\\s[A-Zvclm])$', 'i');
       d = this.fixSentenceEnds(d, notSentenceEnds);
       this.fullLength = d.join().length;
       var n = this.maxSentences;
       var dd = this.firstSentences(d, n);
       do {
           dd = this.firstSentences(d, n);
       } while (dd.length > this.maxCharacters && n !== 0);
       this.data = dd;
   Previewmaker.prototype.fixSentenceEnds = function(strs, reg) {
       // take an array of strings, strs
       // join strs[i] to strs[i+1] & strs[i+2] if strs[i] matches regex reg
       for (var i = 0; i < strs.length - 2; ++i) {
           if (reg.test(strs[i])) {
               var a = [];
               for (var j = 0; j < strs.length; ++j) {
                   if (j < i) a[j] = strs[j];
                   if (j == i) a[i] = strs[i] + strs[i + 1] + strs[i + 2];
                   if (j > i + 2) a[j - 2] = strs[j];
               return this.fixSentenceEnds(a, reg);
       return strs;
   Previewmaker.prototype.firstSentences = function(strs, howmany) {
       var t = strs.slice(0, 2 * howmany);
       return t.join();
   Previewmaker.prototype.killBadWhitespace = function() {
       // also cleans up isolated ', eg Suntory Sungoliath
       this.data = this.data.replace(RegExp('^ *\'+ *$', 'gm'), );
      Runs the various methods to generate the preview.
      The preview is stored in the html</html> field.
   Previewmaker.prototype.makePreview = function() {
       if (this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsTemplateId &&
           this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsImageId) {
           if (getValueOf('popupPreviewKillTemplates')) {
           } else {
       } else {
       this.html = wiki2html(this.data, this.baseUrl); // needs livepreview
   Previewmaker.prototype.esWiki2HtmlPart = function(data) {
       var reLinks = /(?:\[\[([^|\]]*)(?:\|([^|\]]*))*]]([a-z]*))/gi; //match a wikilink
       reLinks.lastIndex = 0; //reset regex
       var match;
       var result = "";
       var postfixIndex = 0;
       while ((match = reLinks.exec(data))) //match all wikilinks
           //FIXME: the way that link is built here isn't perfect. It is clickable, but popups preview won't recognize it in some cases.
           result += pg.escapeQuotesHTML(data.substring(postfixIndex, match.index)) +
               '<a href="' + Insta.conf.paths.articles + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(match[1]) + '">' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML((match[2] ? match[2] : match[1]) + match[3]) + "</a>";
           postfixIndex = reLinks.lastIndex;
       //append the rest
       result += pg.escapeQuotesHTML(data.substring(postfixIndex));
       return result;
   Previewmaker.prototype.editSummaryPreview = function() {
       var reAes = /\/\* *(.*?) *\*\//g; //match the first section marker
       reAes.lastIndex = 0; //reset regex
       var match;
       match = reAes.exec(this.data);
       if (match) {
           //we have a section link. Split it, process it, combine it.
           var prefix = this.data.substring(0, match.index - 1);
           var section = match[1];
           var postfix = this.data.substring(reAes.lastIndex);
           var start = "";
           var end = "";
           if (prefix.length > 0) start = this.esWiki2HtmlPart(prefix) + " " + start + "- ";
           if (postfix.length > 0) end = ": " + end + this.esWiki2HtmlPart(postfix);

           var t = new Title().fromURL(this.baseUrl);
           var sectionLink = Insta.conf.paths.articles + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(t.toString(true)) + '#' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(t.anchor);
           return start + '<a href="' + sectionLink + '">→</a> ' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(section) + end;
       //else there's no section link, htmlify the whole thing.
       return this.esWiki2HtmlPart(this.data);
   /** Test function for debugging preview problems one step at a time.
   /*eslint-disable */
   function previewSteps(txt) {
       try {
           txt = txt || document.editform.wpTextbox1.value;
       } catch (err) {
           if (pg.cache.pages.length > 0) {
               txt = pg.cache.pages[pg.cache.pages.length - 1].data;
           } else {
               alert('provide text or use an edit page');
       txt = txt.substring(0, 10000);
       var base = pg.wiki.articlebase + Title.fromURL(document.location.href).urlString();
       var p = new Previewmaker(txt, base, pg.current.link.navpopup);
       if (this.owner.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsTemplateId) {
           if (!confirm('done killComments(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killDivs(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killGalleries(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killBoxTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (getValueOf('popupPreviewKillTemplates')) {
               if (!confirm('done killTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           } else {
               if (!confirm('done killMultilineTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killTables(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killImages(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killHTML(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killChunks(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done mopup(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done firstBit(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
           if (!confirm('done killBadWhitespace(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.data)) {
       p.html = wiki2html(p.data, base); // needs livepreview
       if (!confirm('done fixHTML(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.html)) {
       if (!confirm('done stripLongTemplates(). Continue?\n---\n' + p.html)) {
       alert('finished preview - end result follows.\n---\n' + p.html);
   /*eslint-enable */
      Works around livepreview bugs.
   Previewmaker.prototype.fixHTML = function() {
       if (!this.html) return;
       var ret = this.html;
       // fix question marks in wiki links
       // maybe this'll break some stuff :-(
       ret = ret.replace(RegExp('(<a href="' + pg.wiki.articlePath + '/[^"]*)[?](.*?")', 'g'), '$1%3F$2');
       ret = ret.replace(RegExp('(<a href=\ + pg.wiki.articlePath + '/[^\']*)[?](.*?\')', 'g'), '$1%3F$2');
       // FIXME fix up % too

       this.html = ret;
      Generates the preview and displays it in the current popup.
      Does nothing if the generated preview is invalid or consists of whitespace only.
      Also activates wikilinks in the preview for subpopups if the popupSubpopups option is true.
   Previewmaker.prototype.showPreview = function() {
       if (typeof this.html != typeof ) return;
       if (RegExp('^\\s*$').test(this.html)) return;


', 'popupPrePreviewSep', this.owner.idNumber);

       setPopupTipsAndHTML(this.html, 'popupPreview', this.owner.idNumber, {
           owner: this.owner
       var more = (this.fullLength > this.data.length) ? this.moreLink() : ;
       setPopupHTML(more, 'popupPreviewMore', this.owner.idNumber);
   Previewmaker.prototype.moreLink = function() {
       var a = document.createElement('a');
       a.className = 'popupMoreLink';
       a.innerHTML = popupString('more...');
       var savedThis = this;
       a.onclick = function() {
           savedThis.maxCharacters += 2000;
           savedThis.maxSentences += 20;
       return a;
   Previewmaker.prototype.stripLongTemplates = function() {
       // operates on the HTML!
       this.html = this.html.replace(RegExp('^.{0,1000}[{][{][^}]*?(<(p|br)( /)?>\\s*){2,}([^{}]*?[}][}])?', 'gi'), );

this.html = this.html.split('\n').join(' '); // workaround for

        this.html = this.html.replace(RegExp('[{][{][^}]*
[^}]*[}][}]', 'gi'), );
    Previewmaker.prototype.killMultilineTemplates = function() {
        this.kill('{{{', '}}}');
        this.kill(RegExp('\\s*[{][{][^{}]*\\n'), '}}', '{{');
    // ENDFILE: previewmaker.js
    // STARTFILE: querypreview.js
    function loadAPIPreview(queryType, article, navpop) {
        var art = new Title(article).urlString();
        var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&formatversion=2&action=query&';
        var htmlGenerator = function( /*a, d*/ ) {
            alert('invalid html generator');
        var usernameart = ;
        switch (queryType) {
            case 'history':
                url += 'titles=' + art + '&prop=revisions&rvlimit=' +
                htmlGenerator = APIhistoryPreviewHTML;
            case 'category':
                url += 'list=categorymembers&cmtitle=' + art;
                htmlGenerator = APIcategoryPreviewHTML;
            case 'userinfo':
                var username = new Title(article).userName();
                usernameart = encodeURIComponent(username);
                if (pg.re.ipUser.test(username)) {
                    url += 'list=blocks&bkprop=range|restrictions&bkip=' + usernameart;
                } else {
                    url += 'list=users|usercontribs&usprop=blockinfo|groups|editcount|registration|gender&ususers=' + usernameart + "&meta=globaluserinfo&guiprop=groups|unattached&guiuser=" + usernameart + "&uclimit=1&ucprop=timestamp&ucuser=" + usernameart;
                htmlGenerator = APIuserInfoPreviewHTML;
            case 'contribs':
                usernameart = encodeURIComponent(new Title(article).userName());
                url += 'list=usercontribs&ucuser=' + usernameart +
                    '&uclimit=' + getValueOf('popupContribsPreviewLimit');
                htmlGenerator = APIcontribsPreviewHTML;
            case 'imagepagepreview':
                var trail = ;
                if (getValueOf('popupImageLinks')) {
                    trail = '&list=imageusage&iutitle=' + art;
                url += 'titles=' + art + '&prop=revisions|imageinfo&rvprop=content' + trail;
                htmlGenerator = APIimagepagePreviewHTML;
            case 'backlinks':
                url += 'list=backlinks&bltitle=' + art;
                htmlGenerator = APIbacklinksPreviewHTML;
            case 'revision':
                if (article.oldid) {
                    url += 'revids=' + article.oldid;
                } else {
                    url += 'titles=' + article.removeAnchor().urlString();
                url += '&prop=revisions|pageprops|info|images|categories&rvprop=ids|timestamp|flags|comment|user|content&cllimit=max&imlimit=max';
                htmlGenerator = APIrevisionPreviewHTML;
        var callback = function(d) {
            log("callback of API functions was hit");
            if (queryType === 'userinfo') {
                // We need to do another API request
                fetchUserGroupNames(d.data).then(function() {
                    showAPIPreview(queryType, htmlGenerator(article, d, navpop), navpop.idNumber, navpop, d);
            showAPIPreview(queryType, htmlGenerator(article, d, navpop), navpop.idNumber, navpop, d);
        var go = function() {
            getPageWithCaching(url, callback, navpop);
            return true;

        if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyDownloads')) {
        } else {
            navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide', 'before', 'DOWNLOAD_' + queryType + '_QUERY_DATA');

    function linkList(list) {
        list.sort(function(x, y) {
            return (x == y ? 0 : (x < y ? -1 : 1));
        var buf = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
                article: new Title(list[i]),
                text: list[i].split(' ').join(' '),
                action: 'view'
        return buf.join(', ');

    function getTimeOffset() {
        var tz = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');

        if (tz) {
            if (tz.indexOf('|') > -1) {
                // New format
                return parseInt(tz.split('|')[1], 10);
        return 0;

    function getTimeZone() {
        if (!pg.user.timeZone) {
            var tz = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');
            pg.user.timeZone = 'UTC';

            if (tz) {
                var tzComponents = tz.split('|');
                if (tzComponents.length === 3 && tzComponents[0] === 'ZoneInfo') {
                    pg.user.timeZone = tzComponents[2];
                } else {
                    errlog('Unexpected timezone information: ' + tz);
        return pg.user.timeZone

     * Should we use an offset or can we use proper timezones
    function useTimeOffset() {
        if (typeof Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts === 'undefined') {
            // IE 11
            return true;
        var tz = mw.user.options.get('timecorrection');
        if (tz && tz.indexOf('ZoneInfo|') === -1) {
            // System| Default system time, default for users who didn't configure timezone
            // Offset| Manual defined offset by user
            return true;
        return false;

     * Array of locales for the purpose of javascript locale based formatting
     * Filters down to those supported by the browser. Empty [] === System's default locale
    function getLocales() {
        if (!pg.user.locales) {
            var userLanguage = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); // make sure we have HTML locale
            if (getValueOf('popupLocale')) {
                userLanguage = getValueOf('popupLocale');
            } else if (userLanguage === 'en') {
                // en.wp tends to treat this as international english / unspecified
                // but we have more specific settings in user options
                if (getMWDateFormat() === 'mdy') {
                    userLanguage = 'en-US';
                } else {
                    userLanguage = 'en-GB';
            pg.user.locales = Intl.DateTimeFormat.supportedLocalesOf([userLanguage, navigator.language]);
        return pg.user.locales;

     * Retrieve configured MW date format for this user
     * These can be
     * default
     * dmy: time, dmy
     * mdy: time, mdy
     * ymd: time, ymd
     * dmyt: dmy, time
     * dmyts: dmy, time + seconds
     * ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (local time)
     * This isn't too useful for us, as JS doesn't have formatters to match these private specifiers
    function getMWDateFormat() {
        return mw.user.options.get('date');

     * Creates a HTML table that's shown in the history and user-contribs popups.
     * @param {Object[]} h - a list of revisions, returned from the API
     * @param {boolean} reallyContribs - true only if we're displaying user contributions
    function editPreviewTable(article, h, reallyContribs) {
        var html = [''];
        var day = null;
        var curart = article;
        var page = null;

        var makeFirstColumnLinks;
        if (reallyContribs) {

            // We're showing user contributions, so make (diff | hist) links
            makeFirstColumnLinks = function(currentRevision) {
                var result = '(';
                result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase +
                    new Title(currentRevision.title).urlString() + '&diff=prev' +
                    '&oldid=' + currentRevision.revid + '">' + popupString('diff') + '</a>';
                result += ' | ';
                result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase +
                    new Title(currentRevision.title).urlString() + '&action=history">' +
                    popupString('hist') + '</a>';
                result += ')';
                return result;
        } else {

