သၢင်ႈၼႃႈလိၵ်ႈ "Y-take" တီႈဝီႇၶီႇၼႆႉ တူၺ်းပႃး ၽွၼ်းၶူၼ်ႉႁႃ ဢၼ်ႁႃႁၼ်ၺႃး။
- https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2019/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=78&pr.y=4&sy=2017&ey=2024&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=921&s=NGDPD%2CPPP...8 KB (159 ၶေႃႈ) - 19:25, 9 ဢေႃးၵၢတ်ႉ 2021
- Naypyitaw (in en-US) (2021-02-03). NLD lawmakers in Nay Pyi Taw defy military, take oath of office (in en-US) (2021-02-04). Statement on Recent Detainees in...142 KB (9,063 ၶေႃႈ) - 00:27, 22 တီႇသႅမ်ႇပႃႇ 2024
- expedition provided valuable information to the partnership, encouraging them to take into account the safety, culture, economics, and conservation of the Yunnan...125 KB (11,801 ၶေႃႈ) - 10:00, 9 ၼူဝ်ႇဝႅမ်ႇပႃႇ 2024
- မႃးတီႈ တႆးၸဵင်ႇၸၢၼ်းဝၼ်းတူၵ်း - ႁူဝ်တီး *jaːŋᴮ² (“to step; to take a step”)။ ၼိူင်းၵၼ်တူၺ်းတင်း ဢီႇသၢၼ် ญ่าง ဢမ်ႇၼၼ် ย่าง၊ လၢဝ်း ຍ່າງ (nyāng)၊ လိုဝ်ႉ ᦍᦱᧂᧈ