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လုၵ်ႉတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢၼ်လွတ်ႈလႅဝ်းထၢင်ႇႁၢင်ႈ ၼၼ်ႉမႃး

Use this template to produce the character or characters " [ " as ordinary text rather than as part of a link [[ ]], transclusion {{ }}, variable {{{ }}}, etc.
The HTML character code "[" may also be used, which will never be interpreted as markup even if nested in multiple templates or similar.

Template call
(m for magic word)
Output (delayed interpretation as wikimarkup) HTML alternative (never interpreted as wikimarkup)
{{!}} (m) | | or {{pipe}}
{{=}} = =
{{!!}} || ||
{{!(}} [ [
{{)!}} ] ]
{{!((}} [[ [[
{{))!}} ]] ]]
{{(}} { {
{{)}} } }
{{((}} {{ {{
{{))}} }} }}
{{(((}} {{{ {{{
{{)))}} }}} }}}
{{(!}} {| {|
{{!-}} |- |-
{{!)}} |} |}

The following templates enclose text inside the indicated symbols:

  • Template:Braces, to produce text such as "{{example text}}" (without triggering a transclusion)
  • Template:(()), like Template:Braces, except that this does not produce html markup, so that it can be processed and expanded by Lua frame:preprocess() function
  • Template:Brackets, to produce text such as "[[example text]]" (without triggering a wikilink)
  • Template:Bracket, to produce text such as "[example text]" or "[example text]"
  • Template:Mset, to produce text such as "{1, 2, ..., N}" (i.e., a mathematical set)
  • Template:Tlf, to produce text such as "{{example text}}" (without triggering a transclusion)


ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းၸိူဝ်းၽၢႆႇတႂ်ႈၼႆႉ ပဵၼ် တူဝ်ထတ်းတႃႁၼ်(VisualEditor) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးၼၼ်ႉ ယိူင်းဢၢၼ်း တႃႇဢဝ် ၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉ ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃးတႆးသေ ၸင်ႇလႆႈဢဝ် ပိူင် ၶေႃႈမုၼ်းထႅမ်းပလဵၵ်ႉ (TemplateData) ဢၼ်မီးတီႈ ဝီႇၶီႇၽီးတီးယႃး ဢိင်းၵလဵတ်ႈၼၼ်ႉ ႁဵတ်းဝႆႉပဵၼ် တီႈမၢႆတီႈတွင်းယဝ်ႉ။ ႁူမ်ႈဝႃႈ ပႆႇၸႂ်ႉၶိူင်ႈၸိူဝ်းၼၼ်ႉသေတႃႉ ပေႃးပဵၼ် ၵူၼ်းႁူႉလွင်ႈတႅမ်ႈပရူဝ်ႇၵရႅမ်ႇ (computer programming) ဢိတ်းဢွတ်းၵေႃႈ ႁႂ်ႈပေႃးႁၼ်လႆႈၸႅင်ႈလႅင်းလီၼႆသေ ၸၢင်ႈဢဝ်ၸႂ်ႉလႆႈ သၽေႃးတီႈၵႅပ်ႈမၼ်းလႆႈယူႇ။


This template produces [ as ordinary text.

Template parameters

No parameters specified