            // It's a regular history page, so make (cur | last) links
            var firstRevid = h[0].revid;
            makeFirstColumnLinks = function(currentRevision) {
                var result = '(';
                result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(curart).urlString() +
                    '&diff=' + firstRevid + '&oldid=' + currentRevision.revid + '">' + popupString('cur') + '</a>';
                result += ' | ';
                result += '<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(curart).urlString() +
                    '&diff=prev&oldid=' + currentRevision.revid + '">' + popupString('last') + '</a>';
                result += ')';
                return result;

        for (var i = 0; i < h.length; ++i) {
            if (reallyContribs) {
                page = h[i].title;
                curart = new Title(page);
            var minor = h[i].minor ? 'm ' : ;
            var editDate = new Date(h[i].timestamp);
            var thisDay = formattedDate(editDate);
            var thisTime = formattedTime(editDate);
            if (thisDay == day) {
                thisDay = ;
            } else {
                day = thisDay;
            if (thisDay) {
            var col3url = ,
                col3txt = ;
            if (!reallyContribs) {
                var user = h[i].user;
                if (!h[i].userhidden) {
                    if (pg.re.ipUser.test(user)) {
                        col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':Contributions&target=' + new Title(user).urlString();
                    } else {
                        col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsUserId] + ':' + new Title(user).urlString();
                    col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(user);
                } else {
                    col3url = getValueOf('popupRevDelUrl');
                    col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(popupString('revdel'));
            } else {
                col3url = pg.wiki.titlebase + curart.urlString();
                col3txt = pg.escapeQuotesHTML(page);
            var comment = ;
            var c = h[i].comment || h[i].content;
            if (c) {
                comment = new Previewmaker(c, new Title(curart).toUrl()).editSummaryPreview();
            } else if (h[i].commenthidden) {
                comment = popupString('revdel');
            html = [html.join()];
' + thisDay + '
'); return html.join(); } function adjustDate(d, offset) { // offset is in minutes var o = offset * 60 * 1000; return new Date(+d + o); } /* * This relies on the Date parser understanding en-US dates, * which is pretty safe assumption, but not perfect. */ function convertTimeZone(date, timeZone) { return new Date(date.toLocaleString("en-US", { timeZone: timeZone })); } function formattedDateTime(date) { // fallback for IE11 and unknown timezones if (useTimeOffset()) { return formattedDate(date) + ' ' + formattedTime(date) } if (getMWDateFormat() === 'ISO 8601') { var d2 = convertTimeZone(date, getTimeZone()); return map(zeroFill, [d2.getFullYear(), d2.getMonth() + 1, d2.getDate()]).join('-') + 'T' + map(zeroFill, [d2.getHours(), d2.getMinutes(), d2.getSeconds()]).join(':'); } var options = getValueOf('popupDateTimeFormatterOptions'); options['timeZone'] = getTimeZone(); return date.toLocaleString(getLocales(), options); } function formattedDate(date) { // fallback for IE11 and unknown timezones if (useTimeOffset()) { // we adjust the UTC time, so we print the adjusted UTC, but not really UTC values var d2 = adjustDate(date, getTimeOffset()); return map(zeroFill, [d2.getUTCFullYear(), d2.getUTCMonth() + 1, d2.getUTCDate()]).join('-'); } if (getMWDateFormat() === 'ISO 8601') { var d2 = convertTimeZone(date, getTimeZone()); return map(zeroFill, [d2.getFullYear(), d2.getMonth() + 1, d2.getDate()]).join('-'); } var options = getValueOf('popupDateFormatterOptions'); options['timeZone'] = getTimeZone(); return date.toLocaleDateString(getLocales(), options); } function formattedTime(date) { // fallback for IE11 and unknown timezones if (useTimeOffset()) { // we adjust the UTC time, so we print the adjusted UTC, but not really UTC values var d2 = adjustDate(date, getTimeOffset()); return map(zeroFill, [d2.getUTCHours(), d2.getUTCMinutes(), d2.getUTCSeconds()]).join(':'); } if (getMWDateFormat() === 'ISO 8601') { var d2 = convertTimeZone(date, getTimeZone()); return map(zeroFill, [d2.getHours(), d2.getMinutes(), d2.getSeconds()]).join(':'); } var options = getValueOf('popupTimeFormatterOptions'); options['timeZone'] = getTimeZone(); return date.toLocaleTimeString(getLocales(), options); } // Get the proper groupnames for the technicalgroups function fetchUserGroupNames(userinfoResponse) { var queryObj = getJsObj(userinfoResponse).query; var user = anyChild(queryObj.users); var messages = []; if (user.groups) { user.groups.forEach(function(groupName) { if (["*", "user", "autoconfirmed", "extendedconfirmed"].indexOf(groupName) === -1) { messages.push('group-' + groupName + '-member'); } }); } if (queryObj.globaluserinfo && queryObj.globaluserinfo.groups) { queryObj.globaluserinfo.groups.forEach(function(groupName) { messages.push('group-' + groupName + '-member'); }); } return getMwApi().loadMessagesIfMissing(messages); } function showAPIPreview(queryType, html, id, navpop, download) { // DJ: done var target = 'popupPreview'; completedNavpopTask(navpop); switch (queryType) { case 'imagelinks': case 'category': target = 'popupPostPreview'; break; case 'userinfo': target = 'popupUserData'; break; case 'revision': insertPreview(download); return; } setPopupTipsAndHTML(html, target, id); } function APIrevisionPreviewHTML(article, download) { try { var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data); var page = anyChild(jsObj.query.pages); if (page.missing) { // TODO we need to fix this proper later on download.owner = null; return; } var content = ( page && page.revisions && page.revisions[0].contentmodel === 'wikitext' ) ? page.revisions[0].content : null; if (typeof content === 'string') { download.data = content; download.lastModified = new Date(page.revisions[0].timestamp); } } catch (someError) { return 'Revision preview failed :('; } } function APIbacklinksPreviewHTML(article, download /*, navpop*/ ) { try { var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data); var list = jsObj.query.backlinks; var html = []; if (!list) { return popupString('No backlinks found'); } for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var t = new Title(list[i].title); html.push('<a href="' + pg.wiki.titlebase + t.urlString() + '">' + t.toString().entify() + '</a>'); } html = html.join(', '); if (jsObj['continue'] && jsObj['continue'].blcontinue) { html += popupString(' and more'); } return html; } catch (someError) { return 'backlinksPreviewHTML went wonky'; } } pg.fn.APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML = function APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML(obj) { log("APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML"); var popupid = obj.requestid; if (obj.query && obj.query.pages) { var page = anyChild(obj.query.pages); var content = ( page && page.revisions && page.revisions[0].contentmodel === 'wikitext' ) ? page.revisions[0].content : null; if (typeof content === 'string' && pg && pg.current && pg.current.link && pg.current.link.navpopup) { /* Not entirely safe, but the best we can do */ var p = new Previewmaker(content, pg.current.link.navpopup.article, pg.current.link.navpopup); p.makePreview(); setPopupHTML(p.html, "popupSecondPreview", popupid); } } }; function APIimagepagePreviewHTML(article, download, navpop) { try { var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data); var page = anyChild(jsObj.query.pages); var content = ( page && page.revisions && page.revisions[0].contentmodel === 'wikitext' ) ? page.revisions[0].content : null; var ret = ; var alt = ; try { alt = navpop.parentAnchor.childNodes[0].alt; } catch (e) {} if (alt) { ret = ret + '
' + popupString('Alt text:') + ' ' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(alt); } if (typeof content === 'string') { var p = prepPreviewmaker(content, article, navpop); p.makePreview(); if (p.html) { ret += '
' + p.html; } if (getValueOf('popupSummaryData')) { var info = getPageInfo(content, download); log(info); setPopupTrailer(info, navpop.idNumber); } } if (page && page.imagerepository == "shared") { var art = new Title(article); var encart = encodeURIComponent("File:" + art.stripNamespace()); var shared_url = pg.wiki.apicommonsbase + '?format=json&formatversion=2' + '&callback=pg.fn.APIsharedImagePagePreviewHTML' + '&requestid=' + navpop.idNumber + '&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles=' + encart; ret = ret + '
' + popupString('Image from Commons') + ': <a href="' + pg.wiki.commonsbase + '?title=' + encart + '">' + popupString('Description page') + '</a>'; mw.loader.load(shared_url); } showAPIPreview('imagelinks', APIimagelinksPreviewHTML(article, download), navpop.idNumber, download); return ret; } catch (someError) { return 'API imagepage preview failed :('; } } function APIimagelinksPreviewHTML(article, download) { try { var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data); var list = jsobj.query.imageusage; if (list) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { ret.push(list[i].title); } if (ret.length === 0) { return popupString('No image links found'); } return '

' + popupString('File links') + '

' + linkList(ret); } else { return popupString('No image links found'); } } catch (someError) { return 'Image links preview generation failed :('; } } function APIcategoryPreviewHTML(article, download) { try { var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data); var list = jsobj.query.categorymembers; var ret = []; for (var p = 0; p < list.length; p++) { ret.push(list[p].title); } if (ret.length === 0) { return popupString('Empty category'); } ret = '

' + tprintf('Category members (%s shown)', [ret.length]) + '

