- ၶေႃႈသပ်းလႅင်း တႃႇၸႂ်ႉတိုဝ်း
- Converts an 8-bit number to hexadecimal using two digits, useful for formating RGB color components.
- This template can be substituted.
- သႂ်ႇၶေႃႈမုၼ်း
- one parameter, numeric in the range 0..255 (larger numbers will wrap around)
- ၽွၼ်းဢွၵ်ႇ
- a two-digit hex number
- တူဝ်ယၢင်ႇ
gives 00{{subst:Hex2|0}}
gives 00{{Hex2|123}}
gives 7B{{subst:Hex2|123}}
gives 7B{{Hex2|255}}
gives FF{{subst:Hex2|255}}
gives FF
- တူၺ်းပႃး
- {{Hex3}} for formating 3 RGB components at once.