ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ:Chem molar mass
This template calculates the molecular mass (or molar mass) of a chemical compound. It is designed to be embedded in infoboxes {{Infobox drug}} and {{Chembox}}, but it can be used in-line just as well.
Rounding and uncertainty
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]- (to be documented, 2019-02-09)
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]Use chemical symbols to compose the molecular formula:
{{Chem molar mass|H=2|O=1}}
(for H
2O) → 18.015 g·mol−1
The next parameters will always show:|fixed=
to enter a fixed (predefined) value+unit. It will overwrite any calculated value+unit.
|ref=<ref>some source</ref>
will add the reference right after the unit.
|comment=Any text
is added as a suffix, after a space and unedited (no brackets added etc.).
{{Chem molar mass|fixed=234.56 g·mol<sup>−1</sup>|ref=<ref>Some source</ref>|comment=My Comment}}
→ 234.56 g·mol−1[1] My Comment
, for use in sortable tables: will add a hidden sortable number, and omits the unit (see table below).
Blank parameter list
{{Chem molar mass | round = | unit = | fixed = | ref = | comment = | sortable= }} |
{{Chem molar mass <!-- with 118 chemical symbols: -->|D= |H= |He= |Li= |Be= |B= |C= |N= |O= |F= |Ne= |Na= |Mg= |Al= |Si= |P= |S= |Cl= |Ar= |K= |Ca= |Sc= |Ti= |V= |Cr= |Mn= |Fe= |Co= |Ni= |Cu= |Zn= |Ga= |Ge= |As= |Se= |Br= |Kr= |Rb= |Sr= |Y= |Zr= |Nb= |Mo= |Tc= |Ru= |Rh= |Pd= |Ag= |Cd= |In= |Sn= |Sb= |Te= |I= |Xe= |Cs= |Ba= |La= |Ce= |Pr= |Nd= |Pm= |Sm= |Eu= |Gd= |Tb= |Dy= |Ho= |Er= |Tm= |Yb= |Lu= |Hf= |Ta= |W= |Re= |Os= |Ir= |Pt= |Au= |Hg= |Tl= |Pb= |Bi= |Po= |At= |Rn= |Fr= |Ra= |Ac= |Th= |Pa= |U= |Np= |Pu= |Am= |Cm= |Bk= |Cf= |Es= |Fm= |Md= |No= |Lr= |Rf= |Db= |Sg= |Bh= |Hs= |Mt= |Ds= |Rg= |Cn= |Nh= |Lv= |Mc= |Fl= |Ts= |Og= | round = | unit = | fixed = | ref = | comment = | sortable= }} |
Standard atomic weights used
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]ထႅမ်းပလဵတ်ႉ:Chem molar mass/testtable
Data sources (CIAAW)
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]Primarily, the atomic weights used here are defined by CIAAW [1]:
- Standard Atomic Weights. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights (CIAAW) (2015). Retrieved on 2015-09-20။ (68 elements)
- CIAAW also published additional lists in spreadsheet format (2013). It has additional conventional values for trade usage, and some background information on the numbers and calculations. (12 elements: B, Br, C, Cl, H, Li, Mg, N, O, S, Si, Tl).
- Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (xls). CIAAW (2013). Retrieved on 2015-05-26။
- Some unstable elements can naturally occur, and so are listed (4 elements: Bi, Th, Pa, U)
- Additional values are those of the most stable isotopes, as given in List of chemical elements (34 elements). This source is not supported by the CIAAW publications.
See also: Atomic weights of the elements 2013 (IUPAC Technical Report) (February 2016). DOI:10.1515/pac-2015-0305။ Retrieved on 2016-12-29။
- Interpreting and propagating the uncertainty of the standard atomic weights (IUPAC Technical Report) (2018-01-04). DOI:10.1515/pac-2016-0402။
Embedding in a template
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]The template is designed to be embedded in a template like {{Drugbox}}. The molecular formula can be entered like ...|H=2|O=1
, and these values then are passed through to this subtemplate, together with the other parameters like |round=
- 1. When some
is used, it is added as is, always ("by the editor"). - 2. When
is used, no unit is added to this (could be in it already). - 3. When
is used, no unit is added by the template (expected: put in top of table column). - 4. When value is calculated, unit g/mol is added by template.
- 5. There is automatic no conversion from g to kg.
Uncertainty handling
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]- Uncertainty is ignored.
- Calcium: Ar(Ca) being 40.078(4) is read and calculated as 40.078(0)
- Elements having interval notation are calculated by their conventional value.
- Hydrogen: [1.00784, 1.00811] is calculated using conventional: 1.008(0)
Calculate cumulative uncertainties
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]- Interpreting and propagating the uncertainty of the standard atomic weights (IUPAC Technical Report) (2018-01-04). Retrieved on 2019-02-08။
- [2], [3]
ပိူင်ထၢၼ်ႈ ဢၼ်ၸွမ်းႁွႆး
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]- Category:Articles with erroneous molar mass calculations (0)
- Category:Pages using Chem molar mass with unsupported parameters (0)
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]Chem molar mass
Parameter list (all element symbols, and template options)
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No description.
[မႄးထတ်းငဝ်ႈငႃႇ]- {{Chem molar mass/format}} -- subtemplate
- {{Chem molar mass/calc charge}} -- subtemplate
- {{Chem}} (formula)
- {{Atomic mass}}
- {{Molar mass}}
- {{Chem molar mass/sandbox}} -- tests sandbox template too (compare values).
- ↑ Some source