' + linkList(ret); if (jsobj['continue'] && jsobj['continue'].cmcontinue) { ret += popupString(' and more'); } return ret; } catch (someError) { return 'Category preview failed :('; } } function APIuserInfoPreviewHTML(article, download) { var ret = []; var queryobj = {}; try { queryobj = getJsObj(download.data).query; } catch (someError) { return 'Userinfo preview failed :('; } var user = anyChild(queryobj.users); if (user) { var globaluserinfo = queryobj.globaluserinfo; if (user.invalid === ) { ret.push(popupString('Invalid user')); } else if (user.missing === ) { ret.push(popupString('Not a registered username')); } if (user.blockedby) { if (user.blockpartial) { ret.push('' + popupString('Has blocks') + ''); } else { ret.push('' + popupString('BLOCKED') + ''); } } if (globaluserinfo && ('locked' in globaluserinfo || 'hidden' in globaluserinfo)) { var lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis = true; for (var i = 0; globaluserinfo.unattached && i < globaluserinfo.unattached.length; i++) { if (globaluserinfo.unattached[i].wiki === mw.config.get('wgDBname')) { lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis = false; break; } } if (lockedSulAccountIsAttachedToThis) { if ('locked' in globaluserinfo) ret.push('' + popupString('LOCKED') + ''); if ('hidden' in globaluserinfo) ret.push('' + popupString('HIDDEN') + ''); } } if (getValueOf('popupShowGender') && user.gender) { switch (user.gender) { case "male": ret.push(popupString("he/him") + ' · '); break; case "female": ret.push(popupString("she/her") + ' · '); break; } } if (user.groups) { user.groups.forEach(function(groupName) { if (["*", "user", "autoconfirmed", "extendedconfirmed"].indexOf(groupName) === -1) { ret.push(pg.escapeQuotesHTML( mw.message('group-' + groupName + '-member', user.gender).text() )); } }); } if (globaluserinfo && globaluserinfo.groups) { globaluserinfo.groups.forEach(function(groupName) { ret.push('' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML( mw.message('group-' + groupName + '-member', user.gender).text() ) + ''); }); } if (user.registration) ret.push(pg.escapeQuotesHTML((user.editcount ? user.editcount : '0') + popupString(' edits since: ') + (user.registration ? formattedDate(new Date(user.registration)) : ))); } if (queryobj.usercontribs && queryobj.usercontribs.length) { ret.push(popupString('last edit on ') + formattedDate(new Date(queryobj.usercontribs[0].timestamp))); } if (queryobj.blocks) { ret.push(popupString('IP user')); //we only request list=blocks for IPs for (var l = 0; l < queryobj.blocks.length; l++) { var rbstr = queryobj.blocks[l].rangestart === queryobj.blocks[l].rangeend ? 'BLOCK' : 'RANGEBLOCK'; rbstr = (!Array.isArray(queryobj.blocks[l].restrictions) ? 'Has ' + rbstr.toLowerCase() + 's' : rbstr + 'ED'); ret.push('' + popupString(rbstr) + ''); } } // if any element of ret ends with ' · ', merge it with the next element to avoid // the .join(', ') call inserting a comma after it for (var m = 0; m < ret.length - 1; m++) { if ((ret[m].length > 3) && (ret[m].substring(ret[m].length - 3) === ' · ')) { ret[m] = ret[m] + ret[m + 1]; ret.splice(m + 1, 1); // delete element at index m+1 m--; } } ret = '
' + ret.join(', '); return ret; } function APIcontribsPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop) { return APIhistoryPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop, true); } function APIhistoryPreviewHTML(article, download, navpop, reallyContribs) { try { var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data); var edits = []; if (reallyContribs) { edits = jsobj.query.usercontribs; } else { edits = anyChild(jsobj.query.pages).revisions; } var ret = editPreviewTable(article, edits, reallyContribs); return ret; } catch (someError) { return 'History preview failed :-('; } } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: querypreview.js // STARTFILE: debug.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debugging functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function setupDebugging() { //<NOLITE> if (window.popupDebug) { // popupDebug is set from .version window.log = function(x) { //if(gMsg!=)gMsg += '\n'; gMsg+=time() + ' ' + x; }; window.console.log(x); }; window.errlog = function(x) { window.console.error(x); }; log('Initializing logger'); } else { //</NOLITE> window.log = function() {}; window.errlog = function() {}; //<NOLITE> } //</NOLITE> } // ENDFILE: debug.js // STARTFILE: images.js // load image of type Title. function loadImage(image, navpop) { if (typeof image.stripNamespace != 'function') { alert('loadImages bad'); } // API call to retrieve image info. if (!getValueOf('popupImages')) return; if (!isValidImageName(image)) return false; var art = image.urlString(); var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&formatversion=2&action=query'; url += '&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url|mime&iiurlwidth=' + getValueOf('popupImageSizeLarge'); url += '&titles=' + art; pendingNavpopTask(navpop); var callback = function(d) { popupsInsertImage(navpop.idNumber, navpop, d); }; var go = function() { getPageWithCaching(url, callback, navpop); return true; }; if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyDownloads')) { go(); } else { navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide', 'after', 'DOWNLOAD_IMAGE_QUERY_DATA'); } } function popupsInsertImage(id, navpop, download) { log("popupsInsertImage"); var imageinfo; try { var jsObj = getJsObj(download.data); var imagepage = anyChild(jsObj.query.pages); if (typeof imagepage.imageinfo === 'undefined') return; imageinfo = imagepage.imageinfo[0]; } catch (someError) { log("popupsInsertImage failed :("); return; } var popupImage = document.getElementById("popupImg" + id); if (!popupImage) { log("could not find insertion point for image"); return; } popupImage.width = getValueOf('popupImageSize'); popupImage.style.display = 'inline'; // Set the source for the image. if (imageinfo.thumburl) popupImage.src = imageinfo.thumburl; else if (imageinfo.mime.indexOf("image") === 0) { popupImage.src = imageinfo.url; log("a thumb could not be found, using original image"); } else log("fullsize imagethumb, but not sure if it's an image"); var a = document.getElementById("popupImageLink" + id); if (a === null) { return null; } // Determine the action of the surrouding imagelink. switch (getValueOf('popupThumbAction')) { case 'imagepage': if (pg.current.article.namespaceId() != pg.nsImageId) { a.href = imageinfo.descriptionurl; // FIXME: unreliable pg.idNumber popTipsSoonFn('popupImage' + id)(); break; } /* falls through */ case 'sizetoggle': a.onclick = toggleSize; a.title = popupString('Toggle image size'); return; case 'linkfull': a.href = imageinfo.url; a.title = popupString('Open full-size image'); return; } } // Toggles the image between inline small and navpop fullwidth. // It's the same image, no actual sizechange occurs, only display width. function toggleSize() { var imgContainer = this; if (!imgContainer) { alert('imgContainer is null :/'); return; } var img = imgContainer.firstChild; if (!img) { alert('img is null :/'); return; } if (!img.style.width || img.style.width === ) { img.style.width = '100%'; } else { img.style.width = ; } } // Returns one title of an image from wikiText. function getValidImageFromWikiText(wikiText) { // nb in pg.re.image we're interested in the second bracketed expression // this may change if the regex changes :-( //var match=pg.re.image.exec(wikiText); var matched = null; var match; // strip html comments, used by evil bots :-( var t = removeMatchesUnless(wikiText, RegExp('()'), 1, RegExp('^'; } if (!ret[src[i]]) { ret[src[i]] = []; } try { ret[src[i]].push(i); } catch (err) { diffBugAlert(src[i]); } } return ret; } function diff(o, n) { // pass 1: make hashtable ns with new rows as keys var ns = makeDiffHashtable(n); // pass 2: make hashtable os with old rows as keys var os = makeDiffHashtable(o); // pass 3: pair unique new rows and matching unique old rows var i; for (i in ns) { if (ns[i].length == 1 && os[i] && os[i].length == 1) { n[ns[i][0]] = { text: n[ns[i][0]], row: os[i][0], paired: true }; o[os[i][0]] = { text: o[os[i][0]], row: ns[i][0], paired: true }; } } // pass 4: pair matching rows immediately following paired rows (not necessarily unique) for (i = 0; i < n.length - 1; i++) { if (n[i].paired && !n[i + 1].paired && n[i].row + 1 < o.length && !o[n[i].row + 1].paired && n[i + 1] == o[n[i].row + 1]) { n[i + 1] = { text: n[i + 1], row: n[i].row + 1, paired: true }; o[n[i].row + 1] = { text: o[n[i].row + 1], row: i + 1, paired: true }; } } // pass 5: pair matching rows immediately preceding paired rows (not necessarily unique) for (i = n.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (n[i].paired && !n[i - 1].paired && n[i].row > 0 && !o[n[i].row - 1].paired && n[i - 1] == o[n[i].row - 1]) { n[i - 1] = { text: n[i - 1], row: n[i].row - 1, paired: true }; o[n[i].row - 1] = { text: o[n[i].row - 1], row: i - 1, paired: true }; } } return { o: o, n: n }; } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: diff.js // STARTFILE: init.js function setSiteInfo() { if (window.popupLocalDebug) { pg.wiki.hostname = 'en.wikipedia.org'; } else { pg.wiki.hostname = location.hostname; // use in preference to location.hostname for flexibility (?) } pg.wiki.wikimedia = RegExp('(wiki([pm]edia|source|books|news|quote|versity|species|voyage|data)|metawiki|wiktionary|mediawiki)[.]org').test(pg.wiki.hostname); pg.wiki.wikia = RegExp('[.]wikia[.]com$', 'i').test(pg.wiki.hostname); pg.wiki.isLocal = RegExp('^localhost').test(pg.wiki.hostname); pg.wiki.commons = (pg.wiki.wikimedia && pg.wiki.hostname != 'commons.wikimedia.org') ? 'commons.wikimedia.org' : null; pg.wiki.lang = mw.config.get('wgContentLanguage'); var port = location.port ? ':' + location.port : ; pg.wiki.sitebase = pg.wiki.hostname + port; } function setUserInfo() { var params = { action: 'query', list: 'users', ususers: mw.config.get('wgUserName'), usprop: 'rights' }; pg.user.canReview = false; if (getValueOf('popupReview')) { getMwApi().get(params).done(function(data) { var rights = data.query.users[0].rights; pg.user.canReview = rights.indexOf('review') !== -1; // TODO: Should it be a getValueOf('ReviewRight') ? }); } } function fetchSpecialPageNames() { var params = { action: 'query', meta: 'siteinfo', siprop: 'specialpagealiases', formatversion: 2, // cache for an hour uselang: 'content', maxage: 3600 }; return getMwApi().get(params).then(function(data) { pg.wiki.specialpagealiases = data.query.specialpagealiases; }); } function setTitleBase() { var protocol = (window.popupLocalDebug ? 'http:' : location.protocol); pg.wiki.articlePath = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace(/\/\$1/, ""); // as in http://some.thing.com/wiki/Article pg.wiki.botInterfacePath = mw.config.get('wgScript'); pg.wiki.APIPath = mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/api.php"; // default mediawiki setting is paths like http://some.thing.com/articlePath/index.php?title=foo var titletail = pg.wiki.botInterfacePath + '?title='; //var titletail2 = joinPath([pg.wiki.botInterfacePath, 'wiki.phtml?title=']); // other sites may need to add code here to set titletail depending on how their urls work pg.wiki.titlebase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.sitebase + titletail; //pg.wiki.titlebase2 = protocol + '//' + joinPath([pg.wiki.sitebase, titletail2]); pg.wiki.wikibase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.sitebase + pg.wiki.botInterfacePath; pg.wiki.apiwikibase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.sitebase + pg.wiki.APIPath; pg.wiki.articlebase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.sitebase + pg.wiki.articlePath; pg.wiki.commonsbase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.commons + pg.wiki.botInterfacePath; pg.wiki.apicommonsbase = protocol + '//' + pg.wiki.commons + pg.wiki.APIPath; pg.re.basenames = RegExp('^(' + map(literalizeRegex, [pg.wiki.titlebase, //pg.wiki.titlebase2, pg.wiki.articlebase ]).join('|') + ')'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global regexps function setMainRegex() { var reStart = '[^:]*://'; var preTitles = literalizeRegex(mw.config.get('wgScriptPath')) + '/(?:index[.]php|wiki[.]phtml)[?]title='; preTitles += '|' + literalizeRegex(pg.wiki.articlePath + '/'); var reEnd = '(' + preTitles + ')([^&?#]*)[^#]*(?:#(.+))?'; pg.re.main = RegExp(reStart + literalizeRegex(pg.wiki.sitebase) + reEnd); } function buildSpecialPageGroup(specialPageObj) { var variants = []; variants.push(mw.util.escapeRegExp(specialPageObj['realname'])); variants.push(mw.util.escapeRegExp(encodeURI(specialPageObj['realname']))); specialPageObj.aliases.forEach(function(alias) { variants.push(mw.util.escapeRegExp(alias)); variants.push(mw.util.escapeRegExp(encodeURI(alias))); }); return variants.join('|'); } function setRegexps() { setMainRegex(); var sp = nsRe(pg.nsSpecialId); pg.re.urlNoPopup = RegExp('((title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)|section=[0-9]|^#$)'); pg.wiki.specialpagealiases.forEach(function(specialpage) { if (specialpage.realname === 'Contributions') { pg.re.contribs = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)(?:' + buildSpecialPageGroup(specialpage) + ')' + '(&target=|/|/' + nsRe(pg.nsUserId) + ':)(.*)', 'i'); } else if (specialpage.realname === 'Diff') { pg.re.specialdiff = RegExp('/' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)(?:' + buildSpecialPageGroup(specialpage) + ')' + '/([^?#]*)', 'i'); } else if (specialpage.realname === 'Emailuser') { pg.re.email = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)(?:' + buildSpecialPageGroup(specialpage) + ')' + '(&target=|/|/(?:' + nsRe(pg.nsUserId) + ':)?)