လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး
{{Trim leading |<input> |<prefix> }}
Trims up to six instances of <prefix> (such as: 0 or "anti-") from the beginning of <input>. <Prefix> is set to "0" by default (for removing leading zeroes from numbers). Template will not properly work beyond the first whitespace in the input.
New code should strongly consider {{#invoke:string |replace}} or {{#invoke:MultiReplace |main}}.
For backward compatibility, both the input and pattern string are trimmed of surrounding whitespace before processing begins. This means you cannot remove three instances of "the " from "the the the thing"; instead you will remove one instance of "the".
{{Trim leading |duck duck duck goose |duck}}
→ duck duck goose
{{Trim leading |duckduckduckgoose |duck}}
→ goose
{{Trim leading |00000034 }}
→ 34
{{Trim leading |aaaaaa34|a }}
→ 34
{{Trim leading |U+0034|U+}}
→ 0034
{{Trim leading |anti-anti-neutrino |anti-}}
→ neutrino
String-handling templates
(help page)
By position of character(s) {{#invoke:string |sub}} {{ str sub new }} Select a substring based on starting and ending index counted in either direction. {{ str left }} Keep the first N characters of a string, or duplicate it to N characters. {{ str crop }} Return all but the last N characters of a string. {{ str index }} Return the N-th character of a string.
{{ str right }} Return substring starting at N-th character to end of string. {{ str rightc }} Return the last N characters of a string; or a given value if empty. {{ str rightmost }} Return last N characters of a string. {{ str sub old }} Return substring of given length starting at N-th character.
By checking Dedicated {{ ship prefix }} Returns the length of a ship's name prefix, if listed (ship names). {{ title year }} Returns the 3-or-4-digit year from a pagename, if any. {{ title decade }} Returns the 4-digit decade (e.g. "1740s") from a pagename, if any. {{ title number }} Returns any number from a pagename.
Insertion, replacement and length
{{ loop }} Repeat character string a specified number of times. {{ replace }} Returns the string, after replacing all occurrences of a specified string with another string. {{ str rep }} Returns the string, after replacing the first occurrence of a specified string with another string. {{ digits }} Returns the string, after removing all characters that are not digits 0–9 {{ Plain text }} , {{ Nowiki }} Strips wikicode from a string.
{{ str len }} Returns a string's length. {{ str ≥ len }} Check if a string is "longer or equally long" or "shorter" than a given length. {{ str ≤ len }} Check if a string is "shorter or equally long" or "longer" than a given length. {{ str ≠ len }} Check if a string is "not equal" or "equal" to a given length.
Analysis and searching
{{ str endswith }} Check if a string ends with a given string. {{ str find }} , {{ strfind short }} Returns the numerical location of a given string in a string. {{ in string }} Returns optional string when given string is not found {{ str find0 }} Zero-based substring search. {{ str count }} Count the number of occurrences of a pattern within a string.
{{ a or an }} Takes a noun and produces the appropriate indefinite article, based on whether the first letter is a vowel. {{ Isnumeric }} Returns number when true, blank when not numeric. {{ str letter }} Returns the number of letters that begin a string. {{ str number }} Returns the number of numbers that begin a string.
Modules and built-in functions