လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး
{{± | plusValue | minusValue}}
The template can be written "+-" for ease of typing, e.g. 70.5{{+-|2.0|1.8}}
returns ±2
returns +2.0
Superscript and subscript-related templates |
{{sup}} and related templates | Combined super/subscripts |
sup | | textsuperscript superscripttext | smallsup | (ssup) | textsmall superscript small superscripttext | i sup | (isup⧼dot-separator⧽padlsup) | textsuperscript (rather than: textsuperscript) | i smallsup | (issup⧼dot-separator⧽padlssup) | textsmall superscript (rather than: textsmall superscript) | b sup | (bsup) | textsuperscript (rather than: textsuperscript) | sub | | textsubscript subscripttext | smallsub | (ssub) | textsmall subscript small subscripttext | subsub | | textdouble-subscripted double-subscriptedtext |
| |