(.*)', 'i'); } else if (specialpage.realname === 'Whatlinkshere') { pg.re.backlinks = RegExp('(title=|/)' + sp + '(?:%3A|:)(?:' + buildSpecialPageGroup(specialpage) + ')' + '(&target=|/)([^&]*)', 'i'); } }); //<NOLITE> var im = nsReImage(); // note: tries to get images in infobox templates too, e.g. movie pages, album pages etc // (^|\[\[)image: *([^|\]]*[^|\] ]) * // (^|\[\[)image: *([^|\]]*[^|\] ])([^0-9\]]*([0-9]+) *px)? // $4 = 120 as in 120px pg.re.image = RegExp('(^|\\[\\[)' + im + ': *([^|\\]]*[^|\\] ])' + '([^0-9\\]]*([0-9]+) *px)?|(?:\\n *[|]?|[|]) *' + '(' + getValueOf('popupImageVarsRegexp') + ')' + ' *= *(?:\\[\\[ *)?(?:' + im + ':)?' + '([^|]*?)(?:\\]\\])? *[|]? *\\n', 'img'); pg.re.imageBracketCount = 6; pg.re.category = RegExp('\\[\\[' + nsRe(pg.nsCategoryId) + ': *([^|\\]]*[^|\\] ]) *', 'i'); pg.re.categoryBracketCount = 1; pg.re.ipUser = RegExp('^' + // IPv6 '(?::(?::|(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,6}::|[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}(?::[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){7})' + // IPv4 '|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])\\.){3}' + '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9]))$'); pg.re.stub = RegExp(getValueOf('popupStubRegexp'), 'im'); pg.re.disambig = RegExp(getValueOf('popupDabRegexp'), 'im'); //</NOLITE> // FIXME replace with general parameter parsing function, this is daft pg.re.oldid = RegExp('[?&]oldid=([^&]*)'); pg.re.diff = RegExp('[?&]diff=([^&]*)'); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // miscellany function setupCache() { // page caching pg.cache.pages = []; } function setMisc() { pg.current.link = null; pg.current.links = []; pg.current.linksHash = {}; setupCache(); pg.timer.checkPopupPosition = null; pg.counter.loop = 0; // ids change with each popup: popupImage0, popupImage1 etc pg.idNumber = 0; // for myDecodeURI pg.misc.decodeExtras = [{ from: '%2C', to: ',' }, { from: '_', to: ' ' }, { from: '%24', to: '$' }, { from: '%26', to: '&' } // no , ]; } function getMwApi() { if (!pg.api.client) { pg.api.userAgent = 'Navigation popups/1.0 (' + mw.config.get('wgServerName') + ')'; pg.api.client = new mw.Api({ ajax: { headers: { 'Api-User-Agent': pg.api.userAgent } } }); } return pg.api.client; } // We need a callback since this might end up asynchronous because of // the mw.loader.using() call. function setupPopups(callback) { if (setupPopups.completed) { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } return; } // These dependencies should alse be enforced from the gadget, // but not everyone loads this as a gadget, so double check mw.loader.using([ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.user', 'user.options', 'mediawiki.jqueryMsg' ]) .then(fetchSpecialPageNames) .then(function() { // NB translatable strings should be set up first (strings.js) // basics setupDebugging(); setSiteInfo(); setTitleBase(); setOptions(); // see options.js setUserInfo(); // namespaces etc setNamespaces(); setInterwiki(); // regexps setRegexps(); setRedirs(); // other stuff setMisc(); setupLivePreview(); // main deal here setupTooltips(); log('In setupPopups(), just called setupTooltips()'); Navpopup.tracker.enable(); setupPopups.completed = true; if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } }); } // ENDFILE: init.js // STARTFILE: navlinks.js //<NOLITE> ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // navlinks... let the fun begin // function defaultNavlinkSpec() { var str = ; str += '<<mainlink|shortcut= >>'; if (getValueOf('popupLastEditLink')) { str += '*<<lastEdit|shortcut=/>>|<<lastContrib>>|<<sinceMe>>if(oldid){|<<oldEdit>>|<<diffCur>>}'; } // user links // contribs - log - count - email - block // count only if applicable; block only if popupAdminLinks str += 'if(user){
<<contribs|shortcut=c>>*<<userlog|shortcut=L|log>>'; str += 'if(ipuser){*<<arin>>}if(wikimedia){*<<count|shortcut=#>>}'; str += 'if(ipuser){}else{*<<email|shortcut=E>>}if(admin){*<<block|shortcut=b>>|<<blocklog|log>>}}'; // editing links // talkpage -> edit|new - history - un|watch - article|edit // other page -> edit - history - un|watch - talk|edit|new var editstr = '<<edit|shortcut=e>>'; var editOldidStr = 'if(oldid){<<editOld|shortcut=e>>|<<revert|shortcut=v|rv>>|<<edit|cur>>}else{' + editstr + '}'; var historystr = '<<history|shortcut=h>>|<<editors|shortcut=E|>>'; var watchstr = '<<unwatch|unwatchShort>>|<<watch|shortcut=w|watchThingy>>'; str += '
if(talk){' + editOldidStr + '|<<new|shortcut=+>>' + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<<article|shortcut=a>>|<<editArticle|edit>>' + '}else{' + // not a talk page editOldidStr + '*' + historystr + '*' + watchstr + '*' + '<<talk|shortcut=t>>|<<editTalk|edit>>|<<newTalk|shortcut=+|new>>}'; // misc links str += '
<<whatLinksHere|shortcut=l>>*<<relatedChanges|shortcut=r>>*<<move|shortcut=m>>'; // admin links str += 'if(admin){
<<unprotect|unprotectShort>>|<<protect|shortcut=p>>|<<protectlog|log>>*' + '<<undelete|undeleteShort>>|<<delete|shortcut=d>>|<<deletelog|log>>}'; return str; } function navLinksHTML(article, hint, params) { //oldid, rcid) { var str = '' + defaultNavlinkSpec() + ''; // BAM return navlinkStringToHTML(str, article, params); } function expandConditionalNavlinkString(s, article, z, recursionCount) { var oldid = z.oldid, rcid = z.rcid, diff = z.diff; // nested conditionals (up to 10 deep) are ok, hopefully! (work from the inside out) if (typeof recursionCount != typeof 0) { recursionCount = 0; } var conditionalSplitRegex = RegExp( //(1 if \\( (2 2) \\) {(3 3)} (4 else {(5 5)} 4)1) '(;?\\s*if\\s*\\(\\s*([\\w]*)\\s*\\)\\s*\\{([^{}]*)\\}(\\s*else\\s*\\{([^{}]*?)\\}|))', 'i'); var splitted = s.parenSplit(conditionalSplitRegex); // $1: whole conditional // $2: test condition // $3: true expansion // $4: else clause (possibly empty) // $5: false expansion (possibly null) var numParens = 5; var ret = splitted[0]; for (var i = 1; i < splitted.length; i = i + numParens + 1) { var testString = splitted[i + 2 - 1]; var trueString = splitted[i + 3 - 1]; var falseString = splitted[i + 5 - 1]; if (typeof falseString == 'undefined' || !falseString) { falseString = ; } var testResult = null; switch (testString) { case 'user': testResult = (article.userName()) ? true : false; break; case 'talk': testResult = (article.talkPage()) ? false : true; // talkPage converts _articles_ to talkPages break; case 'admin': testResult = getValueOf('popupAdminLinks') ? true : false; break; case 'oldid': testResult = (typeof oldid != 'undefined' && oldid) ? true : false; break; case 'rcid': testResult = (typeof rcid != 'undefined' && rcid) ? true : false; break; case 'ipuser': testResult = (article.isIpUser()) ? true : false; break; case 'mainspace_en': testResult = isInMainNamespace(article) && pg.wiki.hostname == 'en.wikipedia.org'; break; case 'wikimedia': testResult = (pg.wiki.wikimedia) ? true : false; break; case 'diff': testResult = (typeof diff != 'undefined' && diff) ? true : false; break; } switch (testResult) { case null: ret += splitted[i]; break; case true: ret += trueString; break; case false: ret += falseString; break; } // append non-conditional string ret += splitted[i + numParens]; } if (conditionalSplitRegex.test(ret) && recursionCount < 10) { return expandConditionalNavlinkString(ret, article, z, recursionCount + 1); } return ret; } function navlinkStringToArray(s, article, params) { s = expandConditionalNavlinkString(s, article, params); var splitted = s.parenSplit(RegExp('<<(.*?)>>')); var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < splitted.length; ++i) { if (i % 2) { // i odd, so s is a tag var t = new navlinkTag(); var ss = splitted[i].split('|'); t.id = ss[0]; for (var j = 1; j < ss.length; ++j) { var sss = ss[j].split('='); if (sss.length > 1) { t[sss[0]] = sss[1]; } else { // no assignment (no "="), so treat this as a title (overwriting the last one) t.text = popupString(sss[0]); } } t.article = article; var oldid = params.oldid, rcid = params.rcid, diff = params.diff; if (typeof oldid !== 'undefined' && oldid !== null) { t.oldid = oldid; } if (typeof rcid !== 'undefined' && rcid !== null) { t.rcid = rcid; } if (typeof diff !== 'undefined' && diff !== null) { t.diff = diff; } if (!t.text && t.id !== 'mainlink') { t.text = popupString(t.id); } ret.push(t); } else { // plain HTML ret.push(splitted[i]); } } return ret; } function navlinkSubstituteHTML(s) { return s.split('*').join(getValueOf('popupNavLinkSeparator')) .split('<menurow>').join('') .split('<menu>').join(''); } function navlinkDepth(magic, s) { return s.split('<' + magic + '>').length - s.split('</' + magic + '>').length; } // navlinkString: * becomes the separator // <<foo|bar=baz|fubar>> becomes a foo-link with attribute bar='baz' // and visible text 'fubar' // if(test){...} and if(test){...}else{...} work too (nested ok) function navlinkStringToHTML(s, article, params) { //limitAlert(navlinkStringToHTML, 5, 'navlinkStringToHTML\n' + article + '\n' + (typeof article)); var p = navlinkStringToArray(s, article, params); var html = ; var menudepth = 0; // nested menus not currently allowed, but doesn't do any harm to code for it var menurowdepth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) { if (typeof p[i] == typeof ) { html += navlinkSubstituteHTML(p[i]); menudepth += navlinkDepth('menu', p[i]); menurowdepth += navlinkDepth('menurow', p[i]); // if (menudepth === 0) { // tagType='span'; // } else if (menurowdepth === 0) { // tagType='li'; // } else { // tagType = null; // } } else if (typeof p[i].type != 'undefined' && p[i].type == 'navlinkTag') { if (menudepth > 0 && menurowdepth === 0) { html += ''; } else { html += p[i].html(); } } } return html; } function navlinkTag() { this.type = 'navlinkTag'; } navlinkTag.prototype.html = function() { this.getNewWin(); this.getPrintFunction(); var html = ; var opening, closing; var tagType = 'span'; if (!tagType) { opening = ; closing = ; } else { opening = '<' + tagType + ' class="popup_' + this.id + '">'; closing = '</' + tagType + '>'; } if (typeof this.print != 'function') { errlog('Oh dear - invalid print function for a navlinkTag, id=' + this.id); } else { html = this.print(this); if (typeof html != typeof ) { html = ; } else if (typeof this.shortcut != 'undefined') html = addPopupShortcut(html, this.shortcut); } return opening + html + closing; }; navlinkTag.prototype.getNewWin = function() { getValueOf('popupLinksNewWindow'); if (typeof pg.option.popupLinksNewWindow[this.id] === 'undefined') { this.newWin = null; } this.newWin = pg.option.popupLinksNewWindow[this.id]; }; navlinkTag.prototype.getPrintFunction = function() { //think about this some more // this.id and this.article should already be defined if (typeof this.id != typeof || typeof this.article != typeof {}) { return; } this.noPopup = 1; switch (this.id) { case 'contribs': case 'history': case 'whatLinksHere': case 'userPage': case 'monobook': case 'userTalk': case 'talk': case 'article': case 'lastEdit': this.noPopup = null; } switch (this.id) { case 'email': case 'contribs': case 'block': case 'unblock': case 'userlog': case 'userSpace': case 'deletedContribs': this.article = this.article.userName(); } switch (this.id) { case 'userTalk': case 'newUserTalk': case 'editUserTalk': case 'userPage': case 'monobook': case 'editMonobook': case 'blocklog': this.article = this.article.userName(true); /* fall through */ case 'pagelog': case 'deletelog': case 'protectlog': delete this.oldid; } if (this.id == 'editMonobook' || this.id == 'monobook') { this.article.append('/monobook.js'); } if (this.id != 'mainlink') { // FIXME anchor handling should be done differently with Title object this.article = this.article.removeAnchor(); // if (typeof this.text=='undefined') this.text=popupString(this.id); } switch (this.id) { case 'undelete': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Undelete'; this.sep = '/'; break; case 'whatLinksHere': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Whatlinkshere'; break; case 'relatedChanges': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Recentchangeslinked'; break; case 'move': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Movepage'; break; case 'contribs': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Contributions'; break; case 'deletedContribs': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Deletedcontributions'; break; case 'email': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'EmailUser'; this.sep = '/'; break; case 'block': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Blockip'; this.sep = '&ip='; break; case 'unblock': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Ipblocklist'; this.sep = '&action=unblock&ip='; break; case 'userlog': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Log'; this.sep = '&user='; break; case 'blocklog': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Log'; this.sep = '&type=block&page='; break; case 'pagelog': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Log'; this.sep = '&page='; break; case 'protectlog': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Log'; this.sep = '&type=protect&page='; break; case 'deletelog': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Log'; this.sep = '&type=delete&page='; break; case 'userSpace': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'PrefixIndex'; this.sep = '&namespace=2&prefix='; break; case 'search': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Search'; this.sep = '&fulltext=Search&search='; break; case 'thank': this.print = specialLink; this.specialpage = 'Thanks'; this.sep = '/'; this.article.value = (this.diff !