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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး
ၵၼ်ပွင်ႈလိၵ်ႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ်လွင်ႈ the group of Sinitic language varieties ယဝ်ႉ။ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ other languages spoken in China Languages of China
ဢဝ် "Han language" ၼႆႉ ပိၼ်ႇၸီႉၸူး တီႈၼႆႈ။ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇ the Athabaskan language ၼၼ်ႉ တူၺ်းတီႈ Hän language ၼၼ်ႉလႄႈ။ တွၼ်ႈတႃႇthe Koreanic language family တူၺ်းတီႈ Han languages ၼၼ်ႉလႄႈ။
Unless otherwise specified, Chinese in this article is written in simplified Chinese/traditional Chinese; en:pinyin order. If the simplified and traditional characters are the same, they are written only once.
汉语/漢語, Hànyǔ or 中文, Zhōngwén
Hànyǔ written in traditional (top) and simplified characters (middle); Zhōngwén (bottom)
ၵူၼ်းပိုၼ်ႉတီႈ Chinese-speaking world
ၵူၼ်းလၢတ်ႈၵႂၢမ်း ပိုၼ်ႉတီႈ
1.2 billion (2004)[1]
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese

Pinyin (Latin)
Xiao'erjing (Arabic)
Dungan (Cyrillic)
Chinese Braille
en:ʼPhags-pa script (Historical)
ၽူႈထိင်းသိမ်း ၸွမ်းၶႂၢင်ႇ National Commission on Language and Script Work (Mainland China)[2]
National Languages Committee (Taiwan)
en:Civil Service Bureau (Hong Kong)
Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (Macau)
Chinese Language Standardisation Council (မလေးသျႃး)
Promote Mandarin Council (သိင်ႇၵႃႇပူဝ်ႇ)
ISO 639-1 zh
ISO 639-2 chi (B)
zho (T)
ISO 639-3 zhoၶူတ်ႉဢၼ်ၶဝ်ႈပႃး
cdo – Min Dong
cjy – Jinyu
cmn – Mandarin
cpx – Pu Xian
czh – Huizhou
czo – Min Zhong
gan – Gan
hak – Hakka
hsn – Xiang
mnp – Min Bei
nan – Min Nan
wuu – Wu
yue – Yue
csp – Southern Pinghua
cnp – Northern Pinghua
och – ၶႄႇပၢၼ်ၵဝ်ႇ
ltc – Late Middle Chinese
lzh – Classical Chinese
Glottolog sini1245
Linguasphere 79-AAA
Map of the Chinese-speaking world.
  Countries and regions with a native Chinese-speaking majority.
  Countries and regions where Chinese is not native but an official or educational language.
  Countries with significant Chinese-speaking minorities.
တီႈၼႂ်းလိၵ်ႈႁွမ်တွမ်ၼႆႉ မၼ်းၶဝ်ႈပႃး မၢႆႁၢင်ႈ သဵင်ဢွၵ်ႇ IPA ယဝ်ႉ။ ပေႃးဢမ်ႇမီး လွင်ႉၵမ်ႉထႅမ်ဢၼ်မၢၼ်ႇမႅၼ်ႈၼႆ ၸိူဝ်းပဵၼ် တူဝ်လိၵ်ႈ ယူႇၼီႇၶူတ်ႉၼၼ်ႉ တေလႆႈႁၼ်ပဵၼ် ? ၊ လွၵ်းသီႇၸဵင်ႇ ၸၵႂႃႇၸိူဝ်းၼႆႉယဝ်ႉ။ ပေႃးၶႂ်ႈတူၺ်း လွင်ႈသိုပ်ႇမိုတ်ႈ IPA ၼႆ ၵႂႃႇတူၺ်းလႆႈတီႈ Help:IPA လႆႈယူႇ။
Chinese language(s) (general/spoken)
ၶႄႇပၢၼ်မႂ်ႇ 汉语
ၶႄႇပၢၼ်ၵဝ်ႇ 漢語
Literal meaning ၽႃႇသႃႇၵႂၢမ်းႁၢၼ်ႇ
Chinese language (written)
Chinese 中文
Literal meaning Middle/Central/Chinese လိၵ်ႈ
  1. de facto: While no specific variety of Chinese is official in Hong Kong and Macau, Cantonese is the predominent spoken form and the en:de facto regional standard, written in traditional Chinese characters. Standard Mandarin and simplified Chinese characters are only occasionally used in some official and educational settings. The HK SAR Government promotes 兩文三語 [Bi-literacy (Chinese, English) and Tri-lingualism (Cantonese, Mandarin, English)], while the Macau SAR Government promotes 三文四語 [Tri-literacy (Chinese, Portuguese, English) and Quad-lingualism (Cantonese, Mandarin, Portuguese, English)], especially in public education.
  1. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2012), p. 3.
  2. china-language.gov.cn Archived 2015-12-18 at the Wayback Machine. (in Chinese)