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ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး:A Side of Chips

လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး

Crunch, crunch!

Here is some chips to go with your fish!

The above is a side of chips (that's "french fries" to you Americans (that's "freedom fries" to you extra-American Americans)), often served with WikiTrout (Oncorhynchus macrowikipediensis). It is used in conjunction with a good trout to emphasize that although someone might have made a bad decision and needed a slight adjustment, it was clearly in the right direction.