== 'prev' ? this.diff : this.oldid); break; case 'unwatch': case 'watch': this.print = magicWatchLink; this.action = this.id + '&autowatchlist=1&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&actoken=' + autoClickToken(); break; case 'history': case 'historyfeed': case 'unprotect': case 'protect': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = this.id; break; case 'delete': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'delete'; if (this.article.namespaceId() == pg.nsImageId) { var img = this.article.stripNamespace(); this.action += '&image=' + img; } break; case 'markpatrolled': case 'edit': // editOld should keep the oldid, but edit should not. delete this.oldid; /* fall through */ case 'view': case 'purge': case 'render': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = this.id; break; case 'raw': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'raw'; break; case 'new': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'edit&section=new'; break; case 'mainlink': if (typeof this.text == 'undefined') { this.text = this.article.toString().entify(); } if (getValueOf('popupSimplifyMainLink') && isInStrippableNamespace(this.article)) { // only show the /subpage part of the title text var s = this.text.split('/'); this.text = s[s.length - 1]; if (this.text === && s.length > 1) { this.text = s[s.length - 2]; } } this.print = titledWikiLink; if (typeof this.title === 'undefined' && pg.current.link && typeof pg.current.link.href !== 'undefined') { this.title = safeDecodeURI((pg.current.link.originalTitle) ? pg.current.link.originalTitle : this.article); if (typeof this.oldid !== 'undefined' && this.oldid) { this.title = tprintf('Revision %s of %s', [this.oldid, this.title]); } } this.action = 'view'; break; case 'userPage': case 'article': case 'monobook': case 'editMonobook': case 'editArticle': delete this.oldid; //alert(this.id+'\n'+this.article + '\n'+ typeof this.article); this.article = this.article.articleFromTalkOrArticle(); //alert(this.id+'\n'+this.article + '\n'+ typeof this.article); this.print = wikiLink; if (this.id.indexOf('edit') === 0) { this.action = 'edit'; } else { this.action = 'view'; } break; case 'userTalk': case 'talk': this.article = this.article.talkPage(); delete this.oldid; this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'view'; break; case 'arin': this.print = arinLink; break; case 'count': this.print = editCounterLink; break; case 'google': this.print = googleLink; break; case 'editors': this.print = editorListLink; break; case 'globalsearch': this.print = globalSearchLink; break; case 'lastEdit': this.print = titledDiffLink; this.title = popupString('Show the last edit'); this.from = 'prev'; this.to = 'cur'; break; case 'oldEdit': this.print = titledDiffLink; this.title = popupString('Show the edit made to get revision') + ' ' + this.oldid; this.from = 'prev'; this.to = this.oldid; break; case 'editOld': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'edit'; break; case 'undo': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'edit&undo='; break; case 'revert': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'revert'; break; case 'nullEdit': this.print = wikiLink; this.action = 'nullEdit'; break; case 'diffCur': this.print = titledDiffLink; this.title = tprintf('Show changes since revision %s', [this.oldid]); this.from = this.oldid; this.to = 'cur'; break; case 'editUserTalk': case 'editTalk': delete this.oldid; this.article = this.article.talkPage(); this.action = 'edit'; this.print = wikiLink; break; case 'newUserTalk': case 'newTalk': this.article = this.article.talkPage(); this.action = 'edit&section=new'; this.print = wikiLink; break; case 'lastContrib': case 'sinceMe': this.print = magicHistoryLink; break; case 'togglePreviews': this.text = popupString(pg.option.simplePopups ? 'enable previews' : 'disable previews'); /* fall through */ case 'disablePopups': case 'purgePopups': this.print = popupMenuLink; break; default: this.print = function() { return 'Unknown navlink type: ' + this.id + ; }; } }; // // end navlinks ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: navlinks.js // STARTFILE: shortcutkeys.js //<NOLITE> function popupHandleKeypress(evt) { var keyCode = window.event ? window.event.keyCode : (evt.keyCode ? evt.keyCode : evt.which); if (!keyCode || !pg.current.link || !pg.current.link.navpopup) { return; } if (keyCode == 27) { // escape killPopup(); return false; // swallow keypress } var letter = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); var links = pg.current.link.navpopup.mainDiv.getElementsByTagName('A'); var startLink = 0; var i, j; if (popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected) { for (i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) { if (links[i] == popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected) { startLink = i; } } } for (j = 0; j < links.length; ++j) { i = (startLink + j + 1) % links.length; if (links[i].getAttribute('popupkey') == letter) { if (evt && evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); links[i].focus(); popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected = links[i]; return false; // swallow keypress } } // pass keypress on if (document.oldPopupOnkeypress) { return document.oldPopupOnkeypress(evt); } return true; } function addPopupShortcuts() { if (document.onkeypress != popupHandleKeypress) { document.oldPopupOnkeypress = document.onkeypress; } document.onkeypress = popupHandleKeypress; } function rmPopupShortcuts() { popupHandleKeypress.lastPopupLinkSelected = null; try { if (document.oldPopupOnkeypress && document.oldPopupOnkeypress == popupHandleKeypress) { // panic document.onkeypress = null; //function () {}; return; } document.onkeypress = document.oldPopupOnkeypress; } catch (nasties) { /* IE goes here */ } } function addLinkProperty(html, property) { // take "<a href=...>...</a> and add a property // not sophisticated at all, easily broken var i = html.indexOf('>'); if (i < 0) { return html; } return html.substring(0, i) + ' ' + property + html.substring(i); } function addPopupShortcut(html, key) { if (!getValueOf('popupShortcutKeys')) { return html; } var ret = addLinkProperty(html, 'popupkey="' + key + '"'); if (key == ' ') { key = popupString('spacebar'); } return ret.replace(RegExp('^(.*?)(title=")(.*?)(".*)$', 'i'), '$1$2$3 [' + key + ']$4'); } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: shortcutkeys.js // STARTFILE: diffpreview.js //<NOLITE> //lets jump through hoops to find the rev ids we need to retrieve function loadDiff(article, oldid, diff, navpop) { navpop.diffData = { oldRev: {}, newRev: {} }; mw.loader.using('mediawiki.api').then(function() { var api = getMwApi(); var params = { action: 'compare', prop: 'ids|title' }; if (article.title) { params.fromtitle = article.title; } switch (diff) { case 'cur': switch (oldid) { case null: case : case 'prev': // this can only work if we have the title // cur -> prev params.torelative = 'prev'; break; default: params.fromrev = oldid; params.torelative = 'cur'; break; } break; case 'prev': if (oldid) { params.fromrev = oldid; } else { params.fromtitle; } params.torelative = 'prev'; break; case 'next': params.fromrev = oldid || 0; params.torelative = 'next'; break; default: params.fromrev = oldid || 0; params.torev = diff || 0; break; } api.get(params).then(function(data) { navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid = data.compare.fromrevid; navpop.diffData.newRev.revid = data.compare.torevid; addReviewLink(navpop, 'popupMiscTools'); var go = function() { pendingNavpopTask(navpop); var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&formatversion=2&action=query&'; url += 'revids=' + navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid + '|' + navpop.diffData.newRev.revid; url += '&prop=revisions&rvprop=ids|timestamp|content'; getPageWithCaching(url, doneDiff, navpop); return true; // remove hook once run }; if (navpop.visible || !getValueOf('popupLazyDownloads')) { go(); } else { navpop.addHook(go, 'unhide', 'before', 'DOWNLOAD_DIFFS'); } }); }); } // Put a "mark patrolled" link to an element target // TODO: Allow patrol a revision, as well as a diff function addReviewLink(navpop, target) { if (!pg.user.canReview) return; // If 'newRev' is older than 'oldRev' than it could be confusing, so we do not show the review link. if (navpop.diffData.newRev.revid <= navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid) return; var params = { action: 'query', prop: 'info|flagged', revids: navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid, formatversion: 2 }; getMwApi().get(params).then(function(data) { var stable_revid = data.query.pages[0].flagged && data.query.pages[0].flagged.stable_revid || 0; // The diff can be reviewed if the old version is the last reviewed version // TODO: Other possible conditions that we may want to implement instead of this one: // * old version is patrolled and the new version is not patrolled // * old version is patrolled and the new version is more recent than the last reviewed version if (stable_revid == navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.innerHTML = popupString('mark patrolled'); a.title = popupString('markpatrolledHint'); a.onclick = function() { var params = { action: 'review', revid: navpop.diffData.newRev.revid, comment: tprintf('defaultpopupReviewedSummary', [navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid, navpop.diffData.newRev.revid]) }; api.postWithToken('csrf', params).done(function() { a.style.display = "none"; // TODO: Update current page and other already constructed popups }).fail(function() { alert(popupString('Could not marked this edit as patrolled')); }); }; setPopupHTML(a, target, navpop.idNumber, null, true); } }); } function doneDiff(download) { if (!download.owner || !download.owner.diffData) { return; } var navpop = download.owner; completedNavpopTask(navpop); var pages, revisions = []; try { // Process the downloads pages = getJsObj(download.data).query.pages; for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { revisions = revisions.concat(pages[i].revisions); } for (i = 0; i < revisions.length; i++) { if (revisions[i].revid == navpop.diffData.oldRev.revid) { navpop.diffData.oldRev.revision = revisions[i]; } else if (revisions[i].revid == navpop.diffData.newRev.revid) { navpop.diffData.newRev.revision = revisions[i]; } } } catch (someError) { errlog('Could not get diff'); } insertDiff(navpop); } function rmBoringLines(a, b, context) { if (typeof context == 'undefined') { context = 2; } // this is fairly slow... i think it's quicker than doing a word-based diff from the off, though var aa = [], aaa = []; var bb = [], bbb = []; var i, j; // first, gather all disconnected nodes in a and all crossing nodes in a and b for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (!a[i].paired) { aa[i] = 1; } else if (countCrossings(b, a, i, true)) { aa[i] = 1; bb[a[i].row] = 1; } } // pick up remaining disconnected nodes in b for (i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) { if (bb[i] == 1) { continue; } if (!b[i].paired) { bb[i] = 1; } } // another pass to gather context: we want the neighbours of included nodes which are not yet included // we have to add in partners of these nodes, but we don't want to add context for *those* nodes in the next pass for (i = 0; i < b.length; ++i) { if (bb[i] == 1) { for (j = Math.max(0, i - context); j < Math.min(b.length, i + context); ++j) { if (!bb[j]) { bb[j] = 1; aa[b[j].row] = 0.5; } } } } for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { if (aa[i] == 1) { for (j = Math.max(0, i - context); j < Math.min(a.length, i + context); ++j) { if (!aa[j]) { aa[j] = 1; bb[a[j].row] = 0.5; } } } } for (i = 0; i < bb.length; ++i) { if (bb[i] > 0) { // it's a row we need if (b[i].paired) { bbb.push(b[i].text); } // joined; partner should be in aa else { bbb.push(b[i]); } } } for (i = 0; i < aa.length; ++i) { if (aa[i] > 0) { // it's a row we need if (a[i].paired) { aaa.push(a[i].text); } // joined; partner should be in aa else { aaa.push(a[i]); } } } return { a: aaa, b: bbb }; } function stripOuterCommonLines(a, b, context) { var i = 0; while (i < a.length && i < b.length && a[i] == b[i]) { ++i; } var j = a.length - 1; var k = b.length - 1; while (j >= 0 && k >= 0 && a[j] == b[k]) { --j; --k; } return { a: a.slice(Math.max(0, i - 1 - context), Math.min(a.length + 1, j + context + 1)), b: b.slice(Math.max(0, i - 1 - context), Math.min(b.length + 1, k + context + 1)) }; } function insertDiff(navpop) { // for speed reasons, we first do a line-based diff, discard stuff that seems boring, then do a word-based diff // FIXME: sometimes this gives misleading diffs as distant chunks are squashed together var oldlines = navpop.diffData.oldRev.revision.content.split('\n'); var newlines = navpop.diffData.newRev.revision.content.split('\n'); var inner = stripOuterCommonLines(oldlines, newlines, getValueOf('popupDiffContextLines')); oldlines = inner.a; newlines = inner.b; var truncated = false; getValueOf('popupDiffMaxLines'); if (oldlines.length > pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines || newlines.length > pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines) { // truncate truncated = true; inner = stripOuterCommonLines(oldlines.slice(0, pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines), newlines.slice(0, pg.option.popupDiffMaxLines), pg.option.popupDiffContextLines); oldlines = inner.a; newlines = inner.b; } var lineDiff = diff(oldlines, newlines); var lines2 = rmBoringLines(lineDiff.o, lineDiff.n); var oldlines2 = lines2.a; var newlines2 = lines2.b; var simpleSplit = !String.prototype.parenSplit.isNative; var html = '
'; if (getValueOf('popupDiffDates')) { html += diffDatesTable(navpop); html += '
'; } html += shortenDiffString( diffString(oldlines2.join('\n'), newlines2.join('\n'), simpleSplit), getValueOf('popupDiffContextCharacters')).join('
'); setPopupTipsAndHTML(html.split('\n').join('
') + (truncated ? '
' + popupString('Diff truncated for performance reasons') + '' : ), 'popupPreview', navpop.idNumber); } function diffDatesTable(navpop) { var html = ''; html += diffDatesTableRow(navpop.diffData.newRev.revision, tprintf('New revision')); html += diffDatesTableRow(navpop.diffData.oldRev.revision, tprintf('Old revision')); html += ''; return html; } function diffDatesTableRow(revision, label) { var txt = ; var lastModifiedDate = new Date(revision.timestamp); txt = formattedDateTime(lastModifiedDate); var revlink = generalLink({ url: mw.config.get('wgScript') + '?oldid=' + revision.revid, text: label, title: label }); return simplePrintf('%s%s', [revlink, txt]); } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: diffpreview.js // STARTFILE: links.js //<NOLITE> ///////////////////// // LINK GENERATION // ///////////////////// // titledDiffLink --> titledWikiLink --> generalLink // wikiLink --> titledWikiLink --> generalLink // editCounterLink --> generalLink // TODO Make these functions return Element objects, not just raw HTML strings. function titledDiffLink(l) { // article, text, title, from, to) { return titledWikiLink({ article: l.article, action: l.to + '&oldid=' + l.from, newWin: l.newWin, noPopup: l.noPopup, text: l.text, title: l.title, /* hack: no oldid here */ actionName: 'diff' }); } function wikiLink(l) { //{article:article, action:action, text:text, oldid, newid}) { if (!(typeof l.article == typeof {} && typeof l.action == typeof && typeof l.text == typeof )) return null; if (typeof l.oldid == 'undefined') { l.oldid = null; } var savedOldid = l.oldid; if (!/^(edit|view|revert|render)$|^raw/.test(l.action)) { l.oldid = null; } var hint = popupString(l.action + 'Hint'); // revertHint etc etc etc var oldidData = [l.oldid, safeDecodeURI(l.article)]; var revisionString = tprintf('revision %s of %s', oldidData); log('revisionString=' + revisionString); switch (l.action) { case 'edit&section=new': hint = popupString('newSectionHint'); break; case 'edit&undo=': if (l.diff && l.diff != 'prev' && savedOldid) { l.action += l.diff + '&undoafter=' + savedOldid; } else if (savedOldid) { l.action += savedOldid; } hint = popupString('undoHint'); break; case 'raw&ctype=text/css': hint = popupString('rawHint'); break; case 'revert': var p = parseParams(pg.current.link.href); l.action = 'edit&autoclick=wpSave&actoken=' + autoClickToken() + '&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&autosummary=' + revertSummary(l.oldid, p.diff); if (p.diff == 'prev') { l.action += '&direction=prev'; revisionString = tprintf('the revision prior to revision %s of %s', oldidData); } if (getValueOf('popupRevertSummaryPrompt')) { l.action += '&autosummaryprompt=true'; } if (getValueOf('popupMinorReverts')) { l.action += '&autominor=true'; } log('revisionString is now ' + revisionString); break; case 'nullEdit': l.action = 'edit&autoclick=wpSave&actoken=' + autoClickToken() + '&autoimpl=' + popupString('autoedit_version') + '&autosummary=null'; break; case 'historyfeed': l.action = 'history&feed=rss'; break; case 'markpatrolled': l.action = 'markpatrolled&rcid=' + l.rcid; } if (hint) { if (l.oldid) { hint = simplePrintf(hint, [revisionString]); } else { hint = simplePrintf(hint, [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]); } } else { hint = safeDecodeURI(l.article + '&action=' + l.action) + (l.oldid) ? '&oldid=' + l.oldid : ; } return titledWikiLink({ article: l.article, action: l.action, text: l.text, newWin: l.newWin, title: hint, oldid: l.oldid, noPopup: l.noPopup, onclick: l.onclick }); } function revertSummary(oldid, diff) { var ret = ; if (diff == 'prev') { ret = getValueOf('popupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary'); } else { ret = getValueOf('popupQueriedRevertSummary'); } return ret + '&autorv=' + oldid; } function titledWikiLink(l) { // possible properties of argument: // article, action, text, title, oldid, actionName, className, noPopup // oldid = null is fine here // article and action are mandatory args if (typeof l.article == 'undefined' || typeof l.action == 'undefined') { errlog('got undefined article or action in titledWikiLink'); return null; } var base = pg.wiki.titlebase + l.article.urlString(); var url = base; if (typeof l.actionName == 'undefined' || !l.actionName) { l.actionName = 'action'; } // no need to add &action=view, and this confuses anchors if (l.action != 'view') { url = base + '&' + l.actionName + '=' + l.action; } if (typeof l.oldid != 'undefined' && l.oldid) { url += '&oldid=' + l.oldid; } var cssClass = pg.misc.defaultNavlinkClassname; if (typeof l.className != 'undefined' && l.className) { cssClass = l.className; } return generalNavLink({ url: url, newWin: l.newWin, title: (typeof l.title != 'undefined') ? l.title : null, text: (typeof l.text != 'undefined') ? l.text : null, className: cssClass, noPopup: l.noPopup, onclick: l.onclick }); } pg.fn.getLastContrib = function getLastContrib(wikipage, newWin) { getHistoryInfo(wikipage, function(x) { processLastContribInfo(x, { page: wikipage, newWin: newWin }); }); }; function processLastContribInfo(info, stuff) { if (!info.edits || !info.edits.length) { alert('Popups: an odd thing happened. Please retry.'); return; } if (!info.firstNewEditor) { alert(tprintf('Only found one editor: %s made %s edits', [info.edits[0].editor, info.edits.length])); return; } var newUrl = pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(stuff.page).urlString() + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + info.firstNewEditor.oldid; displayUrl(newUrl, stuff.newWin); } pg.fn.getDiffSinceMyEdit = function getDiffSinceMyEdit(wikipage, newWin) { getHistoryInfo(wikipage, function(x) { processDiffSinceMyEdit(x, { page: wikipage, newWin: newWin }); }); }; function processDiffSinceMyEdit(info, stuff) { if (!info.edits || !info.edits.length) { alert('Popups: something fishy happened. Please try again.'); return; } var friendlyName = stuff.page.split('_').join(' '); if (!info.myLastEdit) { alert(tprintf('Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s', [info.userName, getValueOf('popupHistoryLimit'), friendlyName])); return; } if (info.myLastEdit.index === 0) { alert(tprintf("%s seems to be the last editor to the page %s", [info.userName, friendlyName])); return; } var newUrl = pg.wiki.titlebase + new Title(stuff.page).urlString() + '&diff=cur&oldid=' + info.myLastEdit.oldid; displayUrl(newUrl, stuff.newWin); } function displayUrl(url, newWin) { if (newWin) { window.open(url); } else { document.location = url; } } pg.fn.purgePopups = function purgePopups() { processAllPopups(true); setupCache(); // deletes all cached items (not browser cached, though...) pg.option = {}; abortAllDownloads(); }; function processAllPopups(nullify, banish) { for (var i = 0; pg.current.links && i < pg.current.links.length; ++i) { if (!pg.current.links[i].navpopup) { continue; } if (nullify || banish) pg.current.links[i].navpopup.banish(); pg.current.links[i].simpleNoMore = false; if (nullify) pg.current.links[i].navpopup = null; } } pg.fn.disablePopups = function disablePopups() { processAllPopups(false, true); setupTooltips(null, true); }; pg.fn.togglePreviews = function togglePreviews() { processAllPopups(true, true); pg.option.simplePopups = !pg.option.simplePopups; abortAllDownloads(); }; function magicWatchLink(l) { //Yuck!! Would require a thorough redesign to add this as a click event though ... l.onclick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.modifyWatchlist(\'%s\',\'%s\');return false;', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), this.id]); return wikiLink(l); } pg.fn.modifyWatchlist = function modifyWatchlist(title, action) { var reqData = { 'action': 'watch', 'formatversion': 2, 'titles': title, 'uselang': mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') }; if (action === 'unwatch') reqData.unwatch = true; // Load the Addedwatchtext or Removedwatchtext message and show it var mwTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(title); var messageName; if (mwTitle && mwTitle.getNamespaceId() > 0 && mwTitle.getNamespaceId() % 2 === 1) { messageName = action === 'watch' ? 'addedwatchtext-talk' : 'removedwatchtext-talk'; } else { messageName = action === 'watch' ? 'addedwatchtext' : 'removedwatchtext'; } $.when( getMwApi().postWithToken('watch', reqData), mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.jqueryMsg']).then(function() { return api.loadMessagesIfMissing([messageName]); }) ).done(function() { mw.notify(mw.message(messageName, title).parseDom()); }); }; function magicHistoryLink(l) { // FIXME use onclick change href trick to sort this out instead of window.open var jsUrl = , title = , onClick = ; switch (l.id) { case 'lastContrib': onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.getLastContrib(\'%s\',%s)', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), l.newWin]); title = popupString('lastContribHint'); break; case 'sinceMe': onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.getDiffSinceMyEdit(\'%s\',%s)', [l.article.toString(true).split("\\").join("\\\\").split("'").join("\\'"), l.newWin]); title = popupString('sinceMeHint'); break; } jsUrl = 'javascript:' + onClick; // jshint ignore:line onClick += ';return false;'; return generalNavLink({ url: jsUrl, newWin: false, // can't have new windows with JS links, I think title: title, text: l.text, noPopup: l.noPopup, onclick: onClick }); } function popupMenuLink(l) { var jsUrl = simplePrintf('javascript:pg.fn.%s()', [l.id]); // jshint ignore:line var title = popupString(simplePrintf('%sHint', [l.id])); var onClick = simplePrintf('pg.fn.%s();return false;', [l.id]); return generalNavLink({ url: jsUrl, newWin: false, title: title, text: l.text, noPopup: l.noPopup, onclick: onClick }); } function specialLink(l) { // properties: article, specialpage, text, sep if (typeof l.specialpage == 'undefined' || !l.specialpage) return null; var base = pg.wiki.titlebase + mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[pg.nsSpecialId] + ':' + l.specialpage; if (typeof l.sep == 'undefined' || l.sep === null) l.sep = '&target='; var article = l.article.urlString({ keepSpaces: l.specialpage == 'Search' }); var hint = popupString(l.specialpage + 'Hint'); switch (l.specialpage) { case 'Log': switch (l.sep) { case '&user=': hint = popupString('userLogHint'); break; case '&type=block&page=': hint = popupString('blockLogHint'); break; case '&page=': hint = popupString('pageLogHint'); break; case '&type=protect&page=': hint = popupString('protectLogHint'); break; case '&type=delete&page=': hint = popupString('deleteLogHint'); break; default: log('Unknown log type, sep=' + l.sep); hint = 'Missing hint (FIXME)'; } break; case 'PrefixIndex': article += '/'; break; } if (hint) hint = simplePrintf(hint, [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]); else hint = safeDecodeURI(l.specialpage + ':' + l.article); var url = base + l.sep + article; return generalNavLink({ url: url, title: hint, text: l.text, newWin: l.newWin, noPopup: l.noPopup }); } function generalLink(l) { // l.url, l.text, l.title, l.newWin, l.className, l.noPopup, l.onclick if (typeof l.url == 'undefined') return null; // only quotation marks in the url can screw us up now... I think var url = l.url.split('"').join('%22'); var ret = '<a href="' + url + '"'; if (typeof l.title != 'undefined' && l.title) { ret += ' title="' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(l.title) + '"'; } if (typeof l.onclick != 'undefined' && l.onclick) { ret += ' onclick="' + pg.escapeQuotesHTML(l.onclick) + '"'; } if (l.noPopup) { ret += ' noPopup=1'; } var newWin; if (typeof l.newWin == 'undefined' || l.newWin === null) { newWin = getValueOf('popupNewWindows'); } else { newWin = l.newWin; } if (newWin) { ret += ' target="_blank"'; } if (typeof l.className != 'undefined' && l.className) { ret += ' class="' + l.className + '"'; } ret += '>'; if (typeof l.text == typeof ) { // We need to HTML-escape this to avoid XSS, but we also want to // display any existing HTML entities correctly, so unescape it first. // For example, the display text of the user page menu item is defined // as "user page", so we need to unescape first to avoid it being // escaped to "user&nbsp;page". ret += pg.escapeQuotesHTML(pg.unescapeQuotesHTML(l.text)); } ret += '</a>'; return ret; } function appendParamsToLink(linkstr, params) { var sp = linkstr.parenSplit(RegExp('(href="[^"]+?)"', 'i')); if (sp.length < 2) return null; var ret = sp.shift() + sp.shift(); ret += '&' + params + '"'; ret += sp.join(); return ret; } function changeLinkTargetLink(x) { // newTarget, text, hint, summary, clickButton, minor, title (optional), alsoChangeLabel { if (x.newTarget) { log('changeLinkTargetLink: newTarget=' + x.newTarget); } if (x.oldTarget !== decodeURIComponent(x.oldTarget)) { log('This might be an input problem: ' + x.oldTarget); } // FIXME: first character of page title as well as namespace should be case insensitive // eg category:X1 and Category:X1 are equivalent // this'll break if charAt(0) is nasty var cA = mw.util.escapeRegExp(x.oldTarget); var chs = cA.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); chs = '[' + chs + chs.toLowerCase() + ']'; var currentArticleRegexBit = chs + cA.substring(1); currentArticleRegexBit = currentArticleRegexBit .split(RegExp('(?:[_ ]+|%20)', 'g')).join('(?:[_ ]+|%20)') .split('\\(').join('(?:%28|\\()') .split('\\)').join('(?:%29|\\))'); // why does this need to match encoded strings ? links in the document ? // leading and trailing space should be ignored, and anchor bits optional: currentArticleRegexBit = '\\s*(' + currentArticleRegexBit + '(?:#[^\\[\\|]*)?)\\s*'; // e.g. Computer (archaic) -> \s*([Cc]omputer[_ ](?:%2528|\()archaic(?:%2528|\)))\s* // autoedit=s~\[\[([Cc]ad)\]\]~$1~g;s~\[\[([Cc]AD)[|]~[[Computer-aided design|~g var title = x.title || mw.config.get('wgPageName').split('_').join(' '); var lk = titledWikiLink({ article: new Title(title), newWin: x.newWin, action: 'edit', text: x.text, title: x.hint, className: 'popup_change_title_link' }); var cmd = ; if (x.newTarget) { // escape '&' and other nasties var t = x.newTarget; var s = mw.util.escapeRegExp(x.newTarget); if (x.alsoChangeLabel) { cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '\\]\\]~' + t + '~g;'; cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '[|]~[[' + t + '|~g;'; cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + s + '\\|' + s + '\\]\\]~' + t + '~g'; } else { cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '\\]\\]~$1~g;'; cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '[|]~[[' + t + '|~g;'; cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + s + '\\|' + s + '\\]\\]~' + t + '~g'; } } else { cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '\\]\\]~$1~g;'; cmd += 's~\\[\\[' + currentArticleRegexBit + '[|](.*?)\\]\\]~$2~g'; } // Build query cmd = 'autoedit=' + encodeURIComponent(cmd); cmd += '&autoclick=' + encodeURIComponent(x.clickButton) + '&actoken=' + encodeURIComponent(autoClickToken()); cmd += (x.minor === null) ?  : '&autominor=' + encodeURIComponent(x.minor); cmd += (x.watch === null) ?  : '&autowatch=' + encodeURIComponent(x.watch); cmd += '&autosummary=' + encodeURIComponent(x.summary); cmd += '&autoimpl=' + encodeURIComponent(popupString('autoedit_version')); return appendParamsToLink(lk, cmd); } function redirLink(redirMatch, article) { // NB redirMatch is in wikiText var ret = ; if (getValueOf('popupAppendRedirNavLinks') && getValueOf('popupNavLinks')) { ret += '
'; if (getValueOf('popupFixRedirs') && typeof autoEdit != 'undefined' && autoEdit) { ret += popupString('Redirects to: (Fix '); log('redirLink: newTarget=' + redirMatch); ret += addPopupShortcut(changeLinkTargetLink({ newTarget: redirMatch, text: popupString('target'), hint: popupString('Fix this redirect, changing just the link target'), summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupFixRedirsSummary'), [article.toString(), redirMatch]), oldTarget: article.toString(), clickButton: getValueOf('popupRedirAutoClick'), minor: true, watch: getValueOf('popupWatchRedirredPages') }), 'R'); ret += popupString(' or '); ret += addPopupShortcut(changeLinkTargetLink({ newTarget: redirMatch, text: popupString('target & label'), hint: popupString('Fix this redirect, changing the link target and label'), summary: simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupFixRedirsSummary'), [article.toString(), redirMatch]), oldTarget: article.toString(), clickButton: getValueOf('popupRedirAutoClick'), minor: true, watch: getValueOf('popupWatchRedirredPages'), alsoChangeLabel: true }), 'R'); ret += popupString(')'); } else ret += popupString('Redirects') + popupString(' to '); return ret; } else return '
' + popupString('Redirects') + popupString(' to ') + titledWikiLink({ article: new Title().fromWikiText(redirMatch), action: 'view', /* FIXME: newWin */ text: safeDecodeURI(redirMatch), title: popupString('Bypass redirect') }); } function arinLink(l) { if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) { return null; } if (!l.article.isIpUser() || !pg.wiki.wikimedia) return null; var uN = l.article.userName(); return generalNavLink({ url: 'http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=' + encodeURIComponent(uN), newWin: l.newWin, title: tprintf('Look up %s in ARIN whois database', [uN]), text: l.text, noPopup: 1 }); } function toolDbName(cookieStyle) { var ret = mw.config.get('wgDBname'); if (!cookieStyle) { ret += '_p'; } return ret; } function saneLinkCheck(l) { if (typeof l.article != typeof {} || typeof l.text != typeof ) { return false; } return true; } function editCounterLink(l) { if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null; if (!pg.wiki.wikimedia) return null; var uN = l.article.userName(); var tool = getValueOf('popupEditCounterTool'); var url; var defaultToolUrl = '//tools.wmflabs.org/supercount/index.php?user=$1&project=$2.$3'; switch (tool) { case 'custom': url = simplePrintf(getValueOf('popupEditCounterUrl'), [encodeURIComponent(uN), toolDbName()]); break; case 'soxred': // no longer available case 'kate': // no longer available case 'interiot': // no longer available /* fall through */ case 'supercount': default: var theWiki = pg.wiki.hostname.split('.'); url = simplePrintf(defaultToolUrl, [encodeURIComponent(uN), theWiki[0], theWiki[1]]); } return generalNavLink({ url: url, title: tprintf('editCounterLinkHint', [uN]), newWin: l.newWin, text: l.text, noPopup: 1 }); } function globalSearchLink(l) { if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null; var base = 'http://vs.aka-online.de/cgi-bin/globalwpsearch.pl?timeout=120&search='; var article = l.article.urlString({ keepSpaces: true }); return generalNavLink({ url: base + article, newWin: l.newWin, title: tprintf('globalSearchHint', [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]), text: l.text, noPopup: 1 }); } function googleLink(l) { if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null; var base = 'https://www.google.com/search?q='; var article = l.article.urlString({ keepSpaces: true }); return generalNavLink({ url: base + '%22' + article + '%22', newWin: l.newWin, title: tprintf('googleSearchHint', [safeDecodeURI(l.article)]), text: l.text, noPopup: 1 }); } function editorListLink(l) { if (!saneLinkCheck(l)) return null; var article = l.article.articleFromTalkPage() || l.article; var url = 'https://xtools.wmflabs.org/articleinfo/' + encodeURI(pg.wiki.hostname) + '/' + article.urlString() + '?uselang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage'); return generalNavLink({ url: url, title: tprintf('editorListHint', [article]), newWin: l.newWin, text: l.text, noPopup: 1 }); } function generalNavLink(l) { l.className = (l.className === null) ? 'popupNavLink' : l.className; return generalLink(l); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // magic history links // function getHistoryInfo(wikipage, whatNext) { log('getHistoryInfo'); getHistory(wikipage, whatNext ? function(d) { whatNext(processHistory(d)); } : processHistory); } // FIXME eliminate pg.idNumber ... how? :-( function getHistory(wikipage, onComplete) { log('getHistory'); var url = pg.wiki.apiwikibase + '?format=json&formatversion=2&action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' + new Title(wikipage).urlString() + '&rvlimit=' + getValueOf('popupHistoryLimit'); log('getHistory: url=' + url); return startDownload(url, pg.idNumber + 'history', onComplete); } function processHistory(download) { var jsobj = getJsObj(download.data); try { var revisions = anyChild(jsobj.query.pages).revisions; var edits = []; for (var i = 0; i < revisions.length; ++i) { edits.push({ oldid: revisions[i].revid, editor: revisions[i].user }); } log('processed ' + edits.length + ' edits'); return finishProcessHistory(edits, mw.config.get('wgUserName')); } catch (someError) { log('Something went wrong with JSON business'); return finishProcessHistory([]); } } function finishProcessHistory(edits, userName) { var histInfo = {}; histInfo.edits = edits; histInfo.userName = userName; for (var i = 0; i < edits.length; ++i) { if (typeof histInfo.myLastEdit === 'undefined' && userName && edits[i].editor == userName) { histInfo.myLastEdit = { index: i, oldid: edits[i].oldid, previd: (i === 0 ? null : edits[i - 1].oldid) }; } if (typeof histInfo.firstNewEditor === 'undefined' && edits[i].editor != edits[0].editor) { histInfo.firstNewEditor = { index: i, oldid: edits[i].oldid, previd: (i === 0 ? null : edits[i - 1].oldid) }; } } //pg.misc.historyInfo=histInfo; return histInfo; } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: links.js // STARTFILE: options.js ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // options // check for existing value, else use default function defaultize(x) { if (pg.option[x] === null || typeof pg.option[x] == 'undefined') { if (typeof window[x] != 'undefined') pg.option[x] = window[x]; else pg.option[x] = pg.optionDefault[x]; } } function newOption(x, def) { pg.optionDefault[x] = def; } function setDefault(x, def) { return newOption(x, def); } function getValueOf(varName) { defaultize(varName); return pg.option[varName]; } /*eslint-disable */ function useDefaultOptions() { // for testing for (var p in pg.optionDefault) { pg.option[p] = pg.optionDefault[p]; if (typeof window[p] != 'undefined') { delete window[p]; } } } /*eslint-enable */ function setOptions() { // user-settable parameters and defaults var userIsSysop = false; if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')) { for (var g = 0; g < mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').length; ++g) { if (mw.config.get('wgUserGroups')[g] == "sysop") userIsSysop = true; } } // Basic options newOption('popupDelay', 0.5); newOption('popupHideDelay', 0.5); newOption('simplePopups', false); newOption('popupStructure', 'shortmenus'); // see later - default for popupStructure is 'original' if simplePopups is true newOption('popupActionsMenu', true); newOption('popupSetupMenu', true); newOption('popupAdminLinks', userIsSysop); newOption('popupShortcutKeys', false); newOption('popupHistoricalLinks', true); newOption('popupOnlyArticleLinks', true); newOption('removeTitles', true); newOption('popupMaxWidth', 350); newOption('popupSimplifyMainLink', true); newOption('popupAppendRedirNavLinks', true); newOption('popupTocLinks', false); newOption('popupSubpopups', true); newOption('popupDragHandle', false /* 'popupTopLinks'*/ ); newOption('popupLazyPreviews', true); newOption('popupLazyDownloads', true); newOption('popupAllDabsStubs', false); newOption('popupDebugging', false); newOption('popupActiveNavlinks', true); newOption('popupModifier', false); // ctrl, shift, alt or meta newOption('popupModifierAction', 'enable'); // or 'disable' newOption('popupDraggable', true); newOption('popupReview', false); newOption('popupLocale', false); newOption('popupDateTimeFormatterOptions', { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit' }); newOption('popupDateFormatterOptions', { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }); newOption('popupTimeFormatterOptions', { hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit' }); //<NOLITE> // images newOption('popupImages', true); newOption('imagePopupsForImages', true); newOption('popupNeverGetThumbs', false); //newOption('popupImagesToggleSize', true); newOption('popupThumbAction', 'imagepage'); //'sizetoggle'); newOption('popupImageSize', 60); newOption('popupImageSizeLarge', 200); // redirs, dabs, reversion newOption('popupFixRedirs', false); newOption('popupRedirAutoClick', 'wpDiff'); newOption('popupFixDabs', false); newOption('popupDabsAutoClick', 'wpDiff'); newOption('popupRevertSummaryPrompt', false); newOption('popupMinorReverts', false); newOption('popupRedlinkRemoval', false); newOption('popupRedlinkAutoClick', 'wpDiff'); newOption('popupWatchDisambiggedPages', null); newOption('popupWatchRedirredPages', null); newOption('popupDabWiktionary', 'last'); // navlinks newOption('popupNavLinks', true); newOption('popupNavLinkSeparator', ' ⋅ '); newOption('popupLastEditLink', true); newOption('popupEditCounterTool', 'supercount'); newOption('popupEditCounterUrl', ); //</NOLITE> // previews etc newOption('popupPreviews', true); newOption('popupSummaryData', true); newOption('popupMaxPreviewSentences', 5); newOption('popupMaxPreviewCharacters', 600); newOption('popupLastModified', true); newOption('popupPreviewKillTemplates', true); newOption('popupPreviewRawTemplates', true); newOption('popupPreviewFirstParOnly', true); newOption('popupPreviewCutHeadings', true); newOption('popupPreviewButton', false); newOption('popupPreviewButtonEvent', 'click'); //<NOLITE> // diffs newOption('popupPreviewDiffs', true); newOption('popupDiffMaxLines', 100); newOption('popupDiffContextLines', 2); newOption('popupDiffContextCharacters', 40); newOption('popupDiffDates', true); newOption('popupDiffDatePrinter', 'toLocaleString'); // no longer in use // edit summaries. God, these are ugly. newOption('popupReviewedSummary', popupString('defaultpopupReviewedSummary')); newOption('popupFixDabsSummary', popupString('defaultpopupFixDabsSummary')); newOption('popupExtendedRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupExtendedRevertSummary')); newOption('popupRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRevertSummary')); newOption('popupRevertToPreviousSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRevertToPreviousSummary')); newOption('popupQueriedRevertSummary', popupString('defaultpopupQueriedRevertSummary')); newOption('popupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary', popupString('defaultpopupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary')); newOption('popupFixRedirsSummary', popupString('defaultpopupFixRedirsSummary')); newOption('popupRedlinkSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRedlinkSummary')); newOption('popupRmDabLinkSummary', popupString('defaultpopupRmDabLinkSummary')); //</NOLITE> // misc newOption('popupHistoryLimit', 50); //<NOLITE> newOption('popupFilters', [popupFilterStubDetect, popupFilterDisambigDetect, popupFilterPageSize, popupFilterCountLinks, popupFilterCountImages, popupFilterCountCategories, popupFilterLastModified ]); newOption('extraPopupFilters', []); newOption('popupOnEditSelection', 'cursor'); newOption('popupPreviewHistory', true); newOption('popupImageLinks', true); newOption('popupCategoryMembers', true); newOption('popupUserInfo', true); newOption('popupHistoryPreviewLimit', 25); newOption('popupContribsPreviewLimit', 25); newOption('popupRevDelUrl', '//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Revision_deletion'); newOption('popupShowGender', true); //</NOLITE> // new windows newOption('popupNewWindows', false); newOption('popupLinksNewWindow', { 'lastContrib': true, 'sinceMe': true }); // regexps newOption('popupDabRegexp', '\\{\\{\\s*(d(ab|isamb(ig(uation)?)?)|(((geo|hn|road?|school|number)dis)|[234][lc][acw]|(road|ship)index))\\s*(\\|[^}]*)?\\}\\}|is a .*disambiguation.*page'); newOption('popupAnchorRegexp', 'anchors?'); //how to identify an anchors template newOption('popupStubRegexp', '(sect)?stub[}][}]|This .*-related article is a .*stub'); newOption('popupImageVarsRegexp', 'image|image_(?:file|skyline|name|flag|seal)|cover|badge|logo'); } // ENDFILE: options.js // STARTFILE: strings.js //<NOLITE> ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Translatable strings ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // See instructions at // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Tools/Navigation_popups/Translation pg.string = { ///////////////////////////////////// // summary data, searching etc. ///////////////////////////////////// 'article': 'article', 'category': 'category', 'categories': 'categories', 'image': 'image', 'images': 'images', 'stub': 'stub', 'section stub': 'section stub', 'Empty page': 'Empty page', 'kB': 'kB', 'bytes': 'bytes', 'day': 'day', 'days': 'days', 'hour': 'hour', 'hours': 'hours', 'minute': 'minute', 'minutes': 'minutes', 'second': 'second', 'seconds': 'seconds', 'week': 'week', 'weeks': 'weeks', 'search': 'search', 'SearchHint': 'Find English Wikipedia articles containing %s', 'web': 'web', 'global': 'global', 'globalSearchHint': 'Search across Wikipedias in different languages for %s', 'googleSearchHint': 'Google for %s', ///////////////////////////////////// // article-related actions and info // (some actions also apply to user pages) ///////////////////////////////////// 'actions': 'actions', ///// view articles and view talk 'popupsMenu': 'popups', 'togglePreviewsHint': 'Toggle preview generation in popups on this page', 'enable previews': 'enable previews', 'disable previews': 'disable previews', 'toggle previews': 'toggle previews', 'show preview': 'show preview', 'reset': 'reset', 'more...': 'more...', 'disable': 'disable popups', 'disablePopupsHint': 'Disable popups on this page. Reload page to re-enable.', 'historyfeedHint': 'RSS feed of recent changes to this page', 'purgePopupsHint': 'Reset popups, clearing all cached popup data.', 'PopupsHint': 'Reset popups, clearing all cached popup data.', 'spacebar': 'space', 'view': 'view', 'view article': 'view article', 'viewHint': 'Go to %s', 'talk': 'talk', 'talk page': 'talk page', 'this revision': 'this revision', 'revision %s of %s': 'revision %s of %s', 'Revision %s of %s': 'Revision %s of %s', 'the revision prior to revision %s of %s': 'the revision prior to revision %s of %s', 'Toggle image size': 'Click to toggle image size', 'del': 'del', ///// delete, protect, move 'delete': 'delete', 'deleteHint': 'Delete %s', 'undeleteShort': 'un', 'UndeleteHint': 'Show the deletion history for %s', 'protect': 'protect', 'protectHint': 'Restrict editing rights to %s', 'unprotectShort': 'un', 'unprotectHint': 'Allow %s to be edited by anyone again', 'send thanks': 'send thanks', 'ThanksHint': 'Send a thank you notification to this user', 'move': 'move', 'move page': 'move page', 'MovepageHint': 'Change the title of %s', 'edit': 'edit', ///// edit articles and talk 'edit article': 'edit article', 'editHint': 'Change the content of %s', 'edit talk': 'edit talk', 'new': 'new', 'new topic': 'new topic', 'newSectionHint': 'Start a new section on %s', 'null edit': 'null edit', 'nullEditHint': 'Submit an edit to %s, making no changes ', 'hist': 'hist', ///// history, diffs, editors, related 'history': 'history', 'historyHint': 'List the changes made to %s', 'last': 'prev', // For labelling the previous revision in history pages; the key is "last" for backwards compatibility 'lastEdit': 'lastEdit', 'mark patrolled': 'mark patrolled', 'markpatrolledHint': 'Mark this edit as patrolled', 'Could not marked this edit as patrolled': 'Could not marked this edit as patrolled', 'show last edit': 'most recent edit', 'Show the last edit': 'Show the effects of the most recent change', 'lastContrib': 'lastContrib', 'last set of edits': 'latest edits', 'lastContribHint': 'Show the net effect of changes made by the last editor', 'cur': 'cur', 'diffCur': 'diffCur', 'Show changes since revision %s': 'Show changes since revision %s', '%s old': '%s old', // as in 4 weeks old 'oldEdit': 'oldEdit', 'purge': 'purge', 'purgeHint': 'Demand a fresh copy of %s', 'raw': 'source', 'rawHint': 'Download the source of %s', 'render': 'simple', 'renderHint': 'Show a plain HTML version of %s', 'Show the edit made to get revision': 'Show the edit made to get revision', 'sinceMe': 'sinceMe', 'changes since mine': 'diff my edit', 'sinceMeHint': 'Show changes since my last edit', 'Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s': 'Couldn\'t find an edit by %s\nin the last %s edits to\n%s', 'eds': 'eds', 'editors': 'editors', 'editorListHint': 'List the users who have edited %s', 'related': 'related', 'relatedChanges': 'relatedChanges', 'related changes': 'related changes', 'RecentchangeslinkedHint': 'Show changes in articles related to %s', 'editOld': 'editOld', ///// edit old version, or revert 'rv': 'rv', 'revert': 'revert', 'revertHint': 'Revert to %s', 'defaultpopupReviewedSummary': 'Accepted by reviewing the difference between this version and previously accepted version using popups', 'defaultpopupRedlinkSummary': 'Removing link to empty page %s using popups', 'defaultpopupFixDabsSummary': 'Disambiguate %s to %s using popups', 'defaultpopupFixRedirsSummary': 'Redirect bypass from %s to %s using popups', 'defaultpopupExtendedRevertSummary': 'Revert to revision dated %s by %s, oldid %s using popups', 'defaultpopupRevertToPreviousSummary': 'Revert to the revision prior to revision %s using popups', 'defaultpopupRevertSummary': 'Revert to revision %s using popups', 'defaultpopupQueriedRevertToPreviousSummary': 'Revert to the revision prior to revision $1 dated $2 by $3 using popups', 'defaultpopupQueriedRevertSummary': 'Revert to revision $1 dated $2 by $3 using popups', 'defaultpopupRmDabLinkSummary': 'Remove link to dab page %s using popups', 'Redirects': 'Redirects', // as in Redirects to ... ' to ': ' to ', // as in Redirects to ... 'Bypass redirect': 'Bypass redirect', 'Fix this redirect': 'Fix this redirect', 'disambig': 'disambig', ///// add or remove dab etc. 'disambigHint': 'Disambiguate this link to %s', 'Click to disambiguate this link to:': 'Click to disambiguate this link to:', 'remove this link': 'remove this link', 'remove all links to this page from this article': 'remove all links to this page from this article', 'remove all links to this disambig page from this article': 'remove all links to this disambig page from this article', 'mainlink': 'mainlink', ///// links, watch, unwatch 'wikiLink': 'wikiLink', 'wikiLinks': 'wikiLinks', 'links here': 'links here', 'whatLinksHere': 'whatLinksHere', 'what links here': 'what links here', 'WhatlinkshereHint': 'List the pages that are hyperlinked to %s', 'unwatchShort': 'un', 'watchThingy': 'watch', // called watchThingy because {}.watch is a function 'watchHint': 'Add %s to my watchlist', 'unwatchHint': 'Remove %s from my watchlist', 'Only found one editor: %s made %s edits': 'Only found one editor: %s made %s edits', '%s seems to be the last editor to the page %s': '%s seems to be the last editor to the page %s', 'rss': 'rss', ///////////////////////////////////// // diff previews ///////////////////////////////////// 'Diff truncated for performance reasons': 'Diff truncated for performance reasons', 'Old revision': 'Old revision', 'New revision': 'New revision', 'Something went wrong :-(': 'Something went wrong :-(', 'Empty revision, maybe non-existent': 'Empty revision, maybe non-existent', 'Unknown date': 'Unknown date', ///////////////////////////////////// // other special previews ///////////////////////////////////// 'Empty category': 'Empty category', 'Category members (%s shown)': 'Category members (%s shown)', 'No image links found': 'No image links found', 'File links': 'File links', 'No image found': 'No image found', 'Image from Commons': 'Image from Commons', 'Description page': 'Description page', 'Alt text:': 'Alt text:', 'revdel': 'Hidden revision', ///////////////////////////////////// // user-related actions and info ///////////////////////////////////// 'user': 'user', ///// user page, talk, email, space 'user page': 'user page', 'user talk': 'user talk', 'edit user talk': 'edit user talk', 'leave comment': 'leave comment', 'email': 'email', 'email user': 'email user', 'EmailuserHint': 'Send an email to %s', 'space': 'space', // short form for userSpace link 'PrefixIndexHint': 'Show pages in the userspace of %s', 'count': 'count', ///// contributions, log 'edit counter': 'edit counter', 'editCounterLinkHint': 'Count the contributions made by %s', 'contribs': 'contribs', 'contributions': 'contributions', 'deletedContribs': 'deleted contributions', 'DeletedcontributionsHint': 'List deleted edits made by %s', 'ContributionsHint': 'List the contributions made by %s', 'log': 'log', 'user log': 'user log', 'userLogHint': 'Show %s\'s user log', 'arin': 'ARIN lookup', ///// ARIN lookup, block user or IP 'Look up %s in ARIN whois database': 'Look up %s in the ARIN whois database', 'unblockShort': 'un', 'block': 'block', 'block user': 'block user', 'IpblocklistHint': 'Unblock %s', 'BlockipHint': 'Prevent %s from editing', 'block log': 'block log', 'blockLogHint': 'Show the block log for %s', 'protectLogHint': 'Show the protection log for %s', 'pageLogHint': 'Show the page log for %s', 'deleteLogHint': 'Show the deletion log for %s', 'Invalid %s %s': 'The option %s is invalid: %s', 'No backlinks found': 'No backlinks found', ' and more': ' and more', 'undo': 'undo', 'undoHint': 'undo this edit', 'Download preview data': 'Download preview data', 'Invalid or IP user': 'Invalid or IP user', 'Not a registered username': 'Not a registered username', 'BLOCKED': 'BLOCKED', 'Has blocks': 'Has blocks', ' edits since: ': ' edits since: ', 'last edit on ': 'last edit on ', 'he/him': 'he/him', 'she/her': 'she/her', ///////////////////////////////////// // Autoediting ///////////////////////////////////// 'Enter a non-empty edit summary or press cancel to abort': 'Enter a non-empty edit summary or press cancel to abort', 'Failed to get revision information, please edit manually.\n\n': 'Failed to get revision information, please edit manually.\n\n', 'The %s button has been automatically clicked. Please wait for the next page to load.': 'The %s button has been automatically clicked. Please wait for the next page to load.', 'Could not find button %s. Please check the settings in your javascript file.': 'Could not find button %s. Please check the settings in your javascript file.', ///////////////////////////////////// // Popups setup ///////////////////////////////////// 'Open full-size image': 'Open full-size image', 'zxy': 'zxy', 'autoedit_version': 'np20140416' }; function popupString(str) { if (typeof popupStrings != 'undefined' && popupStrings && popupStrings[str]) { return popupStrings[str]; } if (pg.string[str]) { return pg.string[str]; } return str; } function tprintf(str, subs) { if (typeof subs != typeof []) { subs = [subs]; } return simplePrintf(popupString(str), subs); } //</NOLITE> // ENDFILE: strings.js // STARTFILE: run.js //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run things //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For some reason popups requires a fully loaded page jQuery.ready(...) causes problems for some. // The old addOnloadHook did something similar to the below if (document.readyState == "complete") autoEdit(); //will setup popups else $(window).on('load', autoEdit); // Support for MediaWiki's live preview, VisualEditor's saves and Echo's flyout. (function() { var once = true; function dynamicContentHandler($content) { // Try to detect the hook fired on initial page load and disregard // it, we already hook to onload (possibly to different parts of // page - it's configurable) and running twice might be bad. Ugly… if ($content.attr('id') == 'mw-content-text') { if (once) { once = false; return; } } function registerHooksForVisibleNavpops() { for (var i = 0; pg.current.links && i < pg.current.links.length; ++i) { var navpop = pg.current.links[i].navpopup; if (!navpop || !navpop.isVisible()) { continue; } Navpopup.tracker.addHook(posCheckerHook(navpop)); } } function doIt() { registerHooksForVisibleNavpops(); $content.each(function() { this.ranSetupTooltipsAlready = false; setupTooltips(this); }); } setupPopups(doIt); } // This hook is also fired after page load. mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(dynamicContentHandler); mw.hook('ext.echo.overlay.beforeShowingOverlay').add(function($overlay) { dynamicContentHandler($overlay.find(".mw-echo-state")); }); })(); }); // ENDFILE: run